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The console is a powerful in-game tool only available to PC players. From the console it is possible, while playing the game, to enter commands that will alter most aspects of gameplay, and it is also possible to obtain detailed information about NPCs, creatures, and other items in the game.

General InformationEdit

The console can be accessed in-game by toggling the "tilde key" (the actual key can be ~, `, º, ¬, |,^, \, §, ², etc., depending on your keyboard layout), found near the 1 and Esc keys on most keyboards. The console prompt will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your screen. The console can also be used as a pause function during scenes or dialogue that cannot otherwise be paused. You can scroll the console output using the Page Up and Page Down keys. Console commands are not case-sensitive; for example, entering any of tai or TAI or TaI will toggle AI. After you type a command, press the Enter key to activate it. You will see the command you just entered displayed above the input area.

Many commands are targeted: this means that you may use player.command to affect the player character; for example, type player.setav carryweight 1000 will set the Player's Carry Weight at 1000. Or, you may want to target the NPC/actor, by first typing prid <RefID>, Enter. Then, type the command by itself, setav carryweight 1000, to affect the NPC, specified by <RefID> (Note: including the zeroes at the beginning of the RefID when targeting NPCs may produce a "command not found" error. That can be evaded though by placing the RefID in quotes, e.g. "000A2C94".setav carryweight 1000 will set Lydia's Carry Weight at 1000).

You may also target an NPC or object in the console by clicking on them, and then run command to affect the NPC or object. When an NPC or object is targeted in this way, their hex code (RefID) will be displayed at the top of the console. For example, to unlock a door, open the console, click on the door so it is the active object in the console (its RefID is shown at the top of the screen), then type unlock. When multiple objects overlap, use the mouse wheel to scroll through different RefIDs until the correct one is selected. When playing on multiple monitors, the cursor will display in the secondary monitor but clicking it will select the object in the same area of the primary monitor. Note that a complete list of objects and their RefID can be obtained by running save funclist 1 and navigating to the "ACHRs" column.

Commands which are abbreviated (for example: tai) can also be run by using their full name; thus, ToggleAI is synonymous with tai, and GetActorValue is synonymous with getav. In most cases, the long command is an obvious progression from the abbreviation. Also, most SetSomething commands have a counterpart GetSomething, even if the counterpart isn't shown here.

Some commands require a form ID. Most articles on objects provide the ID or IDs for those items. In addition, the Help command can be used to locate IDs. Help "elven sword" 0 would provide a list of all game objects with elven sword in their names. This can be used for items, spells (Help firebolt 0), and perks (Help juggernaut 0).

  If you don't know what you're doing, using console commands can cause your game to malfunction! Executing the wrong command can cause your game to stop working normally; furthermore, you may not become aware of such malfunctions right away, and you may not be able to trace their cause. They can cause problems like making quests impossible to complete, altering your game's display, all kinds of game behaviors, your ability to play your character, and your ability to play the game at all. Solutions are not always easy, and may involve losing saved games or reinstalling your game.

Create and archive a permanent saved game before using the console. (This mitigates only some kinds of risks.) If you need to use the console to fix a glitch, try to use the least-powerful command possible.

If you need help in repairing a console-caused issue, you may see if someone in this wiki's Discord server has a suggestion. You may not get any kind of answer right away, or a solution at all. You might also try asking a question on this article's talk page with the same idea: you may or may not receive a timely reply to your question or problem, and you may not receive a solution at all.

Accessing the Console with Non-English KeyboardsEdit

If you are using a non-US keyboard, the tilde (~) / grave accent (`) key might not work, or there may be no key with such markings. Often, the correct key to use is the key below Esc and above Tab (), where the tilde/grave key is on a US keyboard. See the following table for specifics:

Keyboard Key Notes
Arabic ذ
Danish ½
French ²
German ^ The circumflex or "hat" character is usually used together with a normal letter to create letters like ê or ô. To avoid problems, hit the space bar after opening the console, then delete the ^ that appears.
Hungarian 0 If you want the character 0 to appear in console input, you must press the one on your numeric keypad. Otherwise, the console will close.
Portuguese (Portugal)
Portuguese (Brazil) '
Spanish º/ª
Turkish Q "

Another possible solution is to install AutoHotKey and set up a shortcut to send the tilde key code the game is expecting. Add the following lines to your AutoHotKey script and it will map F12 to grave accent (`) and Shift+F12 to tilde (~). (The grave accent key is the same physical key as tilde on US English keyboards.)

; Map grave accent/tilde key (`/~)
F12::SendEvent {vkC0sc029}
+F12::SendEvent +{vkC0sc029}

On some systems you may need to use the less optimal mapping:

; Map tilde key (~)

The Console key can also be remapped by editing the file located in Data\Interface\Controls\PC\ControlMap.txt. By default the Console key is assigned the value 0x29 (DIK_GRAVE), changing to 0xb8 will assign it to the "Right Alt" key (DIK_RMENU). See a Direct Input Key (DIK) Code Table for other keys.


How to Read the Command Table

When a command requires arguments (e.g., additem <Item ID> <qty>), the brackets <> indicate that <ID> should be replaced with the appropriate ID, and <qty> with the appropriate quantity. The brackets are not part of the syntax. So additem <ID> <qty> becomes additem 0002299c 1.

Furthermore, all REFIDs, faction, weather etc can be entered without the leading zeros. (e.g. additem 2299c 1 has the same effect as above)

Command Effect Notes

Toggle CommandsEdit

These commands toggle settings on and off.
animcam Toggle animator camera Toggles a 3rd person camera mode that lets you rotate and zoom the camera around the player without changing the direction the player model is facing.
psb Player Spell Book Gives the character a complete spell book, including the shouts, and unlocks bestial abilities. Dragon souls are still required for shouts. This can crash Skyrim.
s1st Shows 1st person model in 3rd person This only works in 3rd person. It shows your 1st person arms behind your character in 3rd person. You control the 3rd person model, but the 1st person arms mimic your swings. It looks like you're controlling a character that's controlling another character.
sucsm <number> Changes the speed of the free-flying camera (UFO cam) Example: sucsm 50 after typing tfc will allow the camera to move about five times faster than its default speed. The full command name is "SetUFOCamSpeedMult".
tai Toggle AI Toggles AI (Artificial Intelligence) processing off or on. This command is targeted; if no actor is selected it will turn off/on AI processing globally.
tb Toggle Borders Toggles cell border visibility. Borders appear as a thin white line on the terrain.
tc Toggle controls driven If used when highlighting an NPC, will transfer control to said NPC, but any command input will be passed in addition to the player unless is used to remove control.
tcai Toggle Combat AI Toggles Combat AI processing off or on.
tcl Toggle collision (clipping, noclip) Essentially, you can fly. Point in a direction and move wherever you want. You can also move through buildings and even the landscape. This command is targeted; if no actor is selected it will turn off collision for the player while keeping other actors stuck in place. It is possible to deselect any target reference by double clicking the same object or area in the landscape, which will cause "tcl" to default itself to target the player.
tdetect Toggle AI Detection Disables and enables AI detection, meaning if it is toggled off, NPCs won't be able to "see" you, or anyone else, even if you're right in front of them or attacking them.
Note: NPCs will still react to you and turn hostile if you unsuccessfully try to pickpocket them.
teofis Toggle End-Of-Frame ImageSpace Disables blur, contrast adjustment, fades back in from a black screen, and a few other things. Will give a huge frame rate boost on "weak" video cards, at the expense of some prettiness.
tfc <1> Freeflying camera Sets your controls to move the camera around, instead of the player. Use with 3rd person view to get a good look at your character. Adding the "1" tag at the end freezes all the environment, but still allows you to move around with the camera.
tfow Toggle Fog of War Despite the name, this simply disables the local map, leaving the player and door markers on a black void. Has no effect on the world map.

Note: There seems to be a bug when activating this when mining or woodcutting that causes your character to disappear and not be able to attack or go in to third person. Loading a previous save before this happened seems to fix this.

tg Toggle grass Toggles display of grass.
tgm Toggle god mode No damage taken, no magicka consumed, no stamina used, no encumbrance, unlimited arrows, no shout cooldown. You can only use this on yourself.

Note: God mode will not protect you from scripted damage, such as that from lightning in the Soul Cairn, or damaging light or darkness in Twilight Sepulcher and Apocrypha, respectively. It also will not prevent you from contracting a disease.

tim Toggle immortal mode Everything behaves as normal except you cannot die as a result of being reduced to 0 health. You can only use this on yourself. If you are decapitated or bitten and thrown by a dragon while using this, it can have some quite frustrating results (e.g. you will walk around with your head cut off).[verification needed — see talk page] These effects can be avoided by setting the character as essential.
tll Toggle LOD Hides/shows all LOD meshes, the lower-quality versions of faraway objects and land. Functionally looks as if draw distance has been dramatically reduced, with a similarly dramatic gain in performance. Will have no effect indoors. May also help deal with bugs related to LOD.
tm Toggle menus (HUD) "Menus" refers to the Heads-Up Display (HUD) on the screen: the health/magicka/fatigue meters, your current weapon and spell, the compass, etc. This also removes the cross-hair if it's present. This command is useful for taking screenshots without all the clutter.

