Seeks-the-Dark | |||
Location | Eton Nir Grotto Blackrose Prison ![]() Borderwatch ![]() |
Race | Argonian | Gender | Male |
Health | 39,959 15,000 (At the end of "Looting the Light") 52,800 (In Blackrose Prison) ![]() |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Follower | A Keep's Ransom![]() |
Faction(s) | Thieves Guild Blackguards (formerly) |
Seeks-the-Dark is an Argonian found inside the Eton Nir Grotto. He is here on a mission from the Thieves Guild to salvage some relics of the Cult of Meridia from their camps with his apprentice, Erilthel. He doesn't seem too fond of her.
He can be encountered again in Murkmire, where he has been captured by the Blackguards. He is being held in Blackrose Prison by Drakeeh the Unchained. Here you learn that Seeks-the-Dark used to be one of the Blackguards, and went by the name "Pimaxi-Taeed" before abandoning them and joining the Thieves Guild.
Related QuestsEdit
- Looting the Light: Help Seeks-the-Dark obtain the tokens and find his assistant.
- The Black Gauntlet : Enter a deadly gauntlet held by the Blackguards of Blackrose Prison.
- A Keep's Ransom : Infiltrate an occupied fort and rescue the hostages.
- Heroes of Blackwood : Attend the celebration thrown for you.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Looting the LightEdit
He can be found inside the entrance of Eton Nir Grotto, where he can be overheard talking to himself:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "I knew I shouldn't have let her go in. Idiot!"
When you talk to him, his greeting will differ, depending on the following: If you are a member of the Thieves Guild:
- "The Thieves Guild send you? Hmph. Wouldn't go any deeper if I were you. Darkness crawls along the walls of Eton Nir. Only thing you'll find here is an ugly death.
That, and the corpse of my former apprentice. Most likely."
If you are an Argonian:
- "Wouldn't go any deeper if I were you, sap-friend. Darkness crawls along the walls of Eton Nir. Only thing you'll find here is an ugly death.
That, and the corpse of my former apprentice. Most likely."
If you are not an Argonian:
- "Wouldn't go any deeper if I were you, dryskin. Darkness crawls along the walls of Eton Nir. Only thing you'll find here is an ugly death.
That, and the corpse of my former apprentice. Most likely."
Either way, you can ask about his apprentice:
- What happened to your apprentice?
- "No idea. Erilthel asked to take the lead, and I obligingly took a nap. Didn't think it would be any trouble, even for a lackwit like her. Sneak past come cultists, grab the tokens, get out clean. Easy.
But now the place is swarming with Daedra." - So you think Erilthel is dead?
- "Well, she's certainly missing, and I'm not risking my scaly hide going in to find her.
Hmm. You look scrappy enough. If you can grab those tokens and what's left oy my apprentice, I'll make it worth your while. What do you say?" - I can collect the tokens and look for Erilthel.
After agreeing to help look for Erilthel, you can ask some questions:
- "I suppose I could answer some questions. Long as they're quick. I don't suspect Erilthel will make it out alive, but there's no use prolonging the news."
- You don't seem very worried about Erilthel.
- "What, are you the kind of sap who sheds a tear for every idiot lost on a job? Eh.
If you're so worried, what are you standing around here for? Go in and find her. Maybe she's still alive. Most likely not, but there's still a chance."- I thought you said she was your apprentice.
- "Not by choice. The Guild shoved her in my lap and told me to start training. So far, all she's been good for is buzzing in my ear. Like some kind of mire-gnat.
Besides, I'm paying you to look for her, aren't I? Good enough."
- "Not by choice. The Guild shoved her in my lap and told me to start training. So far, all she's been good for is buzzing in my ear. Like some kind of mire-gnat.
- I thought you said she was your apprentice.
- "What, are you the kind of sap who sheds a tear for every idiot lost on a job? Eh.
- What happened to the cult here?
- "No idea. A cult of Meridia doesn't usually make a big splash, but here in Summerset? Well, they don't look kindly on Daedric cults. Even the nice ones. Not surprised someone wanted them gone.
Well, no matter to me. Long as I get those tokens."- Why does the Thieves Guild want those tokens of Meridia anyway?
- "Not entirely sure, truth be told. All I know is they're worth something, to someone. Why that is, well, it's not my job to ask questions. Long as I get paid."
