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Online:The Large Delegate

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: High Isle
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written
Help Rigurt clear his bar tab.
Zone: High Isle
Quest Giver: Rigurt the Brash
Location(s): Gonfalon Bay, Steadfast Manor
Reward: Large Delegate's Chain
(?) Leveled Gold
ID: 6776
Rigurt and the delegates pay their tab
Rigurt the Brash, delegate-at-large for the Ebonheart Pact Cultural Exchange, misplaced his scepter of office after a night of wild festivities. He asked me to help him find it.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Rigurt and Tanillin
Rigurt and Ulgonash with Sergeant Dupertuis


  • After completing the initial quest step at the inn, Rigurt always reappears, standing in place, at the entrance of the inn every time it is returned to later on. ?
    • Log out/log in should fix it.

Quest StagesEdit

The Large Delegate
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Rigurt thinks he might have lost the scepter at the inn where he was drinking last night. I should start there.
Objective: Go to the Ancient Anchor Inn
Marisette Lemaitre certainly remembers Rigurt. I should ask her about the missing scepter.
Objective: Talk to the Innkeeper
It sounds like the innkeeper has Rigurt's scepter, but she says he didn't pay his bill last night. I should talk to Rigurt the Brash.
Objective: Talk to Rigurt the Brash
Rigurt the Brash can't pay last night's tab by himself. We need to confront Tanillin and Ulgonash and ask them to pay their shares of the bill.
Objective: Confront Tanillin
Objective: Confront Ulgonash
Objective Hint: Go to Steadfast Manor
Objective Hint: Find House Near West Gate
Objective Hint: Talk to Ulgonash
Objective Hint: Talk to Sergeant Dupertuis
Objective Hint: Find Berjac Catillon
Objective Hint: Trail Berjac Catillon
Objective Hint: Gather Evidence
Objective Hint: Examine Healer Jenille's Note
Objective Hint: Get a Mammoth Ear Leaf
Objective Hint: Return to Tanillin
Objective Hint: Administer Leaf Juice
Objective Hint: Talk to Tanillin
Hidden Objective: Gather Evidence
Finishes quest  Rigurt the Brash can't pay last night's tab by himself. We need to confront Tanillin and Ulgonash and ask them to pay their shares of the bill.
Objective: Confront Tanillin
Objective: Confront Ulgonash
I administered a cure for the ailing Tanillin and obtained Ulgonash's release. I should meet them back at the Ancient Anchor Inn.
Objective: Return to the Ancient Anchor Inn
I found Rigurt, Tanillin, and Ulgonash at the Ancient Anchor. It sounds like they settled their bill, so I should ask Marisette Lemaitre about the scepter.
Objective: Talk to Marisette Lemaitre
I got Rigurt's scepter of office back from the innkeeper. I should give it back to him.
Objective: Talk to Rigurt the Brash
Optional Step: Talk to Tanillin
Optional Step: Talk to Ulgonash
I should return the scepter to Rigurt the Brash and claim my reward.
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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