2024 StockEdit
Below is the stock the Impresario sold during 2023. The Molag Bal Illusion Imp Fragments were available for all of the events up to the end of 2024.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Molag Bal Illusion Imp Fragments | ||||
Anchor Chain Fragment | A piece of broken chain of cold, black iron used by the legions of Molag Bal during the Planemeld. The first of three components required to create the Molag Bal Illusion Imp. This pet can be further transformed with additional ingredients. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Dark Anchor Pinion | A miniature replica of an Anchor Pinion used by the forces of Molag Bal during the Planemeld. The second of three components required to create the Molag Bal Illusion Imp. This pet can be further transformed with additional ingredients. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Effigy of the Dominator | A frightening effigy of Molag Bal. Its burning eyes bore into you hungrily. Is he watching you even now? The third of three components required to create the Molag Bal Illusion Imp. This pet can be further transformed with additional ingredients. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration |
New Life Festival 2024Edit
With this event the Impresario introduces the fourth and fifth fragments required for the Haven of the Five Companions house, the Surprising Snowglobe memento Runebox and Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth fragments needed for the New Life Winter Storm Robes costume. She will also bring back all the prior fragments from the past year.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
New Life Winter Storm Robes Fragments | ||||
Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth | Consume 15 Bolts of Winter Storm Cloth to unlock the A Warm Winter Storm achievement and the New Life Winter Storm Robes costume! | 2 | New Life Festival 2024 | |
Surprising Snowglobe Memento | ||||
Surprising Snowglobe | Chill out for several moments by shaking this exquisite snowglobe. | 5 | New Life Festival 2024 | |
Haven of the Five Companions Fragments | ||||
Varen Aquilarios's Key | When the Five Companions set about their quest to recover the Amulet of Kings, Emperor Varen Aquilarios ordered the construction of a headquarters for the search. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Lyris Titanborn's Key | Lyris Titanborn insisted on an excess of personal security measures for the Emperor, complete with multiple keys needed to access the haven. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Abnur Tharn's Key | Grand Chancellor Tharn wove elaborate enchantments to mask the haven's location, furthering the protection of the adventuring emperor. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Sai Sahan's Key | Sai Sahan organized a grueling training regimen for all five of the Companions, much to their chagrin. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | New Life Festival 2024 | |
Mannimarco's Master Key | Mannimarco secretly forged a master key that would grant total access to everything within the haven. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | New Life Festival 2024 | |
Planemeld's Master Markings Fragments | ||||
Crematory Ash | An urn of cold ashes pilfered from Coldharbour and magically sealed to prevent the escape of any detritus — or wailing ghosts. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Incandescent Brimstone | Blazing with cold-fire, it is unclear whether the source of this stone is Coldharbour's blighted substrata or the remains of some Daedric creature. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Seething Censer | Anything placed within this black iron censer is "burnt" to ash in cold-fire, dissolved by a frigidity so unnatural that it is akin to a furnace. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Master of Schemes Fragments | ||||
Cold Iron Gauntlet | A gauntlet lined with leather tanned from the hides of the unworthy. None shall escape your iron grasp! A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Grim Iron Mask | Smiles are a sign of weakness. One true masters of the world cannot afford. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Tyrant's Soul Gem | Which of the innumerable tyrants that Tamriel has known wound up trapped inside this crystal prison? It matters little; their power will be added to your own. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Anchorborn Welwa Fragments | ||||
Bizarre Daedric Meat | The flesh of Oblivion creatures is often unusually colored, highly toxic, and strangely pungent. The perfect fodder to entice a Daedric steed into your service. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Fine Ebonsteel Chain | A lead capable of holding a gnashing Daedric beast without snapping. Strong materials won't help if it decides to turn on you, though. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Strengthened Welwa Muzzle | The jaws of a welwa are uniquely equipped to both tear flesh and crush bone. Requires a muzzle strong enough to keep its jaws closed tight, lest it devour its trainer. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount | 10 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |
Legacy of the Bretons CelebrationEdit
With this event, the Impresario introduces the third fragment required for the Haven of the Five Companions house, along with the Statuette: Ascendant Lord and bound pages for the Legacy of the Draoife Style.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Legacy of the Draoife Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Cuirass | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Gauntlets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Girdle | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Greaves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Helm | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Pauldrons | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Legacy of the Draoife Style Sabatons | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Haven of the Five Companions Fragments | ||||
Varen Aquilarios's Key | When the Five Companions set about their quest to recover the Amulet of Kings, Emperor Varen Aquilarios ordered the construction of a headquarters for the search. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Lyris Titanborn's Key | Lyris Titanborn insisted on an excess of personal security measures for the Emperor, complete with multiple keys needed to access the haven. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Abnur Tharn's Key | Grand Chancellor Tharn wove elaborate enchantments to mask the haven's location, furthering the protection of the adventuring emperor. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Furnishings | ||||
