This page lists all the guard barracks in Skyrim. Each hold, with the exception of Winterhold, has its own barracks.
- Eastmarch — A hold in eastern Skyrim, with its capital in Windhelm.
Palace of the Kings — A large castle at the far end of the Valunstrad district in Windhelm. (map)
- Falkreath Hold — A hold in southern Skyrim, with its capital in Falkreath.
- Falkreath Barracks — The living quarters for the Falkreath guards and also contains Falkreath Hold's jail. (map)
- Haafingar — A relatively small hold in northwest Skyrim, containing the provincial capital Solitude.
- Castle Dour — A large fortress in Solitude which acts as the headquarters of the Imperial Legion and residence of the Emperor in Skyrim. (map)
- Hjaalmarch — A hold in northern Skyrim, with its capital in Morthal.
- Guardhouse — The Hjaalmarch barracks on the south side of Morthal. (map)
- SolstheimDB — A large island in the Sea of Ghosts northeast of Skyrim. (map)
- The BulwarkDB — An imposing stone wall created to protect Raven Rock from ash storms, with the city's garrison and jail both built directly into the wall. (map)
- The Pale — A hold in northern Skyrim, with its capital in Dawnstar.
- Dawnstar Barracks — The living quarters for the Dawnstar guards. It also houses Dawnstar's jail. (map)
- The Reach — A hold in western Skyrim, with Markarth as its capital.
- Guard Tower — A Dwemer tower in the center of Markarth. (map)
- The Rift — A hold in southeast Skyrim, with its capital in Riften.
Mistveil Keep — A castle located at the southern end of Riften. (map)
- Whiterun Hold — A hold in central Skyrim, with its capital in Whiterun.
- Guard Barracks — A building in Whiterun where guards live when not on duty. (map)
- Guard Barracks — A building near the main gate in Whiterun. (map)