Shrikes are a race of towering pale-skinned humanoid Daedra in service to Nocturnal. They have red eyes and resemble female humans, scantily-clad with long hair covering their breasts.
They can be found in certain areas of the Clockwork City, especially the eastern region, and within Nocturnal's realm of Evergloam, often accompanied by Gloam Hags, Grievous Twilights, and Whispering Shadow cultists.
When in Nocturnal's realm, they appear to possess the ability to turn people into the Night Terrors; which they are seen doing to hapless Whispering Shadow cultists.
For more information, see the main lore article.
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Overheard DialogueEdit
Shrikes have a pool of shared ambient dialogue:
- "We just want to be close. We just want to hold you tight, and never let go."
- "Gather shadows, snuff out the light. Gather shadows, snuff out a life."
- "I offer everything to my mistress and yet it's never enough."
- "The tears have bled my heart raw."
- "Pull the shadows to your ear and listen to the whispers of the night."
- "Why do you struggle? Slip away with us forever."
- "How my mistress mingles with the night …."
- "The shadows cling like cobwebs. Loose threads waiting for a weaver."
- "Let it out. Your last breath. Your quiet sigh of resignation."
- "I envy your fear. We can never know a mortal's loss."
- "Shadow, come out from your abyss and seize the day!"
- "I want to feel the touch of Magnus burn me away."
- "I feel its desire to smother the light."
- "Sleep now."
- "Why must light chase away the shadows?"
- "You call us breathtaking. We find that fitting."
- "Our lady of the night, whisper us your darkest desires!"
- "What does she think of me? Does she think of me at all?"
- "How the shadows always dance with mortals, and so often go unnoticed."
- "The blackness of Oblivion calls to me."
- "We will weep when no other mourns your loss, but the tears will be of joy."
- Shrikes appear very similar to the Nocturnals seen in Battlespire. As Shrikes are sometimes referred to as "Nocturnal Shrikes", it is likely that they are the same type of Daedra.
- There are three different iterations of the appearance of Shrikes. The first one was very basic: a pale-skinned Imperial-like humanoid wearing a black bra and long dress (added in Update 13, used on Dyzera). The second is a more unique model, resembling a tall Nord-like humanoid with very long hair, no bra, and a skirt (used as of Update 16). The third is generally the same as the second, but has gray skin with glowing red tattoos and a different color skirt (used as of Update 18).