Note: the tm command will toggle off ALL menus, including the console menu itself! To avoid confusion:

  1. Press ~.
  2. Type 'tm' and press ENTER.
  3. At this point, your console is still open but you cannot see it! Press ~ again to close it.
  4. When you wish to toggle menus on again, press ~ to open the console (you will not see anything, but the game action will pause).
  5. Type 'tm' and press ENTER.

Also see csb.

tmm <show?>(,<discovered?>,<includehidden?>) Show/hide all map markers <show?> should be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers. Hiding markers hides all markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game. When adding markers, the 2nd parameter <discovered?> determines if the ones you add are set as discovered (1, default) or not (0), and the 3rd parameter <includehidden?> is all (1) or all but hidden (0,default) (e.g., to add all undiscovered markers without fast travel, enter tmm 1,0,0).
tmove Toggle Player Movement Toggles ability of player to move.
ts Toggle sky Toggles display of the sky.
tscr Toggle script processing. Toggles script processing off or on globally.
tt Toggle trees Toggles display of trees.
twf Toggle wireframe Shows wireframe in red or opaque.
tws Toggle water system Toggles display of water (display underwater remains unchanged).

Targeted CommandsEdit

These commands require a target reference. Select one with the mouse in the console, use the prid command, prefix the command with player to target the player character or prefix the command with a RefID to target something else.
additem <item ID> <count> <flag (optional)> Give a character the specified amount of an item E.g., player.additem 000669A5 5 will add five leeks to your player's inventory. The effects of <flag> are unknown, but it probably refers to ownership and stolen status. Changes to an NPC's inventory will usually appear immediately if you're pickpocketing them when you open the console. It is possible to remove items with this command by using negative numbers.(Item ids: Skyrim:Items)
addperk <perk ID> Give a character the selected perk For perk ID codes, see the page for the perk's corresponding skill, indexed at Skills. To find the perk ID code in-game, try help <perkname> 0.

E.g., player.addperk 000c44c0 would give your player the perk "Adept Destruction".

addspell <spell ID> Add a specific spell to a character's available arsenal. Works with powers, abilities, blessings, and diseases, but not shouts. For a spell's ID code, see the page for its corresponding magic school, indexed at Spells. For other applicable IDs, see: Powers and Abilities, Blessings, or Diseases. This command does not work with dragon shouts; to add those, see the teachword command.

Here are some examples (note how adding certain magic effects can have unanticipated consequences):

  • player.addspell 00092c48 will add the "Beast Form" power to the player's spell book, essentially turning you into a werewolf.
  • player.addspell 000b8780 will add the "Sanguinare Vampiris" disease, turning your character into a vampire over the course of 3 ingame days. (Diseases will only be added after a random number is checked. The chance to contract "Sanguinare Vampiris" is 10%.)
  • player.addspell 000d2056 will add the "Ghost Ability" effect, essentially turning your character into a ghost. (If you remove this spell again, you will need to reset the actor's opacity with setactoralpha command.)

Adding certain permanent abilities this way (e.g., Ancient Knowledge) will merely add their name to the list of active effects, but will not actually give the expected benefits. That requires changing the appropriate Actor Value Indices separately.

addfac/addtofaction <faction ID> <faction rank> Add a character to a faction. Valid numbers for the faction rank vary, but 0 will always add the actor with the lowest possible faction rank and -1 will remove the actor from the faction.

Examples for some factions that can't usually be joined in the game, are given below:

Faction ID Faction Notes
0005C84D PotentialFollowerFaction Gives the NPC all necessary dialogue to be selected as a new follower.
00019809 PotentialMarriageFaction Gives the NPC all necessary dialogue to be available as a spouse. (Will not work with all races or NPCs with unique voices.)
xx004290 PotentialChildrenFaction Gives the NPC child necessary dialogue to be adopted. (May not always work, some children will disappear all day and just sleep at your home.)

xx = Hearthfire loading order number

0005A1A4 Player Ally Faction Will turn the selected NPC into a friendly character.
000E0CD9 Bandit Ally Faction If used on the player, most bandits will no longer attack.
000E0CDA Warlock Ally Faction If used on the player, most warlocks and necromancers will no longer attack.
000E0CDB Draugr Ally Faction If used on the player, most draugr will no longer attack.
advlevel Advance a character's level by one. advlevel Adds one level to your character's current level. You are not given the option to increase an attribute, are not awarded any perk points, nor, obviously, will any of your skills improve. This command may therefore seem of limited value; however, remember that enemies get tougher as your level increases - so if you're a Tamriel veteran and have already cranked the difficulty to "Legendary" but still crave more of a challenge, using advlevel to add ~10 levels to your character (that's ten levels without skill increases, attribute gains, or new perks!) should certainly make the enemies more difficult.(though remember that the loot will also be leveled)
AdvSkill <skill> <nn> Advance the specified skill. AdvSkill registers the increase and will count towards your next levelup.
The full list of values recognized by AdvSkill is provided at Actor Value Indices. The number represents the experience level to add to the skill (e.g., player.advskill destruction 1 will only add 1 experience towards the next skill increase, it will not advance Destruction 1 skill level). Some skills require far more experience points than other skills, crafting skills level quickly with few points, but armor skills require much higher numbers.
See the incPCS command for an alternative means of leveling skills, which in comparison does not use the relative-value experience points; however, incPCS can only increase a skill by one level per use.
Cast <spell ID> <target ref ID> <left/right/voice/power> Casts the specified spell at the target.
If no target, set <target ref ID> to player.
The source can be:
  • left - left hand
  • right - right hand
  • voice - voice/power

Note: casting an unequipped spell is allowed, the spell will be automatically equipped. But it will cause SkyrimVR not to display the hand's spell effect when you stop casting.

  • First player.equipspell 12fcc right, then player.cast 12fcc player right will cast Healing to player self.
  • First player.equipspell 12fcd right, then player.cast 12fcd player right will cast Flames to player pointing.
  • First player.equipspell 12fd2 left, then player.cast 12fd2 1aa65 left will cast Heal Other to your follower Benor.

Shouting with this command also works:

  • player.cast 13f3a player voice: Unrelenting Force - Fus Ro Dah
  • player.cast 13f39 player voice: Unrelenting Force - Fus Ro
  • player.cast 13e09 player voice: Unrelenting Force - Fus

The spell IDs of shouts are completely different from the shout's ID and are considered as three different spells. You can find these IDs from CreationKit of Skyrim > Magic > Spell > Voice Power.
Note: The player's voice will not be played when casting shout from console.
For more information, see [Cast - Creation Kit].
These codes could be used in a bat file.

completequest <quest ID> Complete the quest instantly. Be careful when using this command. Often, it merely makes the quest in the Journal become a completed quest. However, the related actors or NPCs to the quest may not recognize that you have completed a quest/task in order to give you a following quest/task. Quest IDs can be found in Quests.
DamageActorValue <attribute> <nn> Damage value of attribute by <nn> amount Example: player.damageactorvalue health 50 causes you to lose 50 health as if you just took damage. It will still recover the same way it normally does. Attributes can become negative. Can be restored with restoreactorvalue. This is a better option than modAV for temporary debuffing, since it can be restored to its original value easier. Stacks with 'modAV' effects. Skills/attributes damaged with damageactorvalue will still appear white, but will correctly restore to what they really are. Can be used to kill NPCs.
Also see RestoreActorValue

The full list of attributes is provided at Actor Value Indices

disable Don't render the selected object (includes actors.) The object will be made invisible, collision will also be turned off and AI won't process on the object, but scripting on the object will run (unlike Oblivion, where it would instantly crash to desktop, the player can't be disabled).
Also see enable
dispelallspells Dispel all temporary spell effects on target Example: player.dispelallspells dispels any magic effect on the player including buffs/debuffs (not attributes/skills changed with the console), potions/poisons, DoT effects, and activated powers (except beast form and other morphs).
drop Force drop items from a character's inventory You may select a character and use the command Drop <base ID> <amount> to drop any items in their inventory by force, including normally undroppable quest items. You may need to use Showinventory to get a detailed list of items and get the correct IDs you need.
duplicateallitems <container/NPC refID> Duplicate all items in the targeted container and places them in the given container. Example: Selecting an NPC with the mouse then entering duplicateallitems 89c79 will copy all items in the NPC's inventory and place the duplicates into the container with refID 89c79. You can get the container/NPC's refID by clicking on them and committing the ID to memory before selecting the container/NPC which has the items you want to copy. You can also type in the refID of the container/NPC with the items to be copied before the command with a period in between instead of selecting anything with the mouse. For example, entering a2c94.duplicateallitems 89c79 will copy all items from Lydia's inventory (whose refID is a2c94) and place the duplicates into the container with the refID 89c79.
Also see removeallitems
enable Render the selected object (includes actors.) Undoes disable, making the object and its collision and AI appear in the world again.
Also see disable
equipitem <Item baseID> <0/1> <left/right> Equip selected NPC with Item With a selected NPC, you can typically use equipitem <Item ID> for use (if one is not already in their inventory, it will be added); the player-character equivalent is player.equipitem.
  • An optional extra parameter is 0 or 1: the latter seems to make the item not be unequippable (sometimes – the results are not entirely consistent), e.g. to keep a weapon drawn at all times; the default is 0, and leaves the item contextually unequippable (or resets it to be so, if 1 was used earlier).
  • A second optional parameter is left or right, which puts Item in a specific hand, if applicable; if this parameter is used, then 0 or 1 must precede it (usually 0).
  • It only works on baseIDs. Consequently, it will equip an item of that type already in inventory, or a create a new copy of the item if it is not already in inventory. You cannot use it to transfer a specific item from your inventory (or the ground, or a container) to an NPC.

