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Online:Tilelle the Mender

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tilelle the Mender
Location Halls of Regulation
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
15,000 (While performing the repairs)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower The Halls of Regulation
Tilelle the Mender, outside the Halls of Regulation

Tilelle the Mender is a Breton mage and aspiring Clockwork Apostle who has assumed stewardship of the Halls of Regulation, the region's water treatment facility which is malfunctioning.

Initiate Tilelle
Home City Brass Fortress
Location Clockwork Basilica
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Clockwork Apostles
Initiate Tilelle

After the quest, you can meet her in the Clockwork Basilica. Talking to her reveals that the Clockwork Apostles were satisfied enough with her work to induct her into the order and give her the responsibility of maintaining the Halls of Regulation.

From then on, she'll be your contact for any daily quests from Novice Holli involving replacing or maintaining components in the Halls of Regulation, and the person you'll need to turn them in to.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Halls of RegulationEdit

As you approach her, she'll mutter:

Tilelle: "By the Eight, I swear I'll destroy every single one of these blasted machines if I have to. Somehow." [verification needed — paraphrased]

Speaking to her:

"Oh! Ah, who would you be? Did the Clockwork Apostles send you?"
Why would the Apostles send me?
"Oh, well, because-because the Halls of Regulation is breaking down! Naturally! I sent a request for aid ages ago. I would have fixed things by now, but the repair factotums keep attacking me. They see anyone who enters as an intruder."
I could protect you while you make repairs.
"Truly? Why, that's most excellent! Now, the very fate of Clockwork City's clean water supply rests in our hands, so we must act quickly. I know the locations of the machines in need of repairs, but we'll have to search around for specific parts."
Let's get to it.
"Based on the schematics, I believe the vapor manifold and distillation initiator both need repairs. Easy enough for one of my talents!
We just need a ventilation gear and a cleaning crystal. They should be fairly straightforward to find."
Can you tell me more about the Halls of Regulation? / I'd like to learn more about the Halls of Regulation.
"Right, I suppose any structure as impressive as this would inspire questions.
Well, ask them quickly. Time is of the essence, and the Clockwork Apostles aren't very lenient when it comes to failure."
What are the Halls of Regulation?
"Perhaps you haven't noticed, but the water around here is filthier than the Murkmire swamps. Take a sip from any stream or pool and you'll get a mouthful of oil. That's where the Halls of Regulation comes into play."
So it cleans the water?
"Collects, cleans, redistributes. Does it all, really. It also creates water moisture in the air, producing a hospitable environment for natural life. I'm not sure if we would die of thirst or desiccation first, were it to completely shut down."
Why is the water cycle breaking down?
"I'm not sure, actually. My most prevailing theory is that the newcomers have overburdened the water cycle process, which has led to some sort of malfunction. At this point the factotums are doing more harm than good with their erratic behavior."
And if we don't fix the malfunction?
"Perhaps the water cycle will shut down completely, but it's more likely that contaminates will pollute the drinking reserve. Which would make the water effectively poison. I'm sure you don't need me to spell out what a disaster that would create."
Why are the Clockwork Apostles concerned?
"The Clockwork Apostles are a group of scholars dedicated to Sotha Sil. They're the defacto rulers of Clockwork, given that their God of Mysteries doesn't get out much.
Naturally they would be concerned that their drinking water is in danger."
And they only sent you to fix this problem?
"How was I—I mean, how were they supposed to know the factotums would malfunction and become aggressive? According to the schematics, they're designed to repair the Halls of Regulation, not defend it!"
Can you tell me more about the items we need to collect?
"I most certainly can. I learned all about their functions before arriving. Which would you like to hear about first?"
Why do we need to collect a ventilation gear? / Interesting. And what do the ventilation gears do?
"These gears help run the vapor manifold, the central control for the humidifying processes of the Halls of Regulation. It seems that the malfunction is causing them to spin far too rapidly, grinding them down to an unusable state."
So this gear will be ruined eventually?
"Of course not. I'll make the necessary repairs first and then replace the gear. It should go as smoothly as a piston in a reciprocating pneumatic cylinder."
What does a cleansing crystal do? / And what about the cleansing crystal?
"It's the main source of arcane energy for the distillation initiator. The filtration system can only decontaminate the water so much. This ensures that water is safe for human consumption. A vitally important part of the distillation process."
Does that mean the water isn't being properly filtered now?
"The currently placed cleansing crystal is still active, but I don't believe that will be the case for very long. Which means we should make the necessary repairs, posthaste!"

As you enter the halls, she'll add:

Tilelle the Mender: "Tread carefully. Repair factotums are crawling all over this place, and they're determined to defend these halls."

If you enter the Humidity Chamber without the gear:

Tilelle the Mender: "The ventilation gear is stripped, just as I thought. We'll need to find a replacement if we want to make repairs."

When you find the ventilation gear:

Tilelle the Mender: "For a moment there I was worried that the factotums had whisked them all away. What a lucky find!"

Inside the Humidity Chamber:

Tilelle the Mender: "Stand back while I make the necessary repairs. I should be done in but a moment."

