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Online:Spectral Mudcrab (pet)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: S

This article is about the pet. For the creature, see Spectral Mudcrab.

"If the creature following behind me truly is a ghost, then this is the gentlest haunting I have ever seen. The crustation only skitters at my feet and occasionally clacks its claws at unwelcome houseguests."—Bensharaz, Spirit Hunter
Spectral Mudcrab
ON-icon-pet-Spectral Mudcrab.png
Spectral Mudcrab
Type Exotic
Default Name Tidepool
Acquired From Daily Rewards
Stonelore Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Availability Day 21, October 2021
Category Non-Combat Pets (Exotic)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Spectral Mudcrab was available as a Daily Reward on day 21 of October 2021. It is also available as an Epic-level reward from the Stonelore Crown Crate. Its default name is "Tidepool".


Appearances: 1

  • Daily Rewards — day 21, October 2021