- Why does the Thieves Guild want those tokens of Meridia anyway?
- "No idea. A cult of Meridia doesn't usually make a big splash, but here in Summerset? Well, they don't look kindly on Daedric cults. Even the nice ones. Not surprised someone wanted them gone.
- You don't seem very worried about Erilthel.
Once the tokens are collected and Erilthel is free:
- "I see that Erilthel made it back in one piece. Thank the Hist. The Guild might have docked my pay if she wound up dead.
More importantly, did you find the tokens of Meridia in there?" - Here are the tokens.
- "Good. I'll get these tokens back to the Thieves Guild. Honestly, this is one of the smoother operations I've been part of … sad as that is.
Maybe one day we'll do another job together. Not likely, but maybe."
He will then speak to Erilthel:
- Erilthel: "Can we get moving now? I'm just itching to get to our next assignment!"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "The itching's probably just a symptom of the venom. Next your flesh will start to rot off. Seen it happen a million times."
- Erilthel: "Seeks, you're hilarious! I just can't get enough of your jokes. My skin's going to rot off, ha! Oh, what will you come up with next?"
If spoken to again:
- "It was a close call with this mess. Lucky for me you showed up."
- How's Erilthel holding up?
- "Erilthel should be fine. I'll give her a bit to recover, then we'll make our way to a healer nearby. I know an elf who can keep quiet about these matters, for the right price."
- Will you keep training her?
- "Suppose so. What have I got to lose? Besides her again, I guess.
At least the lass is enthusiastic about the work. Always prattling on about becoming a great thief. Who knows, she might surprise me. Most likely not, but maybe."
The Black GauntletEdit
In Murkmire, Erilthel will ask for your help to rescue her mentor from Blackrose Prison. You can free him after going through the arena gauntlet and defeating Drakeeh the Unchained on the final stage.
Erilthel will enter:
- Erilthel: "Seeks! Are you all right?"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Ah, Erilthel. So nice of you to finally show yourself."
Speaking with him: If you haven't met him in Summerset before, he'll say:
- "How fortunate for me that someone capable finally arrived."
- "So we meet again. Fortunate for me, I suppose."
Then the conversation flows normally.
- Why did the Blackguards target you?
- "It's simple, really. I used to be a Blackguard. Then I decided not to be.
However, like most illegal operations, my retirement options involved either death or desertion. I obviously chose the latter. Drakeeh didn't take kindly to that decision." - Why were you a Blackguard?
- "I was young and stupid. I wanted power, and didn't have an issue with using illegal means to obtain it. Still don't, obviously, given my position within the Thieves Guild.
I did, however, have an issue with coldblooded murder." - Why choose to come back to Murkmire, if there was such a risk?
- "I didn't accept a job in Murkmire. Erilthel did, on my behalf. By the time I learned what happened, there was no good reason to turn it down.
It seems I'm just as dimwitted as my ever faithful apprentice." - You don't seem very grateful for the rescue.
- "Oh, I'm sure Erilthel has blabbered on about your great deeds enough for both of us.
You should be proud, in fact. After all this, you'll probably get an entire chapter dedicated to you in that book she's writing." - A book she's writing?
- ""The Adventures of Lady Twilight" or some other such dribble. She talks about it nonstop. Has even read me a few passages.
Not that I asked her to, of course. But once Erilthel gets going, few things stop her."
If you pass by Blackrose Prison after rescuing Seeks-the-Dark, you can find him speaking with Erilthel.
- Erilthel: "Now that we've put Blackrose behind us, it's time to finally complete our mission!"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Or we could lay low. Get some rest, recuperate from our near death experience ...."
- Erilthel: "Rest? Recuperate? You're mentoring Lady Twilight herself, soon to be the greatest thief of our generation! There's no time for such things!"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Not even a day with you, and I'm already looking back at my days of capture with longing."
A Keep's RansomEdit
Speaking with Commander Axius outside Borderwatch, he will explain that a group known as the Painted Eye took over the fort while taking hostages. Prior to you arriving a pair of "infiltrators" said they could rescue the hostages. Nothing has been heard of them since then, once in the sewers you will come across Erilthel who will want your help in finding Seeks after he lured some Painted Eyes away to stop capturing her. He can be found in a cage within the cellars.
