A Peddler's MisfortuneEdit
- POITundra09
North of Sunderstone Gorge is a toppled cart. Among some cast iron pots, wooden bowls and a broom is a dead Khajiit who carries a copy of the Speech skill book A Dance in Fire, v7. Further east lies a dead horse. (map)
Alchemist's Camp: Evergreen WoodsEdit
- POIPineForest06
Located just north and above of Evergreen Grove, this camp belonged to the dead alchemist that can be found at the Grove.
It is complete with an old, extinguished campfire with a metal pot hanging over it containing an ingredient. Beside the fire is a stump with a copy of the alchemy skill book De Rerum Dirennis on top, and a small tent complete with bedroll. To the left of the tent are a crate and two food sacks, with an apothecary's satchel and the alchemist's journal on top. The journal refers to where the alchemist has camped as a "mushroom grove" and you'll find several patches of bleeding crown around the trees behind his tent.
There is also another nirnroot shortly upstream from the camp. (map)
Bandit Camp: Ilinalta FoothillsEdit
- POIPineForest20
South of The Guardian Stones there is a camp inhabited by three bandits. The camp has three tents with a bedroll each, one wood chopping block and a tanning rack. One of the bandits carries Treasure Map I. There is a coin purse and a satchel resting on a tree stump. A copy of the One-handed skill book Night Falls on Sentinel can be found in one of the tents. (map)
Bandit Camp: Helgen CliffsEdit
- POIPineForest28
West of Helgen is a camp consisting of a tanning rack, a chest, a potion of healing, a pair of hide boots, a long bow, three bedrolls and a copy of the Light Armor skill book The Refugees. There is a beehive in a tree north of the campfire, and there are three bear traps hidden in the grass. If you try to lockpick the chest, two archers and one melee bandit will appear from the west, even if you did not open the chest. Further attempts at lockpicking won't spawn additional bandits, but more bandits will spawn with later visits if the site has had time to reset. (map)
Bandit Bridge: PinewatchEdit
- POIPineForest17
Southwest of Pinewatch. It consists of two wooden towers that straddle the Helgen-Falkreath road, linked by a rope bridge. A bandit archer keeps watch atop each tower. Approaching the bridge activates a boulder trap attached to the structure. (map)
Bandit Camp: Pinewatch HeightsEdit
- POIPineForest33
South of Pinewatch is a camp on the base of a waterfall inhabited by two melee bandits and one mage. A copy of the Alteration skill book The Lunar Lorkhan can be found inside a tent, and there is a tanning rack just outside. Next to the tent lies a dead Dark Elf on a fallen tree, as well as an apothecary's satchel. On subsequent visits the skill book may not be there, and the skill book or the dead elf might not be present on early visits if certain conditions have not yet been met. (map)
Bandit Camp: Skybound UnderhangEdit
- POIPineForest12
Southeast of Riverwood and west of North Skybound Watch is a camp inhabited by two bandits. It consists of two barrels, a sack, a chest and a bedroll around a campfire and cooking pot. A copy of the Block skill book Warrior can be found here. (map)
Bear Cave: Halldir's CairnEdit
- POIPineForest19
West-northwest of Halldir's Cairn is a bear den occupied by two cave bears. Two dead hunters, likely from the nearby abandoned hunter's camp, can be found here, as well as a dead deer and several bleeding crown fungus. During the day, the area also swarms with bees from two beehives in nearby trees. (map)
Bear Hunter's CampEdit
- Wilderness -11, -23
North of Halldir's Cairn is an abandoned hunter's camp, consisting of a tent and an unlit campfire. The tent holds a knapsack, while a nearby crate has a Hunter's Journal and a copy of the Sneak skill book Legend of Krately House resting atop it. See Creature Lairs for details of the likely den of bears that is mentioned in the journal, where the hunters met their unfortunate end. It is found west-northwest of Halldir's Cairn, near the road heading out of Skyrim. (map)
Burning Caravan: Evergreen GroveEdit
- POIPineForest09
Located southwest of Evergreen Grove. The aftermath of what is likely a Dragon attack reveals two dead horses, burned corpses, and a smoldering caravan. There is a chest found in the carriage wreckage. The fire and the smoke will then soon disappear over time after the player has already viewed the area. (map)
Dark Elf's GraveEdit
- POIPineForest02
East of Moss Mother Cavern is the body of a Dark Elf lying against a pile of rocks. Sitting near the body is a dagger lying next to a pool of blood, as well as a bag of gold. (map)
Fisherman's Camp: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POITundra08
East of Moss Mother Cavern on the northwest corner of Lake Ilinalta. It consists of a salmon rack, a small tent with a bedroll, a knapsack, a campfire, a boat containing two food sacks, and a copy of the One-handed skill book Fire and Darkness. If the Fishing creation is installed, the boat also contains a fishing rod and some Fishing Supplies can be found near the water. One fisherman lives here. (map)
Fisherman's Island: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POIPineForest13
South of South Brittleshin Pass on an island on Lake Ilinalta. It consists of a salmon rack, a small tent with a bedroll, a knapsack, a campfire, and a boat. If the Fishing creation is installed, the boat also contains two fishing rods and some Fishing Supplies can be found near the water. One fisherman lives here. (map)
Hunter's Camp: Sunderstone GorgeEdit
- POIPineForest10
West of Sunderstone Gorge. It consists of a chest, a sack, a small tent with a bedroll, and a hunter's bow with 12 iron arrows. One hunter lives here. (map)
Hunter's Camp: The Guardian StonesEdit
- POIPineForest01
There is downhill path west of Guardian Stones which leads to a camp of a fisherman. With Fishing installed, this site becomes a Fishing spot. (map)
Khajiit Caravan MassacreEdit
- POIPineForest23
Seven Khajiit caravanners can be found murdered on the steep road south of Orphan Rock. As you approach the fallen tree, bandits will attack, unless the Stormcloak Camp is present.
