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Find out what happened to a missing guild member.
Quest Giver: Palagrius Vinicius
Location(s): Anvil
Next Quest: Khofar's Debt
Reward: 150 gold
Disposition: +5 (Palagrius Vinicius)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Cyrodiil Fighters Guild)
ID: PC_m1_FG_Anv1
Adlan Bercourt was a poor swimmer.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Palagrius Vinicius about orders and Adlan Bercourt.
  2. Enter the Port Quarter sewers and find Adlan Bercourt.
  3. Kill the 3x Slaughterfish in the area.
  4. Return to Palagrius.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

As a member of the Fighters Guild, speak with Palagrius Vinicius in the guildhall about orders. He asks you to find Adlan Bercourt, a member of the guild who has yet to return from their previous task. It seems that Adlan was sent to patrol the sewers in the Port Quarter of Anvil. You're instructed to access this area via a grate in Saint Bendu Square. This square lies immediately to the south of Little Arenthia, with the grate being just to the right of the Shrine of St. Bendu.

On entering the sewers from this entrance, proceed south and take your first right to come down a circular cistern. Adlan Bercourt's body can be found in the water of this room, with Slaughterfish swarming over the corpse. Activate the body to receive a journal update, and kill the three Slaughterfish in the area. Then return to Palagrius. He will reward you with 150 gold for the information of Adlan's passing.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Wet Feet (PC_m1_FG_Anv1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Palagrius Vinicius, Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild in Anvil, told me that a guild member called Adlan Bercourt hasn't returned from his job to patrol the sewers in the Port Quarter, beneath the Saint Bendu Square. Palagrius ordered me to go down there and search for Adlan, then finish his job and take care of the danger he couldn't handle.
20 I found Adlan Bercourt's body. He was killed by three slaughterfish.
100 Finishes quest  Palagrius thanked me for finding Adlan's body in the sewers and for killing the slaughterfish.
Prev:  Up: Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Quests Next: Khofar's Debt