Statuette: Ascendant Lord | A miniature statue of the mysterious Ascendant Lord, who seeks to claim an ancient legacy. | 10 | Legacy of the Bretons Celebration | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |
Witches Festival 2024Edit
With the Witches Festival event, the Impresario introduces bound pages for the Eltheric Revenant Style, fragments for the Senchal Horned Owl along with the first two fragments needed for the Haven of the Five Companions. She will also sell the Plunder Skull Blunder memento.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Eltheric Revenant Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Jerkin | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Hat | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Breeches | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Epaulets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Shoes | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Eltheric Revenant Gloves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Haven of the Five Companions Fragments | ||||
Varen Aquilarios's Key | When the Five Companions set about their quest to recover the Amulet of Kings, Emperor Varen Aquilarios ordered the construction of a headquarters for the search. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Lyris Titanborn's Key | Lyris Titanborn insisted on an excess of personal security measures for the Emperor, complete with multiple keys needed to access the haven. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Haven of the Five Companions. | 10 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Senchal Horned Owl Fragments | ||||
Horned Owl Feathers | Consume 10 Horned Owl Feathers to unlock the What A Hoot! achievement and the Witches Festival Senchal Horned Owl Pet! | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Mementos | ||||
Plunder Skull Blunder | Some plunder skulls have treats. But this one seems to have … a spider? And a bat? And even a ghost? Maybe this skull possessed—or is possessed by—only tricks. Best put it away quickly. | 5 | Witches Festival 2024 | |
Furnishings | ||||
Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros | This is a small house item. | 3 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Ruby Candlefly Gathering | This is a standard house item. | 4 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Specimen Jar, Spare Brain | This is a small house item. | 2 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Vampiric Container, Yellow Liquid | This is a small house item. | 1 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Vampiric Lamp, Azure Tall | This is a standard house item. | 4 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Vampiric Lamp, Azure Single | This is a large house item. | 5 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Webs, Cone | This is a large house item. | 1 | Witches Festival 2021 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Witches Grab Bag | This container will award plunder skull contents from years past which are no longer available. | 2 | Witches Festival 2022 |
Fallen Leaves of West WealdEdit
With the Fallen Leaves of West Weald event, the Impresario introduces bound pages for the Tree-Sap Legion Style, along with the third fragment needed for the Anchorborn Welwa mount.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Tree-Sap Legion Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Jack | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Helmet | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Guards | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Arm Cops | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Boots | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Bracers | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Bound Style Page: Tree-Sap Legion Belt | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Anchorborn Welwa Fragments | ||||
Bizarre Daedric Meat | The flesh of Oblivion creatures is often unusually colored, highly toxic, and strangely pungent. The perfect fodder to entice a Daedric steed into your service. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Fine Ebonsteel Chain | A lead capable of holding a gnashing Daedric beast without snapping. Strong materials won't help if it decides to turn on you, though. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Strengthened Welwa Muzzle | The jaws of a welwa are uniquely equipped to both tear flesh and crush bone. Requires a muzzle strong enough to keep its jaws closed tight, lest it devour its trainer. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount | 10 | Fallen Leaves of West Weald | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |
Undaunted Celebration 2024Edit
With the 2024 Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer event, the Impresario introduces bound pages for the Opal Earthgore Style, along with the second fragment needed for the Anchorborn Welwa mount.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Opal Earthgore Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Shoulder | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Bow | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Maul | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Mask | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Mace | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Staff | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Shield | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Anchorborn Welwa Fragments | ||||
Bizarre Daedric Meat | The flesh of Oblivion creatures is often unusually colored, highly toxic, and strangely pungent. The perfect fodder to entice a Daedric steed into your service. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Fine Ebonsteel Chain | A lead capable of holding a gnashing Daedric beast without snapping. Strong materials won't help if it decides to turn on you, though. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Undaunted Celebration 2024 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |
Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024Edit