Nordic Burial GroveEdit
- POITundra26
South of The Lady Stone is a small stone cairn surrounded by six graves. On one of these graves there lies lavender and blue mountain flowers. Hostile skeletons inhabit this location. (map)
Prospector's Shack: Bonechill RidgeEdit
- POIPineForest15
Located north of Bonechill Passage is a shack with two burnt corpses nearby, presumably killed by a dragon attack.
The shack contains a chest, a copy of the skill book Purloined Shadows can be found underneath the bed. The end table has a silver necklace and Note to the Authorities (which will mark Ancient's Ascent on your map) on the top of it. (map)
Riverwood FollyEdit
- BleakFallsTower
Riverwood Folly or Bleak Falls Tower is a bandit-occupied Nordic tower located east of Bleak Falls Barrow, along the path between it and Riverwood. It is occupied by three leveled bandits; the first one lounges against a tree next to the path, the second paces back and forth across a bridge and through the entry door, and the third waits near the top of the tower. All three will only turn hostile if you approach the tower too closely. The tower contains only a few valuables: a table on the first level holds a coin purse, four barrels near the top contain foodstuffs and a few salt piles, while an unlocked chest at the very top contains leveled loot. Two iron ore veins can be found just south of the tower down a steep path. (map)
Sacrificial Altar: Evergreen WoodsEdit
- POIPineForest08
Located just west of the Roadside Ruins and southwest of Evergreen Grove. A leveled Necromancer and two bone wolves can be found with a dead Imperial woman laying on the altar.
An Apothecary's Satchel can be found on the altar alongside the conjuration skill book 2920, Frostfall, v10, a Weak Lingering Poison, and a Weak Magicka Poison. A nightshade plant can be harvested by one of the pillars. (map)
Sunken Barrow: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POIPineForest25
West of The Guardian Stones is an underwater Nordic barrow beneath the waters of Lake Ilinalta. The ruin contains a chest, two leveled soul gems, and a weapon lying on a table. (map)
Sunken Fishing Boat: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POIPineForest30
Adept level chest.
The Conjurer's Altar: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POIPineForest24
North of Pinewatch is a conjurer at an altar with embalming tools, weapon, burial urn and the conjuration skill book 2920, Hearth Fire, v9. The skeleton on the altar has coins over the eyes. (map)
The Headless SkeletonEdit
- POIPineForest31
North of Southfringe Sanctum, a pine tree that overlooks Fort Neugrad has a headless skeleton of a Nord that has been executed long ago with the axe that is still lodged into the tree. There is a chest that can be looted and a copy of the Conjuration skill book The Warrior's Charge (map)
This location is close to the ritual site from The Rising Dead quest added by the Plague of the Dead Creation.
The Indigestible EmeraldEdit
North of the Guardian Stones lies a deer skeleton, with a flawless emerald between its rib bones. (map)
The Mauled RefugeesEdit
- POIPineForest34
In the mountain west of Helgen, due south of Embershard Mine, very near the secret exit you use to leave Helgen in the beginning. After Dragon Rising is complete there is a small camp containing two blood covered bedrolls, with the bodies of two refugees from Helgen, who have been killed by an animal. There is an extinguished campfire and normally an animal nearby. (map)
The Silvermoon: Lake IlinaltaEdit
- POIPineForest18
Located south of The Lady Stone is a sunken trading vessel named The Silvermoon that has been resting at the bottom of Lake Ilinalta for as long as the inhabitants of Riverwood can remember. The shipwreck contains a chest and a leveled weapon. (map)
Toadstool Ring: Bilegulch RidgeEdit
- POIPineForest11
Toppled Tower: Knifepoint WoodsEdit
- POIPineForest04
North of Knifepoint Ridge is a tower that has fallen off the cliffside and broken into two large pieces. Wolves inhabit the bottom half of the tower, where there lies a dead elk among two patches of Blisterwort. There is a chest on the wooden planking that is used as the roof of the wolves den and another chest on the wooden floor of the upper half of the tower. There is also a vacant beehive. (map)
White Cap CircleEdit
Northeast of the Twilight Sepulcher is a grove of eight white cap mushrooms aligned in a circle. In the center of the circle sits a bloodied skull, a staff, a glass arrow and a copy of the Archery skill book Father Of The Niben. This is also where the Bear Guardian appears during Kyne's Sacred Trials. (map)
Wild Animal Den: Orphan RockEdit
- POIPineForest26
Located slightly northeast of the Falkreath Stormcloak Camp, is an overhang where two predators will be found. The corpse of a Nord can be found, however if the Stormcloak Camp is present, then the den will be empty of enemies but can still be looted.
Wild Animal Den: Pinewatch OutcroppingEdit
- POIPineForest29
Northwest of Pinewatch is a wolves den under an overhanging rock. There are three white cap fungus growing against the rock wall and a broken cart with a locked chest nearby. This location is the spawn point of the wolf guardian spirit during Kyne's Sacred Trials. (map)
- Bandit Camp: Pinewatch Heights might not be present. The bandits, the dead elf, the apothecary satchel, the tanning rack, the tents, and the copy of The Lunar Lorkhan will all be missing. It is unclear whether this is a bug or the result of certain conditions not being met.