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Skyrim:Quest all Drunks Have

< Skyrim: Quests: Favors / Activities: Radiant(Redirected from Skyrim:A Drunk's Drink)
Make a drunk dance for joy.
Quest Giver: Radiant
Location(s): Radiant
Reward: Disposition increase
Disposition: 0→1 (quest giver)
ID: FavorJobsDrunks
Suggested Level: Any
Difficulty: Easy
Embry carousing at the Sleeping Giant Inn

Radiant OptionsEdit


If you talk to one of the quest givers, they will ask you to buy them a drink. Speaking with them while alcohol is in your inventory gives you the option to select some to give to them. This then makes them your friend, meaning that you can take low value items that belong to them and that they may occasionally give you a gift.


  • This quest does not have any stages or objectives.
  • This quest can be repeated indefinitely.
  • Because this is a favor quest which affects the quest giver's disposition, it will count towards the "Help the People" part of the thane quest for the quest giver's hold.