With the 2024 Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer event, the Impresario introduces bound pages for the Ayleid Lich Style, along with the first fragment needed for the Anchorborn Welwa mount.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Ayleid Lich Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Breeches | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Epaulets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Gloves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Hat | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Jerkin | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Sash | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Bound Style Page: Ayleid Lich Shoes | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Anchorborn Welwa Fragments | ||||
Bizarre Daedric Meat | The flesh of Oblivion creatures is often unusually colored, highly toxic, and strangely pungent. The perfect fodder to entice a Daedric steed into your service. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August) | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Bag of Veteran's Glory | This weathered sack contains Whitestrake's Mayhem rewards from years past which are no longer available through any other means. | 2 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) |
Zeal of Zenithar 2024Edit
The 2024 Zeal of Zenithar event has the Impresario sell bounds pages for the Gold Road Dragoon Style, along with the last fragment needed for the Master of Schemes personality.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Gold Road Dragoon Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Jack 1 | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Jack 2 | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Arm Cops | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Boots | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Belt | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Bracers | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Guards | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Gold Road Dragoon Helmet | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Master of Schemes Fragments | ||||
Cold Iron Gauntlet | A gauntlet lined with leather tanned from the hides of the unworthy. None shall escape your iron grasp! A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Grim Iron Mask | Smiles are a sign of weakness. One true masters of the world cannot afford. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Tyrant's Soul Gem | Which of the innumerable tyrants that Tamriel has known wound up trapped inside this crystal prison? It matters little; their power will be added to your own. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Zeal of Zenithar 2024 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear | Relive (or experience for the first time) the memories of Jubilees past with this bag containing style pages and other ephemera found in previous Anniversary Jubilees. | 2 | Anniversary Jubilee 2022 |
Anniversary Jubilee 2024Edit
The 2024 Anniversary Jubilee has the Impresario sell bounds pages for the Earthbone Ayleid Style, the first two fragments needed for the Master of Schemes personality, as well several model Jubilee Cake furnishings.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Earthbone Ayleid Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Breeches | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Epaulets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Gloves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Hat | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Jerkin | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Sash | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Earthbone Ayleid Shoes | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Master of Schemes Fragments | ||||
Cold Iron Gauntlet | A gauntlet lined with leather tanned from the hides of the unworthy. None shall escape your iron grasp! A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Grim Iron Mask | Smiles are a sign of weakness. One true masters of the world cannot afford. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Master of Schemes personality. | 10 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Jubilee Confetti | ||||
Jubilee Confetti Pack | Consume 25 Jubilee Confetti Packs to unlock the Jubilee Confetti Conveyor achievement and the Jubilee Steed mount! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Cakes | ||||
Replica Jubilee Cake 2019 | Chef Donolon's Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. It's like a sweetroll mountain, a festival for your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2020 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake 2020 | Chef Donolon's Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. Savor its darkly rich flavor—decadence for your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2020 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake 2021 | Chef Donolon's Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. Relish its luscious flavor—tantalizing to your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2021 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake 2022 | Chef Donolon's Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. Relish its luscious flavor—tantalizing to your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2022 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake 2023 | Chef Donolon's Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. Relish its luscious flavor—tantalizing to your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2023 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake 2024 | This Jubilee Cake is the perfect pastry to celebrate any special occasion or awesome anniversary. Relish its luscious flavor—tantalizing to your taste buds! | 3 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Cake Slices | ||||
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2016-2018 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2019 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2020 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2021 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2022 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2023 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Replica Jubilee Cake Slice 2024 | This is a small house item. | 1 | Anniversary Jubilee 2024 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear | Relive (or experience for the first time) the memories of Jubilees past with this bag containing style pages and other ephemera found in previous Anniversary Jubilees. | 2 | Anniversary Jubilee 2022 |
Jester's Festival 2024Edit
With the 2024 Jester's Festival, the Impresario introduces bound pages for the Jester's Seeker Style and the last fragment needed for the Planemeld's Master Markings.
