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Online:Shaukadur the Impaler

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Shaukadur the Impaler
Location Scorpion Ravine
Species Giant Scorpion
Health 3,573,573 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Shaukadur the Impaler

Shaukadur the Impaler is a giant scorpion found in Scorpion Ravine in lower Craglorn. Other than having a much larger health pool and higher damage output, it uses the same abilities as standard scorpions.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Shaukadur the Impaler attacks with a pincer, dealing moderate physical damage.
Shaukadur the Impaler attacks with its tail, dealing low direct physical damage and minor poison damage over 8 seconds.
Blurred Strike
Shaukadur the Impaler attacks twice with its pincers, dealing low physical damage with each strike. This can be blocked to set Shaukadur the Impaler off-balance.
Shaukadur the Impaler canalizes an attack with its tail, dealing moderate physical damage and snaring for 7 seconds. This can be interrupted to set Shaukadur the Impaler off-balance
Hardened Carapace
Shaukadur the Impaler glows slightly, reducing its damage taken.


  • Shaukadur the Impaler only drops a Carapace on death.


  • Despite being a boss-tier enemy, Shaukadur the Impaler is vulnerable to crowd control. ?