Seeks-the-Dark wastes no time in chastising Erilthel for coming back to save him:
- Erilthel: "Seeks! Hold on, I'll get the lock!"
- <Erithel runs up to the cage and crouches down to begin picking the lock.>
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Erilthel! I told you to run!"
- Erilthel: "I did, but then I ran into our friend here and-hey, did you let yourself get caught so I could get away?"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Pfft, unlike you I know when to make an escape. You. Come here. We need to talk."
You can then speak with him to find out what has happened:
After being assigned to finding the hostages, you can ask more about his predicament:
- "I'll leave finding the hostages to you. Erilthel can lead them out through the sewers. And I'll … be the distraction. Again.
Start by checking the tower, southwest of the fortress. I overheard that they were holding a group of captives there." - Why were you locked up?
- "A Painted Eye patrol cornered me after I sent Erilthel away from the fortress. I convinced them that I was just a dung-shoveler for the garrison. Seemed better to be a hostage than get gut-stabbed."
- Why are a pair of thieves rescuing hostages?
- "Thieves? Who told you tha—Erilthel …!
Look, I didn't ask why you're here on the job we're being paid for. And the hostages certainly don't care who actually frees them. So let's just forget about the matter of occupational titles, shall we?"
- "Thieves? Who told you tha—Erilthel …!
Once you have spoken with Seeks, Erithel will have unlocked the door. The Argonian will waste no time admonishing his student:
- Erilthel: "There we go! One picked lock, courtesy of Lady Twilight."
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Next time, keep your eyes off the lock. Work by feel and watch your surroundings."
- Erilthel: "Oh, good point! So, I get that I'm supposed to lead the hostages to safety, but what happens after they're all free?"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Then it's your turn to get clear of this place, like I told you before. And you'll listen, this time. It's too dangerous with your amount of training."
- Erilthel: "But what about—"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Not another word."
After you enter the big courtyard of Borderwatch, you can rescue the hostages from various locations in the area. They will all have some information on the Painted Eye and their true plan. When you lead the last group of hostages to the sewer entrance, Seeks will be waiting for you:
You'll meet Seeks-the-Dark at the sewer entrance with the last group of hostages:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Tell me that's the last of them. All this running is drying my scales."
You can then tell Seeks what you learnt about a missing scholar, at this Seeks will admit why he and his student originally came to Borderwatch:
- "Think I had damn near every Painted Eye on my tail at one point. The good news is I'm faster than a fireball. Barely.
I already ordered Erilthel back to Commander Axius's camp. Lead these folks out through the sewers and meet her there." - We're missing a hostage—an Ayleid scholar. The Painted Eye dragged him off to the keep.
- "An Ayleid—damn. So these Painted Eye bastards really are after it. Never is such a thing as coincidence.
It's time I come clean. Erilthel and I didn't travel to Borderwatch just to play heroes. We came to do a job for the Thieves Guild." - So, you came here to steal something?
- "That's … mostly right. Somewhere beneath this fortress is an Ayleid ruin. One the garrison doesn't know about.
Erilthel and I were hired to steal a relic from it—a powerful one. And it looks like the Painted Eye's here for the same damn thing." - What does this relic do?
- "Not sure. The Mer who hired us to steal the thing sure was afraid of it falling into the wrong hands, though. And I think these Painted Eye nutters qualify.
At least with Erilthel safely out of the way we only have the relic to worry about." - You might want to turn around.
While he was speaking, Erilthel emerged from the sewers and is now standing behind him. Seeks will express his annoyance again with Erilthel not listening to his instructions:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Erithel … if I turn around and you are standing behind me, then so help me …."
- Erilthel: "Seeks, how am I ever going to become a legend if I run at the first sign of trouble?"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Running is half the job! Not that you would know."
- Erilthel: "Well, never running is what'll set Lady Twilight apart from the rest!"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Enough with Lady …! Look, I'm going to need a moment to smack some sense into my pupil. Head into the keep and see if you can find the scholar. I'll be right after."
- Seeks-the-Dark: "We're going to review the lesson on following instructions."
Talking to him before you try to rescue the scholar, he will give further information on his mission:
- "I know there's an Ayleid ruin beneath Borderwatch, but I don't know how to access it.
