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This character only appears during the Witches Festival event.
Location West of Gil-Var-Delle
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Thalien is a Wood Elf Haunted who can be found in the eastern parts of Grahtwood.

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You can find her inside a boat in Grahtwood.

"F-fire, everywhere! It's going to burn us all, burn everything up! He showed me!
I can't leave. I'll burn!"
What's wrong with you?
"The fires! All around us! Lord Hollowjack showed me what will happen if I leave this boat. The flames will consume me. Consume everything!
I can't leave. Help me!"
What fires?
"You can't see them? Of course. They're in Hollowjack's realm. I can feel the heat, burning through the veil between our world and his.
Water keeps me safe, but not for long. We're all going to burn. If you go to his domain, you'll see the flames!"
How can I stop the fires?
"Go to Detritus. There's a plant, a flamequench bloom that can extinguish the blaze! But beware of Lord Hollowjack!"

You may talk to her again before entering the portal:

"The flames are growing! If they touch me, I'll die! You'll see!"

As you enter you will witness spectral Thalien chased by a group of Pumpkin Spectres:

Thalien: "The fire! It's spreading! It's everywhere!"

After you collect the flower:

Thalien: "The fires are gone. Finally."

You can then talk to her:

"The flames! They no longer consume me! Just before they disappeared, I saw you in the middle of them.
What happened?"
I confronted Hollowjack in Detritus and put out the fires.
"I felt it, a glimmer of hope rising against the fear. You put out the fires, the blaze that followed me from Detritus.
You saved me from the flames. Thank you."
How did you end up in Detritus?
"I don't remember much, but there was something I needed to find, I think. I went into Detritus to look for it. The flamequench bloom.
The fires are gone, but my head still blazes with pain."
Do you remember anything else?
"There was … a totem? I carried something with me that guided me to Lord Hollowjack. It's lost now, along with my memory of it.
I'm sorry, friend. I wish I could tell you more."

You can talk to her again:

"I can't thank you enough for your help. Lord Hollowjack did this to me. He must be stopped before he hurts anyone else!"
What happened to you?
"I've always been afraid of fire. I traveled across Tamriel looking for ways to fight it. Someone told me about the flamequench bloom, which could extinguish nearby fires. I went to Detritus to find it."
What happened then?
"I met … him. Lord Hollowjack. He showed me that everything was on fire. Everything burned. I couldn't get it out of my mind. It consumed me. Until you saved me."
What will you do now?
"I'm still afraid of fire, but the fear's lessened. Right now, I'm going to find a nice, ancient tree. Climb as high as I can and enjoy my first restful slumber in a long time. Thank you."