The opposite command is unequipitem, and works with the same basic syntax. See also equipspell and equipshout.

equipspell <Spell ID> <Casting Sources> Equipping the given spell on a particular casting source. <Casting Sources> could be:
  • left: The caster's left hand.
  • right: The caster's right hand.
  • voice: Used for Shouts.
  • instant: Used for Potions and Powers.


  • player.equipspell 12fcd left will equip Flames to player's left hand.
  • player.equipspell 12fd2 right will equip Heal Other to player's right hand.

Users have reported being able to do things like force a lesser power that is normally triggered with the Shout key to be equipped as a left-hand spell, and other things not normally possible; such antics may produce unexpected or undesirable results, so save first before experimenting.

It seems impossible to equip actual shouts with this command to player (use equipshout instead).

equipshout <Shout ID> Equipping the given shout. Example:
  • player.equipshout 44250 will let the player equips Dragonrend.
  • player.equipshout 13e07 will let the player equips Unrelenting Force.
forceAV <attribute> <nn> Force to modify the value of attribute ForceAV modifies the attribute value by registering a permanent modifier (positive or negative) of the amount required to force the attribute to the stated value. Displayed player attributes modified in this way will be highlighted (default is green text) to indicate a modifier ("buff" or "debuff") is being applied.
Also see modAV and setAV

The full list of attributes is provided at Actor Value Indices

getAV <attribute> Get value of attribute This will return the value of the specified attribute (a.k.a. actor value) for the specified target. You can select a target with the mouse, or enter the refID of the target followed by a period before the command. For example, player.getav heavyarmor will return the player's Heavy Armor skill value. For a list of all of the actor values that can be used, see Actor Value Indices.
getAVinfo <attribute> Get value information of attribute This will print a short list of information about the given attribute (a.k.a. actor value) of the specified target. You can select a target with the mouse, or enter the refID of the target followed by a period before the command. For example, player.getavinfo lightarmor will return information about the player's Light Armor skill, such as the base value (what it was just after character creation), any current temporary or permanent modifiers, etc. For a list of all of the actor values that can be used, see Actor Value Indices.
getlevel <target> Get level of target Gets the level of the targeted character or creature.
GetLocationCleared <locationID> Check an area's clear code. 0 = not cleared, 1 = cleared. You must use the location id, not the name; for example, GetLocationCleared 00018EE2 will check Swindler's Den.
Also see SetLocationCleared.
getrelationshiprank <target> Get the relationship rank of two actors. Should range from -4 to 4. See setrelationshiprank.
getstage <quest ID> Show the current active quest stage. Shows the current stage that the quest is at based on the game's internal stage numbering.
hasperk <perk ID> Check if the selected actor has a perk with the selected ID For perk ID codes, see the page for the perk's corresponding skill, indexed at Skills. To find the perk ID code in-game, try help <perkname> 0.

E.g., hasperk 3af84 would return Perk Rank >> 1 if the selected actor has taken the first level of the Two-handed Skull Crusher perk.

incPCS <skill name> Increase the given skill to the next level. For example, entering incpcs lightarmor will increase the player's light armor skill to the next level. No integer or variable may be used after the command - it can only be used to increase a skill one level at a time. Using this command will lead to a normal increase in the player's level with attribute selection and a perk point, unlike the advlevel command.
As an alternative to incPCS, see the advskill command. By comparison, advskill uses a more complex leveling system but can be used to advance a skill by any number of levels at once.
kah Kill all hostiles. Command added to the PC version of the game in Special Edition Patch 1.6.1130.
kill <Actor ID (optional)> Kill the selected actor (NOT the optional Actor ID). Open the console, click on the actor you want to die, type kill and press Enter. Entering an optional Actor ID will treat that actor as the person who killed the target[verification needed], which can cause other NPCs to attack the actor as they would a murderer. Specifying the Player as the Actor ID will assign blame to the player, counting the kill as a murder if the target was non-hostile and possibly incurring a bounty if other NPCs witness the death.

Some actors (primarily NPCs, not creatures) can be flagged as "essential" by the game and thus will not die. In this case, the character will instead crouch and stumble around for a while; however, this stumbling can usually be ended early by using the resurrect command on him/her.

lock <level> Lock targeted object (i.e. door, container) with a difficulty of <level>. Values of <level> will display in the tooltip for the locked object as follows: 0 - 25: Apprentice, 26 - 50: Adept, 51 - 75: Expert, 76 - 100: Master, 101+: Requires Key.
MarkForDelete Delete an object. Deletes the targeted object the next time the area (cell) it resides in is reloaded. Useful for removing specific unwanted furniture/decoration from homes. Be careful as there's no way to restore deleted objects. Objects marked for delete will show [D] next to their ref ID if you re-target (re-click) them. Can be used to remove Ash Piles and Ghost Remains, which otherwise never get removed from the world.
modAV <attribute> <nn> Modify value of attribute by <nn> amount ModAV modifies the attribute value by registering a permanent modifier (positive or negative) of the value stated. Displayed player attributes modified in this way will be highlighted (default is green text) to indicate a modifier ('buff' or 'debuff') is being applied.
Also see forceAV and setAV

The full list of attributes is provided at Actor Value Indices

moveto <actor ID> Move a character to specified actor and vice versa. Example 1 - move Player to an object or NPC: player.moveto 0002BFA2. Using this code will instantly teleport you to Hadvar's position. You must use RefID

Example 2 - move an object or NPC to the Player: type prid 000A2C94, Enter. Then, type moveto player, Enter. Using this code will instantly put Lydia next to you. This code is especially useful for a follower/NPC who's just disappeared after a quest due to a bug in game; e.g. Lydia is disappeared after The Break of Dawn quest. You can also select an object and type moveto player which will move the selected object to your feet and orient it based on the camera's angle.
Also see placeatme