Tilelle will fiddle with the machine when there's a small explosion:

Tilelle the Mender: "Why, this blasted—I mean, no worries! I meant to do that."

Speak to her and she'll say:

"Now, we don't have time for dawdling. The distillation initiator still needs to be fixed after all.
We just need to find a cleansing crystal."

If you enter the Purification Chamber without the crystal:

Tilelle the Mender: "Ah-ha! The cleansing crystal is cracked, just as I suspected. We'll need to find a replacement."

Find the cleansing crystal:

Tilelle the Mender: "Excellent, this is just what the distillation initiator needs. I'm glad we could find one in such good condition."

Insisde the Purification Chamber:

Tilelle the Mender: "Now I just need to replace the crystal. Without causing irreversible damage. No problem."

This time she has better luck... to her surprise:

Tilelle the Mender: "It-it worked? I mean, of course it worked! I knew what I was doing the entire time!"

After replacing both the cleansing crystal and ventilation gear, Tilelle will talk to you,

"We have but one more task ahead. The geodic dynamo that fuels the galvanic engine needs to be replaced. However, it's located in the regulation chamber... which is protected by a guardian factotum. You'll have to fend it off if I'm to make repairs."
The Clockwork Apostles didn't show you how to command the guardian?
"What-what a silly question! It's malfunctioning of course, just like the repair factotums. The Apostles didn't even know there were issues when they sent me here for... routine maintenance! Obviously they weren't aware of the malfunctions."
But what if I have to destroy it?
"Oh, I'm certain you'll have to. But trust me when I say that factotum is doing more harm than good. If we let it be then it will just destroy all the repairs I've set into place! I'm sure of it! Not that I think we'll be given a choice."
If you're certain ….
"I'm very certain! If we don't fix the galvanic engine then there's a strong possibility that the entire system will shut down. This is the most crucial repair yet! Please, you've trusted me this far. Just one more fix and we'll be in the clear."

Before progressing, she'll say:

"We need to enter the regulation chamber quickly. I'm not sure how long the galvanic engine will last. If the guardian factotum doesn't destroy it first, that is."

Upon approach to the Regulation Chamber, Tilelle will decide to stay back until the boss is defeated, "You know, I think I'll just … stay out here until you've dealt with our little friend. Just as a precaution."

After defeating the Steadfast Regulator, Tilelle will rush over to the control console in the back saying,

Tilelle the Mender: "Yes, this certainly looks like the galvanic engine. That I'm going to fix now. Right now. Here I go!"
Tilelle the Mender: "And if this goes … here. And then of course this goes over here. And if I just put this here …."
Tilelle the Mender: "It's … it's fixed? It's fixed! Yes! My plan worked! The Clockwork Apostles will have to accept me now!"

Once the machine has been fixed, you can talk to her to complete the quests and ask a few pressing questions,

"I can't believe we were actually able to do it! The Halls of Regulation are up and running again. Our repairs won't hold forever, but I should be able to maintain function in the meanwhile. I don't think it's too much to say that I'm truly a genius."'
What was the plan you mentioned?
"Oh! Uh. There's absolutely no need to concern yourself about that, I assure you! All that matters is that the Brass Fortress will have water tonight because of us, am I right? Here, you've been such a great help. You should be properly rewarded."
Complete Quest
"Isn't there some other adventure you should be off to?"
I think I have the right to know what you were really up to.
"Oh, Tilly, why did you have to open your stupid mouth. Look, I was honest about the Halls of Regulation needing repair, and every danger I outlined was of immediate concern. However, I may have … embellished my connections with the Apostles."
Embellished in what way?
"Well, I suppose... that I had a connection at all? When I arrived in Clockwork, I was immediately drawn to the Apostles. I knew they could help me strengthen not only my magic, but also my technical skills, which are already quite impressive."
But they didn't let you join?
"Exactly so. It seems Dark Elf blood runs a little deeper here than they'd like to admit. I was an outsider, and compared to many here my magic is still weak at best. I'm sure my round ears also didn't help make an impression. But I was determined."
So you came here to the Halls of Regulation to prove yourself.
"I found the schematics in a public depository, and decided to research the mechanics in order to build upon my technical proficiency. Perhaps even make some improvements. I thought it might give me the edge I needed to join the Apostles."
Why didn't you just tell me that? Why lie?
"I really am sorry about that. I panicked when you showed up, and thought you might inform the Apostles. I wanted at least a chance to make repairs. And it all worked out in the end! Clockwork City still has water, and I have my edge."
Are you sure you can maintain this place?
"Positive! I have a far better understanding of the mechanics now, and within a few weeks I'll have a permanent repair. That's when I'll report my success to the Apostles. Thank you for helping me accomplish this. It truly means the world to me."

Hall of Regulation Daily QuestsEdit

While any of Novice Holli's Hall of Regulation daily quests are started, Tilelle will greet you with any of the following:

"Make sure you're well prepared for the task on hand before heading out."
"Need some advice about your task? I'm always happy to help."
"Come for more information about your task, then? Not surprised. Water regulation is a complex field."
"Information is the key to success in these tasks! The more knowledge you have, the better off you are."
"Well met!
Can you believe it? Both of us, helping the apostles make Clockwork City a better place. I couldn't have asked for anything better."
Can you tell me more about my task?

