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Online:Seducer Trilvath

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Seducer Trilvath
Location Sanguine's Demesne
Race Dark Seducer Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Sanguine's Revelers
Seducer Trilvath

Seducer Trilvath is a Dark Seducer leaning against a wall in Sanguine's Demesne.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you approach her, she'll say:

"You smell different, mortal. I could use you."

She will ask you to trap the Aldmeri infiltrators at the party:

"Welcome to Lord Sanguine's celebration, mortal. My lord requires you to perform a simple task. But have no fear, it will benefit us both."
What do you need?
"I see that Aldmeri spies have infiltrated the celebration. Sanguine welcomes all, but all must partake of his drink. If these spies wish to remain, they must drink from Sanguine's goblet. Then they will be bound to the party."
How does this concern me?
"I need something done, and I want you to do it. Besides, these spies threaten your Pact.
Find the Aldmeri spies, make them drink from Sanguine's goblet, and I will reward you."
I'll find the Aldmeri spies.

Speaking to her again:

"If any of those haughty High Elves don't fancy a drink … well, you may have to be a bit more insistent."

Return to her and she'll say:

"My agents tell me that three new souls have joined the celebration."
The spies drank from the goblet.
"Excellent! My Lord Sanguine will be pleased.
You have the stench of Molag Bal upon you, but you did as I asked. Thank you, mortal."

Speak to her after completing the quest, and she'll say:

"Enjoy the party, mortal."


  • If you completed the quest without losing your soul to Molag Bal, she will still treat you as if your soul was taken away.