movetoqt <quest ID> Move to quest target Example: movetoqt da01. Using this code will instantly teleport you to the target (i.e., the marker on the map) of the quest. It does not advance the quest in and of itself, but may bring you into a situation which might immediately do so. It takes you to the ultimate current target of the quest in its respective cell - so it doesn't just take you to the next doorway you need to go through. It doesn't skip over to the final stage of the quest, either - you are delivered to the target of the current stage of the quest. Use caution, as you will be placed right on top of or as close to the current marker as possible, which may position you in the middle of a group of enemies, or on top of a trapdoor, etc. See the main index of Quests for the quest ID codes.
openactorcontainer 1 Open a character's inventory. Opens selected NPC's inventory to allow the player to add/remove items as if it were any other container.
paycrimegold (<jail?> <confiscate?> <faction ID>) Pay the bounty. Pay the bounty for the faction targeted NPC belongs to (the bounty gold will be removed from your inventory). The <jail?> parameter controls whether you are sent to jail: entering 1 means you will be teleported to the respective faction's jail (the default), entering 0 means you will stay put. The <confiscate?> parameter controls what happens to your stolen items: entering 1 means they are confiscated, entering 0 means you keep them (the default). If you don't specify either parameter, you will be sent to jail but keep your stolen items. The faction ID is only needed if you can't target an NPC. May also help in case guards attack you on sight. Faction ID's are given below:
Faction ID Faction
00028170 Crime Faction Falkreath
000267E3 Crime Faction Eastmarch (Windhelm)
00029DB0 Crime Faction Haafingar (Solitude)
0002816D Crime Faction Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
0002816e Crime Faction The Pale (Dawnstar)
0002816C Crime Faction The Reach (Markarth)
0002816B Crime Faction The Rift (Riften)
000267EA Crime Faction Whiterun
0002816F Crime Faction Winterhold
xx018279 Crime Faction Raven Rock (Solstheim)
placeatme <actor/object ID> Spawn specified actor or object at current position. Example: player.placeatme 000fea9b. Using this code will instantly summon an instance of an object or NPC at your position. The above example summons a dragon. Not recommended for named NPCs. This code uses the Object (base) ID and not specific reference ID as it is creating a new instance of that object/actor in the world; using it with named NPCs can result in duplicates unless the original was somehow removed.
Also see moveto which can summon named NPCs by refID using the following commands: prid RefID & moveto player
playidle <idle ID> Play an animation (idle) on the specified actor. Example: playidle IdleOffsetArmsCrossedStart. See the list of idles.
pushactoraway <actor ID> <number> Push an actor away in a random direction. Example: pushactoraway 14 1337. Will push or launch your character in a random direction. If you enter negative amount, example: pushactoraway 0001A6B8 -200, will pull the selected actor to your character position.
recycleactor <destination reference (optional)> Revive/Reset targeted NPC or object. Can be used to reset an NPCs reference/revive dead NPCs. If you've already looted a corpse, they may come back headless (especially Nords). Their inventory isn't reset, except for their weapon. Enemies will prioritize other NPCs of opposing factions (like Stormcloak vs Imperial), and ignore the player until the opposing NPCs are dead. The optional Destination Reference is untested, probably refers to coordinates or a cell id.
  • When used on containers, it acts like resetinventory.
  • When used on objects, it will reset them to their original positions and states. It can be convenient if you mess something up and want to restore the order.
  • When used on the player, their inventory is not replaced, but the following items are added:
removeallitems <actor or container ID> Remove all items from a character's inventory. E.g., player.removeallitems will remove all items from your character's inventory or "removeallitems <click on character> for remove all items of particular character. Optionally, after the command, enter the reference ID of an actor or container to transfer all the items in question into the referred actor/container.
Also see duplicateallitems
removeitem <item ID> <count> Remove the specified amount of an item from a character's inventory. E.g., player.removeitem 000669A5 5 will remove five leeks from your player's inventory. Changes to an NPC's inventory will usually appear immediately if you're pickpocketing them when you open the console.
removeperk <perk ID> Remove the specified perk from a character's skills. For perk ID codes, see the page for the perk's corresponding skill, indexed at Skills.

Important note: To remove perks from an established tree, you will need to backtrack through the entire tree. Meaning, start from the top and work your way down. In perks with ranks, you will need to remove rank 5/5, then 4/5, etc. Also, using removeperk will only remove the perk. It will not refund the perk points.

E.g., player.removeperk 000babe8 will remove Barbarian rank 1/5.

removespell <spell ID> Removes a specific spell from a character's spell book. Also works with powers, abilities, blessings, and diseases, but not shouts For a spell's ID code, see the page for its corresponding magic school, indexed at Spells. For other applicable IDs, see: Powers and Abilities, Blessings, or Diseases.

E.g., player.removespell 00092c48 will remove the "Beast Form" power from the player's spell book.

resetAI Reset an NPC's AI. Can be used to calm down a non-enemy NPC if you attack them. In battle, the enemy is forced to sheath their weapon, then pull it out again and reacquire their target.
resethealth Restore a character to full health. Example: player.resethealth Restores your health to 100%
resetinventory Reset a container or a character's inventory. Resets a character's inventory to its default. Example: If you use removeallitems on an NPC and enter resetinventory everything will respawn and re-equip to its defaults. Can be used to pickpocket the same item multiple times. Works on dead NPCs and containers/chests, so you can loot the same corpse/container multiple times. Containers are slightly randomized, so items may vary depending on the containers loot settings.
RestoreActorValue <attribute> <nn> Restore the value of attribute by <nn> amount Restores a damaged skill or attribute up to its normal value. Example: lose 50 health and enter player.restoreactorvalue health 100 and you recover 50 health since it can't restore more than its normal value. Doesn't fix attributes/skills damaged by modAV or forceAV or setAV
Also see DamageActorValue

The full list of attributes is provided at Actor Value Indices

resurrect <1> Resurrect target actor Unless you use this command the instant the NPC is killed, the game will still register the target as "Dead" and they will subsequently not be mentioned in dialogue and sometimes specifically referred to as "Dead" during a quest. Adding a tag of "1" at the end (i.e., resurrect 1) will make the target get up instead of vanishing and reappearing, thus allowing them to keep their equipment. [verification needed — see talk page] If an NPC's corpse has vanished already, you will also need to enable the NPC. Using this on the player character will not dismiss the "Load last save?" screen, and the camera will behave as if you were still lying dead on the ground. However, if you use the resurrect command before the loading message appears, the player will revive, but the camera will be centered on the feet rather than the head. Note that accidentally using this command on yourself while you're still alive can also have unexpected consequences, among them losing the ability to dual-cast spells (which will be fixed on reload), and losing any blessing effects (but not the blessing itself - which can be complicated in the case of Standing Stones. The game will not let you restore that Standing Stone power unless you first visit another Standing Stone and come back.) NPCs who are dead at the beginning of the game (such as Mage) cannot be resurrected via this command.
Also see kill.
say <dialogue topic ID> Makes the targeted actor say a specific dialogue topic. Useful for forcing bugged NPCs to say a specific dialogue topic if entering the dialogue window is impossible for some reason. Any scripts for the dialogue topic will also run as if the actor had said it normally. May have unintended effects if the dialogue topic is invalid for that particular NPC.

E.g., say DA04SeptimusBringBloodBranchTopic

setactoralpha <0–100> Change the selected actor's alpha/opacity. Useful for repairing unwanted graphic glitches after adding and removing certain permanent spell effects. E.g., player.setactoralpha 100 will reset unwanted invisibility effects and make your character visible again.
setAV <attribute> <nn> Set value of attribute SetAV sets the level value of the attribute to the stated value. Example: You can player.setav block 100 to set your Block to 100 and take advantage of having a high level Block without receiving any levels (and therefore any perks). The same works for dropping the skill level. You can also do it for Health, Stamina, or Magicka etc. And you can target it for an NPC by using prid <RefID> of an NPC first; then just type setav health 500 to give the specified NPC 500 Health. setav speedmult <nn> sets the speed percentage of the targeted actor to nn. You may need to sprint or sneak/unsneak for it to take effect.
Also see forceAV and modAV

The full list of attributes is provided at Actor Value Indices

setessential <base ID> <0 or 1> Set a character as mortal (0) or immortal (1). This command can be used to make any NPC unkillable. When a character set as essential takes nearly fatal damage, they collapse onto their hands and knees (Also known as Bleedout) and stumble around for a period of time, instead of dying.
Note that the base ID and not the ref ID must be used. The ref ID is what appears when clicking on an object with the console open. To find an NPC's base ID, however, you can either a) browse to their respective page (see: People and/or NPCs) or b) use the help function in-game to search for them by name, recording whatever value matches their name under the "NPC_" category of result. Once you have the base ID, enter the command using either 1 to set him/her immortal or 0 to set him/her mortal. For example, setessential a2c8e 1 would set Lydia as immortal.
  • Be careful when making an Essential NPC mortal, if they die you will likely be unable to access the associated quest or story. However, a simple save reload will fix if you haven't save over all the files where the character is still alive(and either non-essential or essential)
  • Related functions: To check whether an NPC is essential to begin with, select him/her in the console (so that the ref ID appears), and enter IsEssential - if the console returns "1.00", the NPC is essential.
  • It is also possible to set the player them self as essential with the base ID of 00000007, However upon entering the 'bleedout' stage, the player will sometimes not get back up (usually upon the first time in a new area or after having recently set yourself as essential), however, simply entering your inventory and drinking a health potion will fix this immediately (any health potion used during bleedout will return you to full health). Usually, your character will drop down to their hands and knees, and then immediately get back up with full health.
setghost <0 or 1> Set ghost mode for the targeted NPC. Makes the NPC immune to all combat mechanics such as melee attacks, spells, AOE, and shouts while active. The player can still collide with the NPC by running into them.

For example: Serana is in ghost mode to hide her from all attacks until she becomes active in the Dawnguard questline.

setgs <setting> <value> Set game setting. Doesn't seem to be preserved in saves; must be reset each time the game loads. Example: setgs fJumpHeightMin <height> sets the jump height for the player.
setlevel <multiplier> <modifier> <min> <max> Set NPC level Just like other target commands, type prid <RefID> of an actor/NPC first. If you prefer to click on the NPC while in the command console, make sure the ID you see is of the targeted NPC and not an object.

If you input setlevel 1000 0 1 100 that NPC will be equal level you are and will level with you up to level 100 and will start at level 1 if you're level 1.