When turning in the quest, she'll say either of the following:

"Here for your well-earned reward?"
"Come to report your success?"
"Did the maintenance go as expected?"
"Do I have good news to tell the other apostles?"

Oiling the FansEdit

"The Halls of Regulation is filled to the brim with steam,and ventilation fans are used throughout the building to help keep the air clear. Unfortunately, one of these fans is rapidly slowing down."
What's wrong with the ventilation fan?
"My theory, which is most likely correct, is that the central motor is beginning to rust. Usually repair factotums keep the fans well oiled, bu they're a little busy trying to kill anyone they encounter. So you'll need to do it for them."
Why can't the Apostles supply me with oil?
"While we have viscous liquids aplenty, you'll need saturated oil for this task. It helps keeps the fans resistant to rust, which is very important in such a humid environment. The repair factotums usually have some stored within themselves."
What would happen if the fans stopped working?
"We're not talking about a mere cooking pot here. The steams in the Halls of Regulation is hot enough to boil you alive if it's allowed to accumulate. ?If the fans shut down the building would become inaccessible for further maintenance."

Return to her after completing the task and you can tell her:

I was able to oil the ventilation fan.
"My faith in you continues. Thank you for your assistance, and I hope you'll work with us again. Besides, these fans won't oil themselves!
Your due reward, as promised."

Replacing the CommutatorsEdit

"It frustrates me to no end how little I know about this particular task. Commutators are important to the galvanic engine, and need to be replaced regularly to keep the Halls of Regulation going. Why exactly that is? Well, I'll tell you what I know."
What are commutators?
"Put simply, they're thick brass rings that help conduct energy from the geodic dynamo. We know little about them, other than the fact that they're eventually worn down due to friction and must be replaced.
Well, that's research for another time."
How do I replace the commutators?
"Luckily for us, Seht saw fit to make the replacement process fairly simple. Just pull the old commutators off their motor shafts and push in the new ones. Simple enough a factotum can do it … and should be doing it, truth be told."
What would happen if the commutators weren't replaced?
"I'm sure you wouldn't want our good work replacing the geodic dynamo to go to waste. With nothing to conduct the energy, the whole system would shut down. Which would mean no clean water, and I think you have a good idea by now how bad that would be."

When turning in the quest:

I was able to replace the commutators.
"That's good to hear. Not many know how the galvanic engine's process works, so this task may be a bit tricky to boast about. You can always brag to me though. I'd be happy to give you my continued admiration.
And a reward is needed, of course."

Changing the FiltersEdit

"This is probably the most obvious job I have to hand out, but also the most vital. Water filters are the first line of defense against contaminates, and need to be consistently replaced. Until I can fix repair factotums, we need volunteers."
Can you tell me more about the filtration system?
"Water filtration is the process of removing impurities from water. The rest of Tamriel doesn't worry much about that, given that they generally have access to natural water sources or wells. As you know, we here in Clockwork City aren't as lucky."
Why can't the Apostles supply me with the filters?
"Water filters are not all made equally. Given time I may be able to replicate what Sotha Sil has already seen fit to give us, but that would be a lengthy process. Gathering them from repair factotums is the most time-efficient way to collect them."
What would happen if the water filters weren't replaced?
"Clogged filters don't allow water to flow through them, ultimately creating an obstruction in the system. Eventually the pressure would build to the point where contaminated water would tear through the filters and infiltrate the drinking reservoir."

Return to her and you can say:

I was able to replace the water filters.
"Most excellent. Water cycle regulation isn't possible without properly maintained filters. You're the reason why we won't have to drink oily water tonight!
Here's your well-earned reward."

Miscellaneous DialogueEdit

After completing a Halls of Regulation daily quest:

"I'm quite proud to be the resident expert on water regulation."
"Check with Novice Holli if you need more work. She's the one who keeps the schedule."
"The Clockwork Apostles have taught me a great deal already! Though I could do without all the sermons ….
Don't tell them I said that though."
"Together we'll keep this city's water cycle running!"


After The Halls of Regulation, she can be found in the Clockwork Basilica:

"Hello my friend! It's so good to see you again. I wish I had more time to talk, but my current tasks have me very busy. Us initiates never seem to have a moment to spare!"
So I gather you've been accepted as an apostle then?
"Yes, my plan worked perfectly thanks to you.
Once I got my report into the right hands I was immediately offered a position. They've even put me in charge of continuing repairs!"
You weren't able to finish repairs on your own?
"Our time together really opened my eyes. I realized how integral you were to my initial success. Not every task can be accomplished alone, after all!
So when I began having trouble maintaining the Halls, I sought the guidance of the Apostles."
And they put you in charge of repairs?
"The Apostles may be wise, but they severely lack common sense sometimes. They'd rather tinker with deadly machines than study the regulation of their own water supply. It seems that everyone was either unlearned or simply uninterested in maintenance."
So they gave the task to you.
"And I happily accept it.
My current project is understanding why the repair factotums refuse to continue maintenance. Once I have them functioning properly all should be well. In the meantime we'll need volunteers to provide needed upkeep."