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Jester's Seeker Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Breeches | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Epaulets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Gloves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Hat | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Jerkin | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Sash | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Bound Style Page: Jester's Seeker Suit Shoes | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Planemeld's Master Markings Fragments | ||||
Crematory Ash | An urn of cold ashes pilfered from Coldharbour and magically sealed to prevent the escape of any detritus — or wailing ghosts. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Incandescent Brimstone | Blazing with cold-fire, it is unclear whether the source of this stone is Coldharbour's blighted substrata or the remains of some Daedric creature. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Seething Censer | Anything placed within this black iron censer is "burnt" to ash in cold-fire, dissolved by a frigidity so unnatural that it is akin to a furnace. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Jester's Festival 2024 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Bag of Veteran's Glory | This weathered sack contains Whitestrake's Mayhem rewards from years past which are no longer available through any other means. | 2 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Scrap of Minstrel's Cloth | A festive fragment of fun. Combining 10 scraps awards Jester's Daedroth Suit. | 3 | Jester's Festival 2023 |
Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024Edit
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Dovah's Du'ul Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Pauldrons | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Helm | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Cuirass | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Girdle | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Gauntlets | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Sabatons | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Bound Style Page: Dovah's Du'ul Greaves | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Planemeld's Master Markings Fragments | ||||
Crematory Ash | An urn of cold ashes pilfered from Coldharbour and magically sealed to prevent the escape of any detritus — or wailing ghosts. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Incandescent Brimstone | Blazing with cold-fire, it is unclear whether the source of this stone is Coldharbour's blighted substrata or the remains of some Daedric creature. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
Bag of Veteran's Glory | This weathered sack contains Whitestrake's Mayhem rewards from years past which are no longer available through any other means. | 2 | Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March) | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |
Guilds and Glory CelebrationEdit
Item | Description | Price | First Available | |
Bristleback Hunter Style | ||||
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Jack | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Helmet | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Guards | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Arm Cops | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Boots | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Bracers | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Bound Style Page: Bristleback Hunter Belt | Grants an Outfit Style Collectible. Once used, the Outfit Style is available to all characters on your account. Outfit Styles can be used at an Outfit Station to customize your appearance. | 5 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Planemeld's Master Markings Fragments | ||||
Crematory Ash | An urn of cold ashes pilfered from Coldharbour and magically sealed to prevent the escape of any detritus — or wailing ghosts. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Planemeld's Master markings. | 10 | Guilds and Glory Celebration | |
Pets and Skins | ||||
Stonefire Scamp | This gibbering, foul-smelling Daedric minion will follow you loyally, though it won't fight for you. | 10 | Imperial City Celebration Event 2019 | |
Soul-Shriven | Donning this costume gives the wearer the guise of one of the Soul-Shriven, Molag Bal's slaves in his Oblivion plane of Coldharbour. | 10 | Imperial City Celebration Event 2019 | |
Other Items | ||||
Impresarios's Group Repair Kit | When used, this repair kit restores damaged gear equipped by you and any members of your group (of any size) within your zone to its original condition. | 2 | Jester's Festival 2020 | |
New Life Festival Grab Bag | This container will award New Life Festival contents from years past which are no longer available. | 2 | New Life Festival 2023 | |
Companion Fighters Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Fighters Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Mages Guild Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Mages Guild skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 | |
Companion Undaunted Commendation | When used, this commendation advances your Companion to the next Undaunted skill rank, up to rank 10. This consumable can be used only by players level 10 and above. | 3 | Zeal of Zenithar 2022 |