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Online:The Lava Queen (person)

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the boss in Blessed Crucible. For the boss in the Infinite Archive, see The Lava Queen (Infinite Archive).

The Lava Queen
Location Blessed Crucible, Champion's Arena
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health Normal1,515,587Veteran4,703,728
Veteran5,879,660 (Hard Mode)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Brimstone Staff
Claymore of the Crucible
Fragment of the Crucible
The Lava Queen

The Lava Queen is a Dark Elf and the current champion of the Blessed Crucible, as well as one of its greatest as she has remained undefeated for over four centuries with her powerful fire magic.

She has a two unique items that may be dropped, Brimstone Staff, and Claymore of the Crucible.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As a boss type enemy, the Lava Queen is immune to all crowd control effects.

A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Overpowering Swing
A heavy melee attack that does high physical damage and knocks the target down. This attack should be blocked or dodged if possible.
Catching Flame
The boss shoots a fireball at a target dealing high flame damage to them.
Induce Eruption
The boss stabs the ground and summons many lava lines that travel outwards from her location dealing high flame damage to all players hit. This must be avoided at all costs, so keep a distance from her when she does this attack.
Summon Lava Atronach
At 75%, 50% and 25% health, the boss will summon 1, 2, and 3 lava atronachs to shield her respectively. While they are alive, she is immune to damage in the form of damage shields and thus they must be killed as soon as possible. Follow the beams that they channel towards the boss to find them quickly and defeat them. Note that if she skips a health threshold by doing a lot of damage quickly to her, the skipped thresholds will not activate at all. If the DPS is especially high and she gets under 25% health before any Lava Atronachs have been spawned, only 3 Lava Atronachs will appear.

Combat DialogueEdit

The Lava Queen arrives

When she is approached:

The Lava Queen: "I am the Blessed Crucible! You are nothing!"

If your group is wiped, she will comment on it:

The Lava Queen: "When will they send me some worthy opponents?"

As she dies, she seems to accept her death:

The Lava Queen: "Let my legend live on."
