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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Jorin

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Jorin (PC_m2_O_JorinShrine)
Added by Project Cyrodiil
Location Brennan Bluffs, Wayshrine of Arkay (during Changing Seasons)
Anvil, Chapel of Solemn Echoes (if not killed during Changing Seasons)
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 5 Class Enforcer
Other Information
Health 69 Magicka 68
Alarm 90 Fight 85
Faction(s) Great Faiths (Layman), (if not killed during Changing Seasons)
Jorin after becoming a pilgrim.

Jorin is a Redguard enforcer initially encountered at the Wayshrine of Arkay in the Brennan Bluffs during the quest Changing Seasons. He is initially hostile, but may be calmed to allow you to pass unharmed. He can later be encountered in the Chapel of Solemn Echoes in Anvil, having given up his life of crime to become a pilgrim of the Great Faiths.

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  • If calmed and spoken with, Jorin's Fight stat is lowered to 30, preventing him from becoming aggressive again once calm's effects end.
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