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Online:Statue, Ascendant Lord

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Courtyard: Statues
ON-icon-furnishing-Statue, Ascendant Lord.png
Statue, Ascendant Lord
Category Courtyard (Statues)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Collectible Furnishings
Bind Collected
Rewarded By
Heroes of High Isle
Though the artist who sculpted this statue remains unknown, those who have faced the Ascendant Lord declare it captures this leader's might and presence perfectly. Claimed from the treasure trove of the Ascendant Order.
Statue, Ascendant Lord


This furnishing was awarded during the Heroes of High Isle event which ran September 29 until October 11, 2022. It was contained, among other items, within one of 6 Ascendant Hoard Boxes.

Release Notes

Update 35 (Lost Depths - August 2022)

  • Released


  • A real world version of this was sold as merchandise named Ascendant Lord Statue with Letter Opener. 1500 unites were sold world on the Bethesda Gear Store, but it lacks the influencer variation's colors. A link to that page can be found here.