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Wildspear Clan Camp
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Reachman Camp
Discoverable Yes
Completion Offering to the Spirits
Wildspear Archer, Wildspear Berserker, Wildspear Brute, Wildspear Vinecaller, Wolf
The Reach
Northwest of Rebel's Retreat
Wildspear Clan Camp

Wildspear Clan Camp is a camp found in the Reach, located northwest of Rebel's Retreat. Reachfolk of the Wildspear Clan are found here, and are hostile to all who venture inside.

The ritual stone is located on the northern edge of the camp, overlooking the Karth River below. It is dedicated to Hircine, the Daedric Prince whom the clan venerates.

Dire Wolves wander the land west of the camp. Giants watch the camp from the peak above the camp, to the north. A Reach Hunting Hymn is located on the ground beneath a wooden lean-to. The Wildspear Ritual Stone is in the easternmost corner of the camp.


To complete this Objective, you must make an offering at the camp's ritual stone by interacting with it.


There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
   Offerings to the Old Spirits 10 Make an offering at each of the four ritual stones in the Reach.
