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Quick Summary: written by Coolerdogs, not checked
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Head to the hideout and speak to Lambur and Kaleen.
- Talk to your recruits to see what aid they can provide.
- Select one of the recruits to help you.
- Obtain a servant's disguise.
- Find Headman Bhosek.
- Get the key to the lockbox.
- Deal with the lockbox guard.
- Meet Captain Kaleen at the docks.
- Set sail for Betnikh.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
The HeistEdit
Talk to Lambur outside Captain Kaleen's Hideout. She'll tell you Captain Kaleen is looking for you so go inside and head upstairs then talk to Kaleen. Kaleen is very happy with the crew you ahve assembled and is ready to get to the real challenge - the heist.
Her target is Headman Bhosek, the ruler of Stros M'kai. He treats his citizens badly and freqeuntly raids Breton ships. Kaleen says she is going to give him what's coming to him. She wants to start by stealing his sailing logs:
- "His sailing logs are the key to our fortune, friend. They're the records of every ship that's docked here, every stolen cargo they've unloaded, and every illicit payment made to Bhosek."
She said the records are written proof that Bhosek has continued to raid Breton ships even after being orderd to stop by King Fahara'jad. If you can take the papers to the king, he can threated to destroy Bhosek if he doesn't stop. She said the king will pay for the papers, and, in fact, the king's envoy is waiting on the dock with a fortune in gold for when you turn over the papers.
Kaleen says your job is to get into Bhosek's palace, steal the logs, and get out with them. In order to get into the palace, obtain a servant's disguise, then you have to slip some powder she gives you into his drink so you can grab the key to the lockbox where he stores the papers. The problem is the lockbox is always guarded by grunts who aren't smart, but will raise the alarm if necessary. She says you need to deal with him quietly, and not to stab him. She and Lambur will have her ship, The Spearhead, ready to sail after you return with the papers.
Talk to Your CrewEdit
At this point you need to talk to each of the potential crewmates suggested by Kaleen about how they can each help with the heist, then choose the one that you want to use.
Neramo says he has a way deal with the guard quietly.
- "I removed this device from Clanker. When pressed, it produces quite the incapacitating shock.
If you would test it for me, preferably on a living subject, I would be greateful.
- "Of course, I have no doubt you'll be up to the task."
Jakarn is, as expected, most concerned with getting off the island before Bhosek "chops off my head." You ask him if he can help you get into Bhosek's lockbox. He said Bhosek keeps the key around his neck and he will get it for you, then you can meet him out back.
- "Get your disguise and meet me out back. Leave Bhosek to me."
- "I like your confidence. Let's see what you can do."
Crafty LerisaEdit
Lerisa says that Kaleen's plan to use a disguise to get near Bhosek is a good one. She said if you want her to, she can have servant clothes waiting for you at the palace.
- "My pleasure. Meet me outside the palace. I'll pick out something special for you."
Exit the hideout and head north across the bridge to the outside of the palace.
Obtain a Servant's DisguiseEdit
Using Neramo's HelpEdit
After you have the key, inside the Palace go upstairs and you'll see Helthar standing in front of the lockbox. Interact with him to use the Dwemer device, making him incapacitated and writhe on the floor. Now you can open the lockbox to retrieve the papers.
Using Jakarn's HelpEdit
Meet Jakarn on the yard outside Headmaster Bhosek's Palace. You'll find him laying on a rug with two women, and Bhosek sleeping on a rug nearby. He will tell you Bhosek is sleeping what the women have done to him and give you the key.
Using Crafty Lerisa's HelpEdit
Meet Larisa on the patio outside the entrance to Headmaster Bhosek's Palace. She is pretending to be a servant sweeping the patio. She gives you a disguise that she says will fit you just right, and she will continue to sweep while you enter the palace to steal the papers.
To put on your disguise, open your inventory and find the Servant's Robes, then right-click on them and select Equip, or just double click them. With your disquise on, enter the palace.
Steal the PapersEdit
Find Headman BhosekEdit
In order to get the key to the lockbox, you need to find Headman Bhosek. Go to the far left corner of the first floor of the palace and find a palace servant named Hulya who will be sweeping the floor. Ask her if she has seen Headman Bhosek. Assuming you are a servant, she says:
- "Shouted at you too, did he? He just went out back to carouse with the latest slatterns from the mainland. Best hurry up and refill his drink.
You don't want him running out of drink."
