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Online:Skill Stylist: Force Shock

< Elder Scrolls Online: Achievements: Character Achievements
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Force Shock.png Skill Stylist: Force Shock
Type Character Achievements
Points 10
Skill Style Force Shock, Wildburn
Acquire and use all five fragments to unlock the Force Shock, Wildburn skill style.

The fragments needed are:

Item Source Description
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Fragment of Aggression Looted from Aggression of Root in Haldain Lumber Camp Consume Fragment of the Aggression and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-misc-Emerald.png Fragment of the Weald Looted from Yrrkkyyn in Leftwheal Trading Post Consume Fragment of the Weald and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Fate-Eater.png Fragment of the Fate-Eater Looted from Stri the Fate-Eater in Broken Path Cave Consume Fragment of the Fate-Eater and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Blind.png Fragment of the Blind Looted from The Blind in Bedlam Veil Consume Fragment of the Blind and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Storm.png Fragment of the Storm Looted from Stormreeve Neidir in Tempest Island Consume Fragment of the Storm and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Maw.png Fragment of the Maw Looted from Rakkhat in Maw of Lorkhaj Consume Fragment of the Maw and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.