That scholar the Painted Eye is interrogating—we need to find out where he's being held and ask a few questions of our own." - Who hired you to steal the relic from the Ayleid ruin?
- "It was a High Elf. Called himself something ostentatious … Relicmaster Glenadir. That was it. Didn't strike me as the world-conquering type. And with all the jobs I've worked—trust me. I can tell."
- Relicmaster Glenadir? I helped him deal with cursed relics in Summerset.(If you helped Relicmaster Glenadir retrieve all the cursed relics in Summerset)
- "Then you shouldn't have any trouble picking up one more.
Now, do you mind? I need to educate this dunce on the finer points of self-preservation. Again."
- Where should I look for the scholar that the Painted Eye is interrogating? / Where should I look for the Ayleid Scholar?
- "The leadership of the Painted Eye seems to be holding up in Borderwatch's keep. I imagine that's where they'd wring information out of a hostage, if what you heard is true."
You can then enter the keep and search for the scholar, you can find Teldundindo of Sunhold in the library. Erithel and Seeks will arrive behind you. If you talk to him before Teldundindo:
- "I was expecting this scholar to be a little more roughed up … though maybe he's nursing a papercut I can't see."
After Teldundindo tells you where to find the key, the game plan will be stated again:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Right. Friend, you get the key. I'll keep tabs on the Painted Eye. Erilthel will lead the scholar to safety. And after that, she won't come back. Right?"
- Erilthel: "Understood. Lesson learned!"
- Erilthel: "All right, mister scholar. The way to freedom is just a quick romp through the castle sewers."
- Teldundindo of Sunhold: "Sewer? I'm a distinguished fellow of the College of Sapiarchs! Do you expect me to muck about in filth?"
- Erilthel: "Oh, it'll be fine. You won't even smell it after a few minutes, unless you're planning to keep those robes, because, whew, that is not going to wash out."
Speaking to Seeks before you get the key:
- "If the Painted Eye knows about the crypt and the sarcophagus, then they're ahead of us. We need to catch up.
You get the crypt key. I'll keep watch on the Painted Eye while you do."
After you retrieve the crypt key, an annoyed Seeks will be waiting for you outside the crypt:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Over here! The Painted Eye are already inside! We need to keep after them!"
The Painted Eye has tricks up their sleeves and now you need to move quickly:
- "When I first got here, I saw the door to the crypt was still locked tight and I thought we finally managed to get ahead of these bastards, but that's not my luck.
I just saw a group pass clear through this door like it wasn't even here." - Why didn't you follow them?
- "They literally walked through the door. It's a big, heavy, solid door with a big, heavy, solid lock. Believe me, I tested. Damned mages are going to put me out of a job.
Did you get the key or not? It's our only hope of catching up to them." - I'll unlock the door.
You can use the key and then enter the crypts with Seeks-the-Dark:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Let's get looking. The entrance is in one of the tombs, right?"
Speaking to him inside:
- "The scholar said a tomb sits on the entrance. But whose? Time to bother the dead. For a good cause."
Once inside, as you move forward through the crypt:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Hopefully these bastards are as dumb as they look, and haven't found the ruins yet."
- 'Kaoc, how big is this crypt?"
When you reached the big room near the tomb:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Big room. Big statues. I wager there's some kind of complicated puzzle involving a hidden passage."
- <Notices the hole.>
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Or they could just knock down the wall. Sure. The Painted Eye must already be inside."
Through the hole in the wall will be the gate leading into the Ayleid ruins. Speaking to Seeks before entering it:
- "Right. I don't make a habit of diving feet first into trouble … but there's nothing good happening down there, and it's going to get worse the longer we wait.
So get in there. I'll be close behind—swear to Sithis."
As you walk down the stairs, Seeks will hear the Painted Eye leader can be heard giving out commands:
- Phedre Lampronius: "Continue the ritual. I nearly gained control."
- Seeks-the-Dark: "I hear them, up ahead. Let's get going."
Soon you will emerge in a chamber which is guarded by Sister Ignatia and Brother gro-Mora. Three crystals periodically lob balls of blue magic at the warded door. Beyond the door, Phedre Lampronius is with the relic:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "The relic's got to be behind the barrier! We've got to stop whatever it is they're doing. Quickly!"
Speaking to him before you disrupt the ritual:
- "I may not give a fig for all this sorcery, but if the Painted Eye do then we'd better start mucking it up!"
