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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location West-southwest of Senie
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier

Trouble-Finder is an Argonian soldier standing next to a wagon on the road to Drelden Orn's kwama mine. The poor Argonian has had a string of bad luck... that he insists on telling you about.


When you approach him, he will grumble about his terrible luck.

"Great. Just great. This is my luck."
What's the problem?
"Some days I wish I'd never crawled out of my egg. I came to Stonefalls to be a guar herder. Shalks ate them.
Went to Davon's Watch to be a bartender. Bunch of Nords kicked me down the street."
Sounds like you've had it rough.
"That's not even the worst of it. Came west to try my hand at mining. It started off well enough. Got some equipment, even talked a few of the locals into helping.
Then the volcano erupts."
"Yeah, it turns out my planned dig site was a Daedric ruin. Complete with screaming and chanting. Frothing monsters inside.
This pales in comparison to that time I spilled some brandy on a Hist root."
Uh ….
"Then there was a time I bought a cheap dagger from a merchant in Ebonheart. I wore it on my belt and these cultists started chasing me, yelling, "The Razor! The Razor!"
I threw it in the river and kept running."
I'm going to go now.
"Huh? Oh, right. Mind where the river carries you, traveler. Can't trust the Daedra."