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Online:Wildspear Vinecaller

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Wildspear Vinecaller
Location Wildspear Clan Camp
Race Reachman Gender Varies
Health 29,870
Reaction Hostile Class Reach Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Wildspear Clan
Wildspear Vinecaller

Wildspear Vinecallers are Reachmen reach mages of the Wildspear Clan who can be found at their clan camp.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic ranged attack that does minor flame damage.
Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The enemy channels magic and releases a gout of flame from their hand, which they sweep slowly in front of them. This attack does moderate flame damage to all players hit by it. This spell can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance or simply avoided.
Grasping Vines
The enemy places down flaming vines that travel forward, indicated by a circular AoE. The initial placement is accompanied by an explosion that deals damage.
Grasping Vineburst
Getting hit by Grasping Vines roots you in place and inflicts minor magic damage over time. You can roll out to escape.