The Undaunted Celebration Event is a holiday event that typically takes place between September and November. The event is centered around the Undaunted faction, teaming up with other players and completing Group Dungeons. A notable feature of the event is the inclusion of Undaunted Reward Boxes, special reward containers that grant players various style and motif pages, consumables like crown lessons or crown repair kits, and increased amount of Undaunted Keys.
Undaunted Celebration 2024Edit
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- Receive exciting bonus rewards when conquering Tamriel’s dungeons during the Undaunted Celebration in-game event.
- The first final dungeon boss you defeat in a day will drop two Event Tickets and a special Glorious Undaunted Reward Box.
- This box can contain a number of goods such as gold, consumables, style pages, motif pages, Undaunted Keys, and a chance to drop an Opal weapon style from Earthgore, Bloodspawn, Chokethorn, Engine Guardian, Ilambris, or Troll King.
- This year's new Opal weapons style is themed around Earthgore, from Bloodroot Forge.
- Each additional final dungeon boss you defeat will drop an Undaunted Reward Box.
- The Impressario sells:
- All three Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet fragments
- The first two Anchorborn Welwa mount fragments
- Bound style pages for Earthgore Opal weapons, shoulders, and mask
- Group Repair Kits
- Companion Guild Commendations
- The Impressario's Assistant sells:
- All three Unstable Morpholith pet fragments
- All three Deadlands Firewalker personality fragments
- All three Soulfire Dragon Illusion Imp pet fragments
- All three Aurelic Quasigriff mount fragments
- Nenulaure sells:
- Nascent Indrik feathers
- Onyx Indrik berries
- Mossheart Indrik berries
- Ebon-Glow Indrik pet
- Sapling Indrik pet
Undaunted Celebration 2023Edit
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- The first final dungeon boss you defeat in a day will drop two Event Tickets and a special Glorious Undaunted Reward Box.
- This box can contain a number of goods, motif pages, and a chance to drop an Opal weapon style from Sentinel of Rkugamz, Velidreth, Iceheart, Lord Warden, Nightflame, or Swarm Mother.
- This year's new Opal weapons style is themed around Sentinel of Rkugamz, from Darkshade Caverns I.
- Each additional final dungeon boss you defeat will drop an Undaunted Reward Box.
Undaunted Celebration 2022Edit
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The Undaunted want you to put your life and your dignity on the line for bragging rights once again! During the Undaunted Celebration, conquer challenging dungeons for bonus rewards.
- The first final dungeon boss you defeat in a day will drop two Event Tickets and a special Glorious Undaunted Reward Box.
- This box contains an assortment of valuable goods, Motif pages, and a guaranteed chance for one of the new style pages for this event's Opal weapons, which feature a return of previous Undaunted Celebration Opal gear from Ilambris, Troll King, Bloodspawn, Engine Guardian, and Chokethorn.
- This year's new Opal style is themed around Velidreth from Cradle of Shadows.
- Defeating those bosses on the Veteran Hard Mode of those dungeons has a chance to drop the Opal shoulder style page for those bosses as well!
- Subsequent dungeons you complete will continue to award slightly-less-valuable Undaunted Reward Boxes, which still have a chance to drop those weapon style pages.
- The big change this year is that Undaunted Reward Boxes are named based on where you got the box drop from. While all boxes have a chance to drop the Opal pages accordingly, each box also drops a bonus set piece from an item set that can drop in the respective dungeon.
- For example, if you run Fungal Grotto for your boxes and tickets, you'll only get extra Fungal Grotto gear. Get in those other dungeons if you want other item set pieces!
- The Impresario offers style pages for this year's Velidreth Opal equipment for 5 tickets each, as well as the first two fragments for the Daggerfall Paladin costume morph for 10 tickets each.
Undaunted Celebration 2021Edit
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Grab your axe and a bag for plunder, the Undaunted Celebration returns to Tamriel! Plumb the depths of dungeons for bonus rewards during this annual event.
- The first final dungeon boss you defeat in a day will drop (2) Event Tickets and a special Glorious Undaunted Reward Box.
- This box contains an assortment of valuable goods, motif pages, and a chance for one of the new style pages for Opal weapons, this year themed for the Elden Hollow I boss, Chokethorn.
- Last year's rewards, including Iceheart, Lord Warden, the Nightflame, and Swarm Mother are also potential findings within these boxes.
- Defeating those bosses on the Veteran Hard Mode of those dungeons has a chance to drop the Opal shoulder style page for those bosses.
- Subsequent dungeons you complete will continue to award slightly-less-valuable Undaunted Reward Boxes, which still have a (somewhat smaller) chance to drop the above listed weapon style pages.
