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Location Fort Grief
Race Dremora Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Bladebearer Clan

Vame is a Dremora member of the nomadic Bladebearer Clan imprisoned by the Order of the Waking Flame at Fort Grief.

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Born of GriefEdit

Vame imprisoned

As you make your way through Fort Grief, you'll hear:

The Anchorite: "Over there! More cages."
Vame: "No! We won't let you take us! Not to your damn machine!"

Free her and speak to her before speaking to Dothaz and she'll only say:

"Kynreeve Rynkyus has commanded Dothaz to speak with you. While you have my gratitude, mortal, I will not contradict the kynreeve's order.
Speak to Dothaz."

After defeating the Storm Incarnate, you will return back to Wretched Spire and you can speak with her there:

"Once my Kyn and I have regained our strength, we will see to a reckoning with Valkynaz Nokvroz. His actions warrant prolonged suffering."

After speaking to Lyranth, Rynkyus will issue orders to his Bladebearers:

Rynkyus: "Bladebearers! Scour the Deadlands for signs of the Waking Flame. Wherever Sister Celdina hides, we will find her!"

A portal opens and the team departs.

Against All HopeEdit

Return to Fargrave after defeating Nokvroz and seemingly all of Fargrave has turned out to celebrate your victory:

"You have proven yourself in realms where most mortals fear to tread.
I will remember your name, mortal. Vame of the Bladebearers would be honored to fight by your side."