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Skyrim:Falkreath Stormcloak Camp

< Skyrim: Places: Stormcloak Camps
SR-mapicon-Stormcloak Camp.png
Stormcloak Camp:
Falkreath Stormcloak Camp
(view on map)
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days
Thorygg Sun-Killer, Stormcloak Quartermaster, Stormcloak Soldiers
Console Location Code(s)
Falkreath Hold
East of Helgen
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
# of Wood Chopping Blocks 1
Falkreath Stormcloak Camp

Falkreath Stormcloak Camp is a Stormcloak camp in Falkreath Hold, located east of Helgen.

Falkreath Stormcloak Camp

The camp is normally commanded by Thorygg Sun-Killer, except during the related quest, at which point Galmar Stone-Fist will assume command. The camp is initially disabled, and is only enabled after you are sent to Whiterun during Before the Storm, or you complete either Joining the Stormcloaks or Joining the Legion.


Thorygg Sun-Killer (commander)
Stormcloak Quartermaster
Stormcloak Soldiers
Galmar Stone-Fist (commander)
This person only resides here during the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Falkreath Stormcloak CampEdit

It is a typical Stormcloak camp, consisting of a central campfire with a charred skeever cooking over it, around which the rest of the camp is arranged. Around the campfire are three small tents containing unowned hay piles. Northeast of the campfire is the command tent, containing a lit brazier, an end table, and a large table covered with a map of Skyrim showing the progress of the civil war and the various forts and cities held by each side. This is where the commander spends most of their time. To the southeast are two picketed horses. They are owned, and taking them is considered stealing. South of the campfire is a wood chopping block, while to the north is the hospital tent, which contains four hay piles occupied by wounded soldiers. Outside the hospital tent is a low table holding a random potion of health and a random potion of healing, next to another table with a built-in alchemy lab. Northeast of the hospital tent is the commander's tent, containing an owned bedroll, an unlocked chest, and an end table. Between the hospital tent and the campfire is the workstation for the Stormcloak quartermaster, consisting of an anvil, a grindstone, and a workbench. A long wooden table holds various iron and steel weapons and armor. To the left of the workbench are some barrels.

Any time Falkreath Hold is controlled by the Stormcloaks, this camp will not be present. As long as you haven't completed Joining the Legion, you are free to sleep in the small tents and trade with the quartermaster.


  • East of the camp is a cave with human and animal skeletal remains and a coin purse among them. Behind the cave, up the hill farther east, is a silver ore vein.
  • When the camp is enabled for the first time it permanently disables an unmarked place of a Khajiit Caravan Massacre.