- The Impresario offers Chokethorn's style pages for the Opal equipment for 5 tickets each, as well as the first three (of five) fragments for the Doomchar Plateau house.
Undaunted Celebration 2020Edit
The 2020 Undaunted Celebration event ran from December 3 until December 15, 2020. It was first announced in the patch notes.
The reward boxes from last year were retired and replaced with Undaunted Reward Boxes and Glorious Undaunted Reward Boxes. The first time you kill the final boss of any group dungeon each day, it will drop 3 Event Tickets and a single Glorious Undaunted Reward Box. This box is guaranteed to contain one of the four new Opal Undaunted weapon styles. If you kill another final group dungeon boss in the same day, you will be rewarded with a regular Undaunted Reward Box each time, which has a low chance to contain another Opal page from any of the eight weapon styles.
This event introduces four new Opal styles in addition to the four previously released in 2019:
- Opal Iceheart Style (Direfrost Keep)
- Opal Lord Warden Style (Imperial City Prison)
- Opal Nightflame Style (Elden Hollow II)
- Opal Swarm Mother Style (Spindleclutch I)
There is a low chance that the above Opal helmet styles can drop from the final boss of their respective dungeons when completed on Veteran. The helmet pages from the 2019 Opal styles have returned and are also available from their respective dungeon.
The shoulder pages for all eight Opal styles and their normal Undaunted Style equivalents can be purchased from their respective Pledge Master for 50 Undaunted Keys each. Additionally, each Pledge Master sells an Undaunted Opal Shoulder Coffer for 25 Undaunted Keys, which will contain a random Opal shoulder page.
The helmet, shoulder, and weapon styles for the four new Opal styles can all be purchased for 5 Event Tickets each from the Impresario, although these pages are bound and cannot be traded. The Impresario is also selling the four Indrik feathers the first three berries for the final Indrik evolution, the Crimson Indrik. This marks the first time the third crimson berry has been made available.
This year is also the first time an event quest has been added for the Undaunted Celebration Event. The quest Glory of the Undaunted is available from the Crown Store or from speaking to Serileth at any of the Undaunted Enclaves. This is a short introductory quest which simply leads you to Serileth at one of the Enclaves. Completing it will cause a tutorial message to pop up explaining the event. In addition to grinding group dungeons, it is possible to get a single normal Undaunted Reward Box each day by completing one of the daily quests offered by Bolgrul. As stated above, these boxes have a low chance of containing an Opal page, and only one can be earned per day via this method.
Several premium Crown Store versions of the Undaunted weapon styles also made a return to the Crown Store during this event, with a discount for ESO Plus subscribers. The Arms Pack for Engine Guardian, Nightflame, Pirate Skeleton, and Velidreth were available from December 3 to December 7, while Iceheart was available from December 14 to December 17.
Undaunted Celebration 2019Edit
The 2019 Undaunted Celebration event was originally scheduled to run from November 14 until November 18, 2019. Server issues[1] resulted in a decision to abort the event several hours after it began and it was rescheduled to run from January 9 until January 13, 2020.
Notable this year is the addition of Opal Undaunted Style pages - reskins of Undaunted Styles with a opalescent sheen and blue particle effects.
Mysterious Reward Boxes from previous years were be retired, and replaced by Undaunted Reward Boxes and Hefty Undaunted Reward Boxes. Undaunted Style shoulder pages will be available for certain sets from Undaunted Vendors during the event, and once the regular style is learned, Opal Style shoulders can be purchased from them too.
You also can earn three Event Tickets the first time you kill the final boss in any Group Dungeon each day, for a total of 15 Event Tickets. It will be the first opportunity to earn the Pure-Snow Berries of Budding for the Pure-Snow Indrik evolution.
Undaunted Reward BoxesEdit
- This box, found only during the Undaunted Celebration, contains valuable treasure - including, rarely, gifts from the Crown Store.
Undaunted Reward Boxes contains an assortment of treasure. They also have a chance to contain Opal Undaunted Style Pages for Monster Shoulders, Masks and (very rarely) Weapons for the following styles:
Undaunted Reward Boxes can be earned by killing a Group Dungeon's final boss as part of a group - either by using the Dungeon Finder tool or by traveling to a dungeon with your own group.
Undaunted Reward Box LootEdit
- Opal Undaunted Style Weapon pages (very rare)
- Opal Undaunted Style Mask pages
- Opal Undaunted Style Shoulder pages
- Crafting Motif chapters
- Repair Kits
- Transmute Crystals
- Riding Lessons
- Random Treasure Map
- Random Crafting Survey
- Transmutation Crystal
- Transmutation Geode
- Undaunted Key
- Undaunted Plunder
Hefty Undaunted Reward BoxesEdit
- This box, found only during the Undaunted Celebration, contains valuable treasure - including, rarely, gifts from the Crown Store.
