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Online:Snow Throat Fruit Bat

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: S
"Pure white, these bats, making them hard to see in wintry conditions. But give one a bit of banana, and it'll stick close to you for a while. With a constant diet of bananas and other fruits? You are its boon companion."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
Snow Throat Fruit Bat
ON-icon-pet-Snow Throat Fruit Bat.png
Snow Throat Fruit Bat
Type Flying Pet
Default Name Sniffles
Acquired From Nightfall Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Non-Combat Pets (Flying Pets)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Snow Throat Fruit Bat is available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates. Its default name is "Sniffles".