Destroying the first attunement crystal:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Seems we've struck a nerve. Let's keep it up."
Destroying the second attunement crystal:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "I don't see that looney coming to stop us. Keep going!"
Destroying the last crystal:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Gods, I hope that did it. One way to find out."
Before you go confront Phedre:
- "I hope you've got ideas, because this is way outside my area of my expertise!"
However you will soon find that it hasn't stopped the leader in the slightest, to Seeks dismay:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Oh, come on! We smashed all the things!"
- <Covering his face, Seeks approaches the relic.>
- Phedre Lampronius: "Fools! Nothing can disrupt this ritual while I possess the power of—"
- <There is a rumble and then screaming can be heard.>
- Erilthel: "Whoa, whoa, wh—ah!"
- <Erilthel falls through ceiling and crashes in the relic, disrupting the ritual. The backlash vaporises Phedre.>
- Phedre Lampronius: "… this relic …. Argh!"
- Erilthel: "Whew! Whatever that was really cushioned my fall. What'd I miss?"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "You know what? I'll take it. Now, let's get out of here! This whole place is coming down!"
- <Seeks begins to run and Erilthel grabs something off the ground before following him.>
You can then follow the pair out of the crypts and emerge on a hill nearby to Borderwatch. With having escaped the collapsing ruin, her mentor will have a heartfelt chat with Erilthel:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Erilthel."
- Erilthel: "I know. I said I wouldn't come back, but I heard yelling echoing up from a grate—and I was worried—so I followed—and it was slippery and—"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Thank you. If it weren't for you, we couldn't have stopped the Painted Eye."
- Erilthel: "You mean it? It was a pretty dramatic entrance wasn't it? Maybe I should practice—"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Don't push it."
You can then speak with the pair of them, Seeks is ready to move on:
- "I've had jobs go better—much, much, much better—but all things considered, this could have gone a lot worse for us."
- What about the relic?
- "You mean the one Erithel turned into a couch cushion? I don't expect the buyer is going to pay us for her sculpture of the Two Moons.
The job's a wash." - You still rescued the hostages.
- "Yeah. Yeah. I guess we did. I don't think we're going to stick around to collect though. Commander Axius is going to have a lot of questions and I don't want to give him an excuse to keep us here.
Better Erithel and I just get back to the Guild." - You're going then?
- "If Commander Axius asks what happened to us, do me a favor and tell him we got killed or something.
Call me old-fashioned, but unlike Lady Twilight over there, I prefer to be forgotten." - What will you tell the Thieves Guild about what happened here?
- "I'll tell them what I tell them for all my jobs: as little as possible."
- And they accept that?
- "What are you, a lawyer?
Go on and get your gold before I change my mind about your cut."
After speaking with both of them, there will be an exchange will happen between mentor and pupil where they learn that things worked out in their favor:
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Now, I need to figure out how to tell the Guild that we didn't get the relic. They won't be happy."
- Erilthel: "What do you mean? I have the relic right here. Oh! Careful, still got bits of Painted Eye lady on it."
- Seeks-the-Dark: "What? When did you—"
- Erilthel: "When you were all: oh, look at the ceiling, it's coming down around us. This is why I should take the lead next time!"
- Seeks-the-Dark: "Absolutely not."
Heroes of BlackwoodEdit
If you help out at Borderwatch, Erilthel and Seeks-the-Dark will attend the celebrations in Gideon. You can talk to Seeks-the-Dark to find out how things have gone since you last spoke:
- "Try not to draw any unnecessary attention, would you? We already stick out like a sore thumb with Erilthel gaping over the scenery."
- What are you two doing here?
- "Trying to blend in. Badly. Just wanted to say farewell before we skip town. Figure we owe you that much after you salvaged that job for us."
- Did things work out?
- "Surprisingly, yes. We got that hunk of junk to our buyer and they were thrilled to take it off our hands, even in its busted condition. I expected a High Elf collector to be more fussy.
Things worked out for everybody but the Painted Eye." - Where are you headed next?
- "Back to give the guild its cut and report on Erilthel's progress, or lack there of.
She did manage to show some improvement this time, but she's not ready to leave the nest. Plus, I don't hate anyone at the guild enough to inflict her on them."