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Skyrim:Knifepoint Ridge

< Skyrim: Places: Camps
Knifepoint Ridge
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Clearable Yes (see bugs)
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6
Important Treasure
Vernaccus and Bourlor
Console Location Code(s)
KnifepointRidgeExterior01, KnifepointRidgeExterior02, KnifepointRidgeExterior03, KnifepointRidgeExterior04, KnifepointRidge01
Falkreath Hold
Northwest of Falkreath
Southeast of Glenmoril Coven
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Tanning Racks 1
# of Smelters 1
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 2
# of Workbenches 1
Ore Veins
# of Corundum 19
# of Iron 5
Knifepoint Ridge

Knifepoint Ridge is a small bandit camp and iron and corundum mine northwest of Falkreath. It contains only one zone, Knifepoint Mine.

Related QuestsEdit



There are nine bandits roaming the main camp, with several huts containing various loot or crafting tables. Working in from the perimeter where you can find up to five bandits walking around (depending on the time of day), in and near the hut to the south are a smithing forge, a workbench, and a grindstone. This hut also has a novice-level chest containing varying loot of reasonable quality (gold, lockpicks, weak potions, and usually one piece of apparel), as well as a table holding a leveled warhammer and a random leveled light helmet. Outside the hut, on another nearby table, there is a copy of the Archery skill book Vernaccus and Bourlor, a leveled bow, and a sheaf of leveled arrows.

There is an iron ore vein just east of the smithing hut. If you take the stairs to the west of the smithing hut and head to the right, you will find a hut containing a table with a leveled dagger. This section of the camp features a log gate to the south that leads to a campfire with a bandit near it. The entrance to the second zone, Knifepoint Mine, is also found beyond this gate, with a pickaxe on the ground just outside the entrance and another by some crates and sacks to the left. Returning to the smithing hut then heading through a small gap in the palisade to the north, a third and final hut is found containing an alchemy lab, two potions or poisons, an apothecary's satchel, and a loose sample of frost mirriam.

Knifepoint MineEdit

The boulders blocking the path through the mine
The hideout of Boethiah's Champion

Entering the mine leads to a small room, with a tunnel down to the east blocked by a cave-in (unless the quest Boethiah's Calling is active). There will likely be a bandit chief near the campfire in the small room. There are two iron ore veins here, and a dead Imperial prisoner in a cage next to the fire; the cage contains an additional three iron ore veins, and is secured with a leveled lock. There is an unlocked chest and a weapon rack with a pickaxe along the back wall. Throughout the mine are also many patches of mushrooms to be harvested, including bleeding crown, blisterwort, fly amanita, imp stool, Namira's rot, and white cap.

If the quest Boethiah's Calling is active, you can descend through the otherwise blocked tunnel to find a bandit by an alchemy lab behind a makeshift wall of crates and barrels to the left. Two shelving units and three barrels near the alchemy lab hold a range of potions, poisons, and ingredients. Two corundum ore veins can be found in this area: one at the bottom of the ramp where you entered, and a second to the right of the locked gate in the southeastern corner. You can then continue down the northern path, which contains a flammable gas trap and three more corundum ore veins, or you can open the locked gate, giving you a good vantage point overlooking the main room.

In the main room you will find the Champion of Boethiah, if you have the related quest active, as well as a few bandits. There are over a dozen corundum ore veins here. To one side will be a smelter and a grindstone in front of a wooden ramp leading up to a makeshift house; on the other side you will see a wooden walkway leading to the previous locked gate. There is a master-locked chest under the wooden ramp accessible through a gap in the scaffolding to the left of the smelter; just before the chest is a barrel with cheese on top (see bugs). Lying on a crate north of the grindstone is a satchel. In the makeshift house is another unlocked chest, a single bed, a dresser, several food barrels, and a bow on a table. There is a tanning rack to the right just outside the entrance to the house, while farther to the right is a small tunnel which loops back around to the main chamber and contains several glowing mushrooms.


  • If you climb the ridge west-southwest of the camp, you'll find some skeletal remains. The skeleton has a leveled bow and a knapsack (containing common loot), which are splattered with blood.


  • This location may not be marked as cleared on your map if you enter for the first time during the quest Boethiah's Calling.
  • Upon clearing this mine and returning at a later point, you may find that the tunnel leading down to the left from the first room is still blocked by the cave-in, leaving no way to progress through the mine.
    • Exiting and reentering the mine may fix this, possibly requiring multiple attempts.
  • If you have already received the quest Boethiah's Calling and have the objective to kill her current champion, you will be unable to complete the quest Kill the Bandit Leader in Knifepoint Ridge. The quest marker will point to where the bandit chief stands instead of over his head, and even if you kill everyone in the mine, the quest will not be completed. Waiting until Knifepoint Ridge has reset does not fix the problem.
    •  Typing setstage Favor154 20 in the console will finish the quest, allowing you to turn it in to the Jarl; however, you won't get the gold reward.
  • In the area under the wooden ramp leading to the barrel with goat cheese and on to the chest, there is one spot where it is possible to get "stuck". If you are unfortunate enough to find it, the only option is to reload a saved game. The trouble spot is on the zigzag before the barrel; if you stick to the outside of the tunnel, you should avoid it. ?