Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Lost Stars
< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Quests: Order of Itinerant Priests / Brina Cross
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Alsia Juvanus in Brina Cross' Crossing Inn about a perplexing phrase.
- Speak to Embrilvus Nyrondus at Fort Heath.
- Go to the enchanter, Aryadora, in Anvil's Bazaar of the Abecean.
- Travel to Lost Stars Hollow and read the Note from Uricalimo.
- Return to Alsia and report your findings.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Speaking to Alsia after Culture Shock will reveal her to be deep in thought about a perplexing phrase used by her old mentor - "weaving a pathway to redemption through sin". That mentor once told her that she would figure out what it meant one day, but it bugs Alsia that she so far hasn't understood what he was getting at. Alsia asks that you visit a priest of Stendarr named Embrilvus Nyrondus to get his take. Embrilvus currently works at the chapel at Fort Heath.
You can get to Fort Heath by walking south from Brina Cross, across the wilderness. You can alternatively fast travel by cart to Anvil, and then to Hal Sadek. The fort is just north of that village. Embrilvus resides in its Chapel Tower. He'll recognize the perplexing phrase as one occasionally used by Ayleid revivalists, and will point you to the enchanter, Aryadora, in Anvil.
Journey now to Anvil, and seek out the Bazaar of the Abecean in the Marina quarter. Aryadora's store is within this building, on the main floor. Ask her about the perplexing phrase. She recognizes it immediately:
"Now I could see how that phrase sounds very theological, but I assure you it's actually metaphysical. It began to sound quite normative when it was translated from Old Cyrodilic, but in the original Ayleidoon it has no such connotation. I've heard from a fellow revivalist that he found a fragment that sounds somewhat like the phrase you mentioned at a place forgotten by the world, east of Garlas Agea. They named it Lost Stars Hollow." - Aryadora
More legwork beckons. Garlas Agea lies to the northeast of Fort Heath, and is an easily recognisable landmark due to the sheer size of its Ayleid tower. The entrance to Lost Stars Hollow is east of that tower. Once inside, you'll quickly come across Ayleid ruins and the Welkynd Spirits that guard them.
While you may be tempted to enter the next area, named "Nefa, Starlight Sanctum", the target of this quest is in fact a note in Lost Stars Hollow's final chamber - attached to a pillar just before the stairs leading back out of the cave. Take it and return to Alsia to give her the news - an individual named Uricalimo has taken the artifact Sinweaver, and promises "the truth" to all who find him. She'll recognize the name as belonging to the 'mystic' who she trusted, before he took her money and ran.
Quest StagesEdit
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Lost Stars (PC_m1_IP_Als3) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 | Alsia is perplexed by something her former mentor had said about 'weaving a pathway to redemption through sin'. She asked me to reach out to Embrilvus Nyrondus, a priest of Stendarr at Fort Heath, who may have insight on the meaning of this phrase. | |
20 | Embrilvus Nyrondus did not know what the phrase meant, but he thought it sounded vaguely like Ayleid revivalism. He sugested I talk to an Altmer enchanter named Aryadora in the Bazaar of the Abecean. | |
30 | Aryadora has directed me to a place called Lost Stars Hollow to the east of the Ayeid ruin of Garlas Agea. | |
40 | I found a pedestal for a weapon named Sinweaver in Lost Stars Hollow. In place of the weapon was a note was from a person named Uricalimo who claims to have taken the missing artifact for their own. This might be the lead Alsia is looking for. | |
100 | I told Alsia about the note I found at Lost Stars Hollow. She was shocked to hear that it was written by Uricalimo, a fraudulent 'mystic' who recently deceived her. |