Hefty Undaunted Reward Boxes are guaranteed to contain a random Opal Undaunted Style weapon page. The Undaunted Styles in this pool are the same as above. Only one Hefty Undaunted Reward Box can be earned each day by killing a Group Dungeon's final boss as part of a group - either by using the Dungeon Finder tool or by traveling to a dungeon with your own group.
Hefty Undaunted Reward Box LootEdit
Hefty boxes contain same items as Undaunted Reward Boxes, plus the following:
- Opal Undaunted Style weapon page (guaranteed)
Undaunted Celebration 2018Edit
- "Take on Tamriel's dungeons and earn bonus rewards during the Undaunted Celebration Event. Learn everything you need to know to get started, including how to earn more Event Tickets!"
The 2018 Undaunted Celebration Event ran from November 29 to December 5, 2018. Notable was the return of the Mysterious Reward Box, which this year included an ultra-rare jackpot prize which granted 130 mounts at once, including mounts from previous Crown Crate seasons.
Mysterious Reward BoxEdit
- This box, found only during the Undaunted Celebration, contains valuable treasure - including, rarely, gifts from the Crown Store.
A Mysterious Reward Box could be earned by completing random Group Dungeons (Normal or Veteran) via the Activity Finder. The final boss of the dungeon had to be defeated in order to qualify. Mysterious Reward Boxes were sent in the mail as part of player's daily random dungeon reward. Only one box could be earned per day, per character.
2018 Mysterious Reward Box LootEdit
Possible drops are listed below. Homes and mounts are generally the rarest drops:
- Crafting Motif 44: Silken Ring Style chapters
- Crafting Motif 45: Mazzatun Style chapters
- Crafting Motif 54: Bloodforge Style chapters
- Crafting Motif 55: Dreadhorn chapters
- Crafting Motif 58: Fang Lair Style chapters
- Crafting Motif 59: Scalecaller Style chapters
- Frostbane Bear
- Frostbane Pony
- Frostbane Pony Guar
- Frostbane Sabre Cat
- Frostbane Wolf
- Haj Mota Hatchling
- Karthwolf Shepherd
- Small Bone Dragon Construct
- Silver Daenian Werewolf Tracker
- Random Treasure Map
- Random Crafting Survey
- Transmutation Crystal
- Transmutation Geode
- Undaunted Key
- Undaunted Plunder
Nascent Indrik MountEdit
The Undaunted Celebration Event 2018 was the third opportunity for players to begin working towards obtaining the Nascent Indrik mount. During the event, the Onyx Indrik Feather was introduced and could be purchased with ten Event Tickets from The Impresario. Players could acquire three Event Tickets per day, per account by completing group dungeons.
Ten Million StoriesEdit
- "Get your squad together. The #10MillionStories in-game dungeon event is about to begin. Group up and take on a random dungeon every day to earn additional sweepstakes entries, consumables, collectibles, and a jackpot that could get you 20 of the game's rarest mounts or houses! "
The Undaunted Celebration Event began as a stand-alone event called "Ten Million Stories" to celebrate ESO reaching the 10 million players milestone. It ran on all platforms that ran from November 30 to December 6, 2017 and introduced Mysterious Reward Boxes, that could be earned by completing Random Dungeon.
Rewards from theses boxes included Dye Stamps, Crown Repair Kits, or Crown Mimic Stones, Treasure Maps, Transmute Crystals, or Crown Experience Scrolls. Rarely, Costumes, Pets and even Mounts from a curated selection of both past and new Crown Store collectibles were possible. Jackpot prizes were bundles of 20 homes or 20 mounts. These bundles included some rarer collectibles, such as the Grand Topal Hideaway home or Great Elk mount. The Imperial War Horse was a rare drop from these boxes and was the only collectible unique to the event (although it was later made available from the Crown Store). In addition, there was even the chance to be immortalized as an NPC in future ESO content through the 10 Million Stories Sweepstakes. The following year the event was re-branded as the Undaunted Celebration Event.
External LinksEdit
- Zenimax 2023 Announcement - Dungeon Delvers Rejoice! The Undaunted Celebration Event Returns
- Zenimax 2022 Announcement - Earn Bonus Loot by Delving into Tamriel's Dungeons During the Undaunted Celebration Event
- Zenimax 2021 Announcement - Delve Into Tamriel's Dungeons During the Undaunted Celebration & Earn Bonus Loot
- Zenimax 2020 Announcement - Earn New Rewards & Glory during the Undaunted Celebration
- Zenimax 2018 Announcement - Delve into the Undaunted Celebration Event & Earn Bonus Rewards
- Zenimax 2017 Announcement - Earn Bonus Rewards With The #10millionstories Dungeon Event