Exit out the back door to the Palace Yard and go down the stairs to a patio where Bhosek is laying on a rug with two women. When he sees you he says "'Bout time, you lazy rat. Fill me up before I have you whipped!" Take the cup from the table and put the powder in it. Bhosek will stand up and take the drink, then get woozy and fall down fast asleep. Search him for the key and go back into the palace.
Should you have Used Jakarns Help. You will find Bhosek unconscious with Jakarn himself standing nearby. At which point you are able to interact with bhosek and freely take his key.
Open the LockboxEdit
Now that you have successfully taken the key from Bhosek, you need to find the lockbox. From the Palace entrance, go up the stairs and you will see Helthar standing in front of a lockbox. If you try to talk to him he says "Go. Leave Helthar alone." You are going to need to find a way to get Helthar away from the lockbox. You can hear a flute playing, and, looking down from the balcony, you see the player to the left of the front door. Maybe he knows a way to distract Helthar.
Talk to Dorodir the flute player and ask if Helthar ever sleeps.
- "Sleep? Ha! He hibernates, but only when he's not gurading Bhosek's things. Doesn't even drink or smoke or carouse either. He's too dim for it, but he loves bashing heads."
Instead, ask him if he ever leaves his post. Dorodir says Helthar's family had been "burned up or something" and he is terrified of fire. Apparently, he runs like a rat from a burning warehouse when someone lights the brazier behind the Bhosek's throne in the middle of the first floor.
Go behind the throne and light the brazier. As soon as you light it Helthar yells "Smoke? Why does Helthar smell smoke?", runs down the stairs, and out the front door. Go upstairs and open the lockbox to retrieve the papers. Now you can head down to the dock to deliver the papers to Kaleen.
Prepare to SailEdit
Kaleen is waiting for you on the dock next to her ship. Hand the papers to her and she will give them to a Redguard named Tharwab as proof of Bhosek's defiance of the king's decrees. Follow her on board her ship up to the wheel. She is very happy to able to leave Stros M'Kai and go home to Betnikh to be with her clan.
Talk to her about the upcoming trip and she will suggest you talk to the crew and get familiar with them as it will be a long trip.
- "Then we leave for Betnikh, an Orc island that hasn't yet joined the Covenant. I hope to change that.
Lambur's happy to go home. She may try to thank you with ale. My advice? Make it to six mugs. You have a friend for life."
- "If there's one thing Master Kasan taught me, it's that knowing your ship and crew keeps you alive.
Seems like you'd make a fine captain, some day. But you'll have to find your own ship!
Elethien and Nasmat: Elethien and Nasmat are talking with each other by the barrels. When you talk to them they tell you how excited they are that they are going to be sailing with Jakarn (and betting on who will bed him first...).
Ellashana:Ellashana is also happy to be sailing again and away from Headman Bhosek. She is hoping Kaleen will let her join her crew.
Majoll: Majoll is looking forward to seeing Jakarn and his... stamina... in action. He hears Jakarn is an incredible sailor.
Mekag gro-Bug: Mekag gro-Bug is also ready to leave Stros M'Kai and admits the Spearhead is a good ship, but no Maiden's Breath. He's looking forward to getting to know Lambur better as she is an Orc with a quick blade and even quicker tongue.
Vimy Lacroix: Vimy Lacroix is standing on the mid-deck with Mekag gro-Bug. When you talk to her she says this will be an interesting voyage and that Kaleen has put together quite a crew. You can strike up a conversation with her by asking who she is.
- "Vimy Lacroix. I'm a collector of sorts, one who travels to places others dare not go.
I hoped to join Neramo's expedition to Bthzark. When I heard he had completed it and was sailing oon, I just had to come along."
- "Vimy Lacroix. I'm a collector of sorts, one who travels to places others dare not go.
- What do you do, exactly?
- "You're inquisitive. What I do I do well. You'll be glad to have me ont his voyage if we encounter slavers.
And I make a wicked sliced ale."
- "You're inquisitive. What I do I do well. You'll be glad to have me ont his voyage if we encounter slavers.
Master Kasan: Master Kasan is on the upper deck at the bow of the ship. He is thankful that there are many sailors on board the Spearhead. He tells you he is a humble sailor, but some call him Kasan Five-Claw, Terror of the Seas. He says Captain Kaleen is sometimes called the Duneripper's Daughter, or the Forebear Witch. He calls her a master sailor, but he now wonders where her allegiance lies. When you ask what he means, he says Sentinel now has a Forebear King named King Fahara'jad who has allied himself with the Bretons and Orcs of the Daggerfall Covenant. He's concerned that Captain Kaleen seems to think too much of Fahara'jad. You also find out that Kaleen is Kasan's apprentice, but she is strong, proud and his worthy successor.
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Down below deck you'll find Haerdun, who is reading a book, and Telonil. Telonil was the quartermaster on the Maiden's Breath. He says Captain Lerisa is hoping to get her own ship again in Betnikh.
There are also 2 chefs below deck, and a cat.
Complete the QuestEdit
Talk to Captain Kaleen on the deck of the Spearhead to find out what's next. She said it's time to head into the Stonetooth Fortress and get a drink! You are rewarded for you help with the heist. After being rewarded for your asistance, she warns you to be careful around the fortress as the Orcs haven't joined the Covenant yet. She is confident they will join the Covenant because of its strength in numbers and that selling weapons in the alliance is a very lucrative business.
She suggests that you go into the Stonetooth Fortress to meet a nice Orc.
- If every quest on Stros M'Kai has been completed, the full list of the crew upon leaving Stros M'Kai should look like this:
- Bridge: Kaleen, Lambur, Jakarn, Neramo, Lerisa, Irien, Andrilion, Clanker, and Howler.
- Cabin under the bridge: Nicolene
- Deck: Ellashana, Nasmat, Elethien, Majoll, and Deregor.
- Below decks: Haerdon, Telonil, Tumma-Shah, Fenlil, Crenard Dortene, and Shazeem.
- Below bow deck: Qawi
- Bow deck: Vimy Lacroix, Mekag gro-Bug, and Master Kasan.
Quest StagesEdit
Tip of the Spearhead | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Objective: Ask about Lerisa
Objective: Ask About Neramo
Objective: Find Lerisa
Objective: Find Neramo
Objective: Recruit Jakarn
Objective: Recruit Neramo
I should speak to Captain Kaleen when I'm ready to help her with her heist.
Objective: Meet Kaleen When You Are Ready to Start the Heist
Captain Kaleen has revealed what she plans to steal - Bhosek's records of incoming shipments and cargoes. She can sell this to King Fahara'jad for a great deal of money.
Objective: Talk to Captain Kaleen
The first step in breaking into Headman Bhosek's palace is to acquire a servant disguise.
Objective: Obtain a Servant's Disguise
Objective Hint: Talk to Neramo
Objective Hint: Talk to Jakarn
Objective Hint: Talk to Crafty Lerisa
Lerisa has a disguise waiting for me at the entrance to the palace.
Objective: Meet Lerisa and Get Disguise
Hidden Objective: Collect Servant Disguise
I have the clothes to disguise myself as a servant. Now to put them on.
Objective: Don Servant Disguise
I'm now disguised as a servant. I should be able to enter the palace without issue.
Objective: Enter Bhosek's Palace
Headman Bhosek isn't inside the palace. I should ask around to find out where he is.
Objective: Ask about Headman Bhosek
A servant told me Bhosek is out back with female companions. If I'm to slip anything into his drink, I must do it outside.
Objective: Enter Palace Yard
I need Headman Bhosek's key to get into his lockbox.
Objective: Collect Bhosek's Key
I have the key to Bhosek's lockbox, which is inside the palace, on the upper level.
Objective: Enter the Palace
Bhosek's lockbox holds the shipping logs Kaleen needs to present to King Fahara'jad's envoy, as incriminating evidence against Bhosek. I have the key to open the lockbox, but now I need to find it.
Objective: Find Bhosek's Lockbox
I found Bhosek's lockbox, but his guard is alert. I need to distract or disable him quietly before I can use the key.
Objective: Disable Bhosek's Guard
Objective Hint: Use Neramo's Device
Headman Bhosek's lockbox is no longer guarded. I should take shipping logs and be on my way.
Objective: Collect Shipping Logs
I have Bhosek's shipping logs, the evidence Captain Kaleen wants to sell. I should find her at the docks.
Objective: Head to the Docks
Captain Kaleen is waiting with King Fahara'jad envoy. I must give her the shipping logs so we can get paid and leave the island.
Objective: Give Records to Kaleen
Captain Kaleen will handle everything from here. When I'm ready to leave, I should follow her onto the Spearhead.
Objective: Follow Captain Kaleen
Captain Kaleen revealed our next stop: Betnikh, a small Orc-controlled island. I should tell her when I'm ready to sail.
Objective: Talk to Captain Kaleen
We're bound for the Orc island of Betnikh.
Objective: Reach Betnikh
We've landed on the island of Betnikh, the Spearhead's home port. I should talk to Captain Kaleen to ask her about her plans.
Objective: Talk to Captain Kaleen
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.