Variable Description
<multiplier> Determines the base level in terms of the player's current level. Specified in tenths of a percent (i.e. 1000 means 100%, 500 means 50%).
<modifier> This number is added to the base level determined by <multiplier>. Can be negative or zero.
<min> The minimum level of the NPC (must be at least 1).
<max> The maximum level of the NPC (at most 100, unless you have patch v1.9 patch or use the level uncapper mod).
SetLocationCleared <locationID> 1 Set whether an area has been cleared. You must use the location id; if you wish to clear Swindler's Den, for example, use 00018EE2, not the name. Also see GetLocationCleared.
setnpcweight <0–100>
Set the weight of the selected NPC and updates the model to reflect the new weight. Despite its name, this also works on the player's model. e.g. player.setnpcweight 0 changes the player's appearance to be as if the "Weight" slider were all the way left. 100 would be all the way to the right. Saving and re-loading a game after it's been used on an NPC may result in neck seams, as NPC head meshes are pre-modeled and not procedurally generated to the new weight value.
setownership <ID> Sets ownership of the targeted item. You can set the owner of the targeted item with a faction ID or a character's base ID. If you don't add the parameter, the default owner would be yourself. This can be used to remove the "stolen" tag from any items. Simply drop the item on the ground, open the console, click on the item, and enter the command. It can be difficult to select certain items. Can also be used to remove the "owned" attribute of beds and gain the ownership of a stolen horse.
setrace <race> Change a character's race. Doing this will allow you to change the race of an actor. If player.setrace is used, you can change your own race without using showracemenu. Upon using this code, the character's hand will be bound like in the beginning of the game, but this can be undone by drawing a weapon. This will not mess up attributes/skills. Creatures are available as races as well (e.g., player.setrace dragonrace), but most creatures will have a buggy camera position in third person. You can get most race codes with the help race 0 command. Use PageUp and PageDown to scroll to the races at the top of the list. Unlike most other commands, the race needs to be specified in plain text and not the race's BaseID (i.e. player.setrace nordrace). See setplayerrace for additional details.
setrelationshiprank <target> <#> Change the relationship between two actors 0=acquaintance, 1=friend, 2=confidant, 3=ally, 4=lover, -1=rival, -2=foe, -3=enemy, -4=archnemesis. (All other values are unassigned ranks and will default to "acquaintance".)
setscale <#> Scale size of target. Scales the size of a chosen target. Starting from small 0.1, normal 1, and 10 at max size. Acceptable targets can be any NPCs or objects in the world. You cannot change the size of items.
setstage <quest ID> <stage #> Set the current stage of the given quest. Example: setstage ms01 100. The setstage command is useful for advancing broken quests, finishing quests instantly, or for skipping ahead to a certain point in a quest. You can find the quest's ID code, as well as the various stages of the quests and their corresponding stage numbers, on the respective quest page. To start, see the main index of Quests.
setunconscious <integer> A value of 1 will be unconscious Example: setunconscious 1 makes an NPC or the player stand in place as if it's in a trance or their AI is disabled. You can do whatever you want to them and they won't react. They remain that way until you use setunconscious 0. They will act like nothing happened, so if you steal from them and wake them back up it will be as if they didn't see anything. They can also wake up if you get their health to a critical level, and will either fight back or run away. The effect is equivalent to the player using wait and coming out of it early due to an attack.
inv/showinventory Display the base IDs of every item in a character's inventory. These IDs can be used in the console to modify a character's or the player's inventory. E.g., with five Leeks in a person's inventory, player.showinventory will display "5 - Leek (000669A5)", and you can use player.additem 000669A5 5 to obtain five more leeks.
shp <parameter #1-parameter #9> Set HDR parameters The 9 HDR parameters are in floating point. Each one affects something different. The effects stay until you load a save or switch areas. Example: shp 1.00 0 0.50 0.01 9.00 .1 .99 100 1.0000
sifh <#> Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits. E.g., sifh 1 will make the selected actor ignore friendly hits.
sqs <quest ID> Display stages of a quest Lists all stages of that quest and shows if a stage is achieved.
stopcombat Stop combat with a targeted NPC Stop all aggression from an NPC, if other NPCs in the faction are hostile, it will fight again
StopCombatAlarmOnActor Stops all aggression towards an actor. This is most useful when a group of otherwise friendly NPCs are attacking the player (i.e., player.StopCombatAlarmOnActor).
str <0–1.000000> Set the refraction value of the selected target. E.g., str 1.000000 will set refraction to its maximum value, str 0.000001 will make the target completely invisible, str 0.000000 turns off refraction reverting the target to its normal appearance. str 0.000000 will completely mess up a character's eyes and eyelashes. Can be used on any targetable object from NPC/player to pieces of the architecture.
teachword <word> Teach a dragon shout. Teaches a specific dragon shout by code. Each level of a word has a specific code. Use the help command to find the shout's code, or see Dragon Shouts.
unequipitem <Item baseID> Unequip item from selected NPC With the selected NPC you can use unequipitem<ItemID> to get them to unequip an item but leave it in their inventory. The opposite command is equipitem, and works with the same basic syntax. No error results from unequipping an item the NPC doesn't have. The player-character equivalent command is player.unequipitem.
unlock Unlock the targeted object. Unlocks the targeted door, container, etc., including "Requires Key"-level locked objects.
unlockword <word> Unlock a dragon shout. Unlocks a specific dragon shout by code. Each level of a word has a specific code. Use the help command to find the shout's code, or see Dragon Shouts.

Untargeted CommandsEdit

These commands do not require a target reference.
bat Execute a batch file Executes a .txt file with console commands in it, handy for certain otherwise tedious actions.
caqs Complete all quest stages Finishes every quest in the game, not just the ones you've started, essentially completing the game. Not recommended for general use. May crash your game. Note: This will unlock several quest related Steam achievements if they have not been unlocked yet. See also: saq
coc Transport to <cellname> Transports to the center of a named cell (coc is short for CenterOnCell.); i.e., if you want to go to Riverwood write coc Riverwood in the console. You can get most location codes with the help location 0 command. I.e. help breezehome 0 will tell you that the correct code is WhiterunBreezehome or that Sovngarde can be reached with Sovngarde01.

coc qasmoke will transport to the Skyrim testing hall (for QA testing; inaccessible otherwise.) Note: The enchanted armor and weapons cabinets contain huge piles of items which can take some time to load; the game may appear to freeze for a while if you open one.

cow Transports to cell <cell x, cell y> in <worldspace> Transports to the center of cell [cell x, cell y] in world space. (cow is short for CenterOnWorld.) The outdoor worldspace of Skyrim is Tamriel so to transport to the center of cell 5,7 in Tamriel you would put cow tamriel 5,7 in the console.

These points will put you at the stables or right in front of each city but not inside.

csb Clear screen blood Removes all blood from the screen. Useful when taking screenshots.
EnablePlayerControls <Movement> <Fighting> <POV> <Looking> <Sneaking> <Menu> <Activate> <Journal Tabs> <POV Type> Re-enables player controls Removes restrictions on player's control. Unlike the script command, this does not appear to allow controls to be disabled. Note: If used in carriage at the game start, unexpected bugs may occur or the game may crash.
fov Set fov <angle> Will change the Field of View to <angle>. Default is about 65 and using the command with no value will set the fov to 75. This change will reset if the game is restarted or if settings are changed by the Launcher. Values between 80 and 107 may be most suitable for wide screen PC users. 180 is the maximum, values higher will be accepted, but will still have the effects of 180.
fw Force Weather Changes the current weather to the specified value (Note: Using this command will not permanently change the weather). It is only temporary, and will reset after some moving around. Typing ,1 after the formid without spaces will prolong the weather of your choice (for example, fw 10e1ec,1). Weather names that end in "_A" will cause auroras when set at night. Valid formids are:
GetGlobalValue <Variable> Returns the value of a single global game setting. Example:GetGlobalValue DragonsReturned would tell you whether or not random dragon attacks will take place. See ShowGlobalVars.
GetInCellParam <Cell ID> <Object ID> Checks if an object is in a specified cell. Example:GetInCellParam 5de24 14 would tell you whether or not the player is in helgen keep. getincell >> 0.00= not present, 1.00=present. Can be used to confirm if your character or an NPC is in a particular cell.
GetPCMiscStat <Stat> Returns the value of the (typically meaningless) stats shown in the ESC menu. Shorthand is GetPCMS. Example: GetPCMS "barters" would tell you how many times you've gone shopping or GetPCMS "days as a werewolf" will tell you how many days you have been a werewolf. The quotation marks are required in the command to properly identify multiword stat IDs.
help Returns the IDs of all items, spells, game settings, etc. which have the entered text in their name. This is a useful command to find the item ID of an object, which can then be used with other console commands.

E.g., help "Daedric" will list all items, etc. which have "Daedric" in their name. There is no need to put a "0" for the help command. Quotation marks are required for queries of more than one word (e.g., help "ancient nord"). Use page up and page down to scroll through the results.

killallactors Kill all actors. Kills all loaded (in currently rendered cells) non-essential actors (NPCs and creatures) immediately. Essential actors will be knocked down. The code killall can be used for identical effect.
load Loads <name> gamesave. Loads the corresponding save. E.g.: load autosave1 will load last autosave. If the name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double-quotes, E.g.: load "My Skyrim Save"

Useful when stuck, or if showracemenu is opened. See also: save

ModPCMiscStat <Stat> <nn> Adjusts the value of the (typically meaningless) stats shown in the ESC menu by <nn> amount. Shorthand is ModPCMS. Modifies the Player Character Miscellaneous Statistic value by registering a permanent modifier (positive or negative) of the value stated. Example: ModPCMS "days as a werewolf" -100 will modify how many days you have been a werewolf by a negative 100. The quotation marks are required in the command to properly identify multiword stat IDs.
pcb Purge cell buffer This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells. However, since it purges cached cells, any cells you visited in the recent past will have to be reloaded completely when reentered.
playercreatepotion <MGEF ID#1> <MGEF ID#2 (optional)> <MGEF ID#3 (optional)> Creates a potion with up to 3 effects. Example: playercreatepotion 6b10C gives you a potion of improved nighteye for X seconds. Alchemy Skill determines effect magnitude(based on alchemy skill 1=1%/1Pt,) and duration(duration = Alchemy Skill +1 Sec). Some MGEF effects don't work with potions.

damageactorvalue and modAV will affect the magnitude of alchemy effects without messing with your level/skill progress.

playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID> <MGEF ID (optional)> Spawns an object with specified enchantments Example: playerenchantobject 136D5 109637 109637 would give you imperial armor with two magic resist enchantments.

The Magnitude used for any magic effect is set to your enchanting skill, so 85 enchanting skill = 85% magnitude,85 damage/+85 health/magicka/stamina, 85+1 sec duration(weapons only).

Any effect with an MGEF ID can be added, including special effects normally restricted to NPCs and some perk effects. Perk MGEFs don't show up on equipment or passive effects, but still work. They also use enchanting skill instead of the perks usual value, and stack with the real perk.

Weapons made through the console will always have about 11.5 charges(regardless of enchanting level), and can be recharged. Some effects don't require charges unless grouped with an effect that does require charges. When used on weapons some MGEF are toggled on hit(first hit= on,second hit= off), like improved nighteye.

Enchanted weapons/equipment created with this command cannot be disenchanted, the game will tell you that you already have the effect.

damageactorvalue and modAV will affect the magnitude of enchantments without messing with your level/skill progress.

prid <RefID> Pick reference by ID Select an existing copy of an object/creature/NPC using its reference FormID (the one associated with that particular placed object). All subsequent targeted commands will use this object as the target. This is the same as clicking on the object in the console, but can be used even if the object is invisible or in a different area. Shorthand for PickReferenceID
qqq Fast quit. Quits Skyrim to desktop immediately without further prompting. This sometimes results in crashing or mouse click problems. Mouse problems can be resolved by re-opening and closing Skyrim.
resetinterior <cellID> Reset an entire cell. This command will reset an entire dungeon or location to default, including monsters, traps, chests and loot. Any references created in-game (refID starting with FF), such as items dropped by the Player, will be deleted. E.g., ResetInterior Stillborncave01 or ResetInterior 00015206 would reset the dungeon Stillborn Cave to default; all monsters, traps, and loot would be respawned. If you reset a cell you have just been to, you'll need to use pcb command (purge cell buffer) as well, or the game will reload the buffered version of the cell, with all the modifications you've made to it. Both editorID and formID are acceptable in this command. Using this command in player homes appears to reset the furnishings without clearing the contents of initially empty containers, however, all weapon racks and cases will be empty and mannequins will need to have their inventories removed and replaced. (viz., the bedroom chest)[verification needed]
refini Refreshes all settings. This command loads and re-applies all settings from Skyrim.ini and any .ini with filenames matching currently loaded .esp files.
resetquest <quest ID> Reset a quest. This command will reset a quest. This command will set all stages of the quest to 0.
saq Start all quests Begins every quest in the game and adds them all to your journal. Not recommended for non-experimental use due to the large number of quests. May crash your game. Note: This will unlock several quest related Steam achievements if they have not been unlocked yet. See also: caqs
save Write <name> gamesave. Save game to a named save <name>. If the name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double-quotes, i.e. save "My Skyrim Save" Note that this will overwrite an existing save of <name> without prompting.

Appending the parameter "1" will create a file <name>.ess.txt and open a texteditor upon it. This textfile contains a lot of dumped data and takes a while to write out (15 minutes observed) - the console and game is unresponsive during that. See also: load

saveini Save settings to file. This command saves all current settings to an ini file in the Data folder. The file will be named after the last loaded plugin, and will thereafter only automatically load if that plugin is included in the load order.
set <Global Variable> to <Value> Sets a global variable Sets the value for a global variable. See ShowGlobalVars.
set gameday to ## Sets the date Sets the date, where ## is the day number 1-30. Example: set gameday to 10 sets the date to 10th of whichever month it is
set gamedayspassed to # Sets the number of days that have passed since starting the game Sets the number of days that have passed since starting the game, where # is the number of days. Example: you have to wait for a week for something to happen, but you don't want to use the "wait" command: get gamedayspassed (find out how many days), add 7, then: set gamedayspassed to ## sets the gamedayspassed count
set gamehour to ## Sets the time of day Sets the time of day, where ## is the time in 24-hour format. Example: set gamehour to 10 sets the hour to 10:00am and set gamehour to 22 sets the hour to 10:00pm
set gamemonth to ## Sets the month Sets the month, where ## is the month number 1-12. Example: set gamemonth to 10 sets the month to Frost Fall

set gameyear to X

set gameyear to ### Sets the year Sets the year, where ### is the year number. The year is always in the 4th Era. Example: set gameyear to 203 sets the year to 4E 203
set playeranimalcount to <qty> Sets number of animal followers used to remove a lost pet from your party set playeranimalcount to 0

Note: doesn't remove any actual follower, just reset the count to the selected number (1 or 0). If used with an animal follower next to you that isn't lost, you can recruit another one.

set playerfollowercount to <qty> Sets number of followers used to remove a lost follower from your party set playerfollowercount to 0

Note: doesn't remove any actual follower, just reset the count to the selected number (1 or 0).

set timescale to <qty> Sets the speed of how fast time advances in-game Default value is 20. Setting the value to 1 will make time advance at the same rate as the real world. Values down to 0 are possible, where less than 1 represents game time at a fraction of real time and 0 freezing the time of day completely.

Note: NPCs are unable to cross cell boundaries when timescale is less than 1. Fast traveling while timescale = 0 may also prevent your game from loading properly.

setplayerrace Set player race. Doing this will allow you to change your race without using showracemenu. If ID is not provided race menu will appear.

You can get most race codes with the help race 0 command. Use PageUp and PageDown to scroll to the races at the top of the list. Unlike most other commands, the race needs to be specified in plain text and not the race's BaseID (i.e. setplayerrace nordrace). Creatures are available as race as well, but most creatures will have a buggy camera position in 3rd person. SetRace racename can also be used. Upon using this code, the character's hand will be bound like in the beginning of the game, but this can be undone by drawing a weapon. Will mess up attributes/skills.

setpqv <quest form ID> <quest variable ID> <desired variable> Sets a quest variable Sets the quest variable to something else, typically either true/false or a number. Works only on boolean ( or int ) variables ! Use the sqv command to check all the current quest variables for a quest ( setpqv does not work on most types )

Example: setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel LockedIn_var False

SexChange Switches the player or an NPC's gender Switches the player's gender; does not require a value. Can be used on an NPC if you target them. A fun thing to note is that this code does not change the face and voice of a character. Can be used on mannequins to show female outfits. It is possible to use this command to fix the lingering sound effect bug that some characters seem to suffer, just remember to use the command twice to return to your original gender.
SGTM Changes the Gametime Multiplier to a specified value for slow motion, and fast forward type effects Allows you to control the gamespeed, making it easier to capture screenshots of action on slower speeds. Causes issues above 2.0 and below 0.10, except when 0. This is different from timescale as timescale does not affect combat and movement and dialogue where this setting does. Example: sgtm 2 will make the game run in fastforward. Note: This setting is automatically reset back to 1 (default) when killmoves are executed.
ShowGlobalVars Shows all current game variables This will list all current game variables, which can then be changed with the set command. You can scroll through the list with the PgUp and PgDown keys.
ShowMessage Shows a message E.g., ShowMessage 000A81FF will display the "Playtesting Temporary Message".
showracemenu Opens the character creation menu. Note: Using this command to alter one's race will reset skills and health/magicka/stamina to default levels. This command can be safely used to alter a character's appearance without causing any unwanted side-effects as long as race is not changed. However, it should be noted that upon completing your changes and choosing a name for your character, all temporary active effects (such as Gift of Charity or shrine blessings) will be removed. Racial resistances will no longer be listed in Active Effects until the game is loaded from the main menu, at which time racial resistances will be automatically reapplied. Permanent active effects such as those from guardian stones or perks will not be lost. Active effects granted from enchanted items will not be listed until the items are re-equipped.
showracemenu <race> Changes the player's race. Example: showracemenu bretonrace will make your character into a Breton. This variation of showracemenu doesn't actually show the race menu, but instead works like setplayerrace <race>. Skills bonuses/powers change to reflect new race, but it messes up skills/attributes like showracemenu past lv1. Setting race to 'nordrace' from any other race seems to result in a no head glitch unless used from the chargen menu.
spf <file name> Save PC Face Saves the player face i.e. slider settings in showracemenu into a text file in Skyrim folder, which can be later imported into Creation Kit. Do not use any file extension, .npc will be added automatically.
sqo Itemizes quest objectives and their states Shows a human friendly list of active and completed quest objectives for currently active quests
sqt List quest ids and targets List all active quest IDs and their targets. Useful for finding the "quest ID" parameter for targeted quest commands such as movetoqt <Quest ID>
sqv <quest ID> Show quest variables Check all the "quest ID" quest variables. Use the setpqv command to modify a variable.
stp <unknown1> <unknown2> <unknown3> <chroma> Set tint parameters The chroma value ranges from 0 to 1 and is inverted, so stp 1 1 1 1 produces a black & white image, while stp 1 1 1 0 disables tint filtering altogether.

All Known CommandsEdit

Table of Commands
Command Short Command Notes
Console Commands
Actor Actor Toggle Actor Info
AddAchievement In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
AddFaceAnimNote AFAN
AddItem Specify the form ID of an item to create in the target reference's inventory, and the quantity to add. You can also specify an optional flag value, though its purpose is unknown.
AddNote AN
AddOcclusionPlane AOP Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size).
AddPerk Specify the form ID of a perk to add to the target reference, if it is an actor.
AddSpell Specify the form ID of a spell to add to the target reference, if it is an actor.
AddToFaction Addfac
AddWatchAddress awa Adds an address range to watch out for.
AdvancePCLevel AdvLevel
AdvancePCSkill AdvSkill Give the player the given amount of skill usage [advskill onehanded 100]
ApplyImageSpaceModifier imod Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list
ApplyImageSpaceModifierCrossFade imodcf Adds a crossfade imagespace modifier to the active list
AttachPapyrusScript APS Attaches a Papyrus script to the target reference. Specify the name of the script to attach, and a second optional string (a function to call on the script?).
BeginTrace bt In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to create a trace file when run on an Xbox 360 build; the built-in description describes the command as "Xenon only," so it may be a leftover from Oblivion, which was in development when the Xbox 360 was still referred to by that codename.
BetaComment BC Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file. NOTE: select object first. [bc "This rock is too high."]. This function has no implementation and is unused.
CalcLowPathToPoint LP2P ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use
CalcPathToPoint P2P In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
CastImmediateOnSelf cios
CellInfo Toggle Cell Info
CenterOnCell COC Instantly move the player to the specified cell (by editor ID).
CenterOnExterior COE
CenterOnWorld COW Instantly move the player to the specified cell in a worldspace. [COW worldname -10 5]
CheckMemory chkmem In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
CheckPlayerDoors CheckPD
ClearAchievement In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ClearAdaptedLight cal Clears the HDR adapted light texture
ClearConsole Clears the console log
ClearLocationMarkers clm
ClearNoActivationSound Clear the activation failure sound
ClearQuestAliases Clears quest aliases. [ClearQuestAliases QuestID]
ClearScreenBlood csb Clear screen blood
CollisionMesh colmesh Toggle Mesh Collision Info
CompleteAllObjectives Complete all of a quest's objectives
CompleteAllQuestStages caqs Sets all quest stages
CopySaves Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).
CreateGameData Creates game data.
CreateGrassAt cga In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
CreateSaveData createsaves Creates save data.
CSize Shrink/Grow an actor. [player.shrink 0.0 or radius]
DamageActorValue DamageAV Damage an actor value.
DamageObject do
DebugCombatBehavior dcb Debugs the combat behavior on an actor
DisableAllActors DisAA
DisablePlayerControls dpc
DisplayGraphVariable dgv Gives control of variable filters used on the animation debug text page.
DisplayLookIKDebug dlik
DrawSkeleton das Enables skeleton drawing
DumpModelMap DMM Dump model map contents to file
DumpNiUpdates dnu Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)
DumpPapyrusStacks dps Dumps all Papyrus stack information to the log
DumpPapyrusUpdates dpu Dumps all Papyrus update registrations to the log
DumpTexturePalette DTP Dump texture palette contents to file param is sort type f-filename, s-size, c-count)
EnablePlayerControls epc ​fighting|​pov|​looking|​sneaking|​menu|​activate|​journal|POV Type
ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
EnableStoryManagerLogging esml Enable story manager logging.
EquipItem Force the target reference to equip the specified item (by form ID), creating that item in the reference's inventory if none is available.
EvalActorTextures EAT
EvaluatePackage evp
EvaluateSpellConditions esc
ExitGame exit
ExportInventoryItemInfo eiii
ExportPerfTrackingData EPTD Export performance monitor tracking data to a file.
FailAllObjectives Fail all of a quest's objectives
FastTravel Player Fast Travel to Marker
FindForm find Find a form
ForceActorValue ForceAV Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25]
ForceFileCache ffc Enumerates Miles samples and streams
ForceFlee Flee Forces a actor to flee if destination or cell is passed in uses them
ForceOutOfMemory FOOM In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ForceRadioStationUpdate FRSU
ForceRSXCrash fRSX In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed from the game, it may have been used to test RSX chip crashes in the PS3 build of the game.
ForceWeather fw Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition.
FreezeRenderAccumulation fra only re-render geometry visible during this frame
GameComment GC Adds a comment about the game to the GameCommentDB. (Ex. This monster is too hard)
GetActionRef getAR
GetActorValue GetAV Get an actor value. [player.getav luck]
GetActorValueInfo GetAVInfo Get detailed an actor value info. [player.getav luck]
GetAngle Returns the angle of an object. [GetAngle (x,y,z)]. An object must be selected in the console to return a result.
GetAnimAction Return the actor's current anim action.
GetAttackState 0 = None, 1 = Draw, 2 = Swing, 3 = Hit, 4 = Next Attack, 5 = Follow Through, 6 = Bash
GetBaseActorValue GetBaseAV Get a base actor value. [player.getbaseav luck]
GetBroadcastState In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
GetCauseofDeath What killed the actor
GetCombatGroupMemberCount gcgmc
GetCombatTargetHasKeyword gcthk
GetCrimeGoldNonviolent getnonviolent
GetCrimeGoldViolent getviolent
GetCurrentCastingType getcasting
GetCurrentDeliveryType getdelivery
GetCurrentWeatherPercent getweatherpct
GetDefaultOpen Returns 1 if this object is open by default.
GetDistanceFromActorsPath GDFAP Prints out the distance from a reference to an actor's path.
GetHasNote GetN
GetHitLocation What BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ...
GetIgnoreFriendlyHits gifh See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits
GetINISetting GetINI "setting:category"
GetIsCurrentWeather getweather
GetIsGhost Returns the "ghost" flag on the targeted actor, which makes projectiles and attacks pass through the actor without affecting it.
GetKillingBlowLimb Which BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM received the killing blow
GetLightLevel gll Returns the "light level" value of the targeted reference, if it is an actor. This value represents how bright or shadowed the actor's position is, and it's used to handle detection and stealth.
GetMemCheckPoint gmcp In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would get a current memory checkpoint, optionally by name.
GetObjectiveCompleted Get objective completion status: 0 = off, 1 = on
GetObjectiveDisplayed Get objective displayed status: 0 = off, 1 = on
GetPairedAnimation GPA See if this reference is currently playing a paired animation.
GetPermAV Get an actor value ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getav luck]
GetPlayerControlsDisabled gpc ​fighting|​pov|​looking|​sneaking|​menu|​activate|journal
ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
GetPlayerName In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
GetPos Returns the position of an object. [GetPos (x,y,z)]. An object must be selected in the console to return a result.
GetQuestCompleted GetQC
GetQuestRunning GetQR Returns 1 if quest is currently running, 0 if quest is not. GetQR [QuestID]
GetRestrained Returns 1 if is restrained.
Gets Velocity on a reference
GetSelf this
GetTargetHeight Get the delta on z between two references
GetUnconscious Returns 1 if is unconscious.
HairTint In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was meant to accept three integers representing an RGB color.
HasEquippedSpell hasspell
HavokVDBCapture vdbcapture Havok VDB Capture
Help Show this help.
HideMenu Hide or close a menu by name.
IgnoreCrime In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
IgnoreRenderPass irp Ignore the given renderpass
IncMemCheckPoint imcp In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would increment the current memory checkpoint (optional context name).
IncrementPCSkill IncPCS Increase the player's skill by one point. [IncrementSkill onehanded]
InstallMemoryTracker IMT Install Memory Tracker
IsInDialogueWithPlayer True if actor is currently in a dialogue state with player
IsInvulnerable isinv In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed from the game, it would have tested whether an actor is invulnerable.
IsLimbGone Is BGSBodyPart::LIMB_ENUM been dismembered
IsMoving Is the actor moving
IsolateRendering ir
IsOwner get the ownership of the ref
IsPC1stPerson pc1st Is the player playing in 1st person mode
IsPoison Is the object a Poison potion
IsProtected Check whether the target actor has the "protected" flag set. The flag prevents the actor from being killed by anyone but the player.
IsTurning Is the actor turning
IsWaterObject Water condition used for drinking animation.
IsWeaponInList Is the current weapon in the form list
KillActor kill
KillAllActors killall
KillAllProjectiles kap Kill all projectiles
KillQuestUpdates KQU
KnockAreaEffect kae
LoadFlashMovie Loads a Flash movie for the GUI
LoadGame load LoadGame <filename>
LTGraph Sets the input-to-player movement graph
Memory Memory Toggle Memory Info
ModActorValue ModAV Modify an actor value. [player.modav luck, -10]
ModifyFaceGen mfg Modify FaceGen Functionality
ModifyGUIOverlay MGO Modifies a graphical overlay
ModScale Modify the scale of an object
ModWaterShader mws Modifies water shader settings
MoveToQuestTarget movetoqt Move player to current quest target.
OutputAllocations outalloc Output memory allocations (file, optional context name, optional start context, optional end context)
OutputArchiveProfile oap Output Archive profile info to a file
OutputFixedStringTable OFST In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed from the game, it would have saved a file containing a list of all strings currently in the game's string table.
OutputLocalMapPictures OLMP In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to write out the current local map.
OutputMemContexts omc Output Mem Context info to a file
OutputMemStats oms Output Mem Stats info to a file
OutputMemStats omsfw Output Mem Stats info to a file
OutputTextureUseMap OTUM Writes out texture use map data to file.
Particles Particles Toggle Particle Info
PathToRef PTR Force actor to path to reference.
PerformAction pa
PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by ID for the console.
PipboyRadio prad Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune
PlaceLocationMarker plm PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )
PlayerSpellBook psb Add all spells to player.
PlayExplosion Plays explosion seqiemce in selected object
PlayGroup IE: PlayGroup SEQNAME 1
PlayIdle Play this idle on the current actor.
PlayImpactEffect pie
PlayMagicEffectVisuals PME
PlayMagicShaderVisuals PMS
PlayReferenceEffect pre
PlayShaderParticleGeometry pspg
PlaySound Play a 2D sound. (Optional: 1 to indicate a system sound, 0 otherwise.
PlaySyncAnim syncanim Play Sync Anim
PlayTerrainEffect PTFX Plays a terrain effect at target REFR
PlayVATSCameras pvc Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.
Polygons Polys Toggle Mesh Render Info
PrecomputedLOSDebug pld
PrecomputedLOSGeneration plg
PrintAiList pai In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it presumably would have displayed the list of AI-controlled actors somewhere.
PrintHDRParam PHP Prints current HDR settings.
PrintNPCDialog pdialog Prints NPC dialogue. This function has no implementation and is unused.
PrintQuestSceneInfo PrintS Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
Prints NPC dialog ShowSubtitle show all dialogue subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
PrintShaderMacros PSM Given a shader and technique ID, prints the macros used to compile its shader.
PurgeCellBuffers pcb Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers.
Quest Quest Toggle Quest Event Info
QuitGame qqq Close TESV.exe immediately, without going through menus. (In very rare cases, the program may close slowly enough for you to see "Bye." logged to the console.)
RecvAnimEvent rae Simulate receiving an animation event from an animation graph.
RecycleActor Optional destination reference.
RefreshINI REFINI Refresh INI settings from file.
RefreshShaders RS Reload HLSL shaders from disk
RegisterPrefix RPRFX Register all resources at a path prefix.
ReleaseWeatherOverride rwo
ReloadCurrentClimate rcc Reloads values from the current climate
ReloadCurrentWeather rcw Reloads values from the current weather
RemoveFromFaction Removefac
RemoveImageSpaceModifier rimod Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list
RemoveImageSpaceModifierCrossFade rimodcf Remove a crossfade imagespace modifier from the active list
RemoveItem Specify the form ID of an item to remove from the target reference's inventory, and the quantity to remove.
RemoveNote RN
RemoveWatchAddress rwa Removes an address range that we no longer want to watch.
RenderTestCell rtc runs Render Test on player's current parent cell
RenderTestHere rth runs Render Test on player's current position
ResetDialogueFlags rdf Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.
ResetMemContexts rmc Reset Max Mem Contexts
ResetPerformanceTimers rpt Resets the performance timers
RestoreActorValue RestoreAV Restore an actor value.
ResurrectActor resurrect
RevertWorld rw Revert the world
RTGraph Sets the input-to-camera movement graph
RumbleManager RM
RunCellTest rct Runs a test that involves loading multiple cells in the background and timing how long it takes each of them to finish loading. However, the function used to log the results is a no-op, so it's impossible to view the results.
RunCompaction rcmpct Run a pass of compaction if possible.
RunConsoleBatch bat Run a console batch file
RunMemoryPass rmp In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would run a memory cleanup pass.
SaveDebugTextPages SaveDTP Save Debug Text Pages settings to .ini file.
SaveGame save SaveGame <filename>
SaveHavokSnapshot SHS Saves a Havok snapshot of the hkpWorld the player is currently in
SaveIniFiles saveini Writes all the .ini files.
SavePCFace spf Saves the player's facial looks in an .NPC file. These can be used in the Creation kit to create an NPC with these facial looks.
SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename>
SelectPlayerSpell spspell
SendAnimEvent sae Send an event to the animation graph.
SendSherlockDebugText ssdt
SendStealAlarm steal
SetActionComplete SAC In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to mark all of a scene actor's active actions as complete.
SetActorAlpha SAA
SetActorRefraction sar
SetActorValue SetAV Set an actor value. [player.setav luck, 75]
SetAllowFlying On Dragons:If set to 0 will stop flying and land. set to 1 and will fly like normal.
SetAngle Sets the angle of an object. [SetAngle (x,y,z)]. An object must be selected for the action to be taken.
SetAnimGraphVar sgv Set an animation graph variable.
SetAudioMultithreading SAM
SetBloodParam SBP Set blood parameters.
SetCameraFOV FOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
SetCellPublicFlag setpublic Set public flag on cell. [setpublic MyCell 1]
SetCinematicParam SCP Sets various values for the imagespace cinematics
SetClipDist float, new clip distance
SetCombatStyle setcs
SetConsoleOuputFile scof Sets the given file as target for console output.
SetConsoleScopeQuest SSQ Sets the scope quest for all console functions. No param clears current scope quest.
SetCrimeGold Determines the actor's bounty. Player.SetCrimeGold <gold amount> <Faction ID>
SetDebugQuest Sets the quest to be the only one startable for its event type.
SetDebugText sdt Sets which debug text is shown.
SetDefaultOpen A value of 1 will make the object open by default.
SetEmitterParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter
SetEssential Control the "essential" flag on an actor, preventing it from dying. Specify the base form ID of the actor and a flag value (0 or 1).
SetFaceTarget SFT Force actor to face a reference.
SetFog 2 floats, start and end depths
SetFormKnown Sets the known flag on a form
SetFramebufferRange sfbr Set frambuffer range
SetGameSetting SetGS
SetGamma sg Sets new gamma ramp.
SetGhost Control the "ghost" flag on an actor, which causes projectiles and attacks to pass through it.
SetGlobalRadialBlur sgrb Set parameters for the global radial blur
SetGlobalTimeMultiplier sgtm
SetHDRParam SHP Sets various values for the HDR shader
SetHudGlowConstants shgc In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to set parameters for HUD glow.
SetIgnoreFriendlyHits sifh Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0 = no, 1 = yes)
SetImageSpaceGlow SISG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable sisme Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0 = off, 1 = on
SetINISetting SetINI "setting:category" value
SetLightingPasses SLP ​diff|​tex|spec
ex: 1010".
SetLODObjectDistance SLOD
SetMaxAniso sma Sets Depth of Field focal distance
SetMemCheckPoint smcp In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would set the current memory checkpoint (receiving a value and optional context name).
SetMeshLODLevel smll Sets Depth of Field range
SetMPSParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set
SetNoActivationSound Set the sound to play when activation fails (Sound)
SetNPCRadio snr Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0 = off, 1 = on
SetNPCWeight SNPCW [0–100]: Sets the weight of an NPC and reloads his