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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Sirethal Palinis

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Sirethal Palinis (PC_m1_SirethalPalinis)
Home City Anvil
Location Goldstone, Great Hall
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 119 Magicka 128
Alarm 60 Fight 30
Sirethal Palinis

Sirethal Palinis is a Wood Elf Noble. He has come to the court of Queen Millona Conomorus as a diplomat to seek aid from the wealthy Kingdom of Anvil for his suffering city of Woodhearth, in Valenwood.

"My home city was sacked by the merciless forces of Summerset Isle during the Simulacrum crisis some thirty years ago. Even after all this time, swathes of the city still lie in ruins. I hope that the Queen will agree to help fund our rebuilding efforts, given our two cities' long history of mutual trade and friendship." - Sirethal on Woodhearth

In Foreign Aid, you are tasked with securing the 3,000 septims requested by Sirethal as a small donation to Woodhearth's rebuilding, which the Wood Elf receives gratefully.

Related QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit

  • Foreign Aid: Satisfy a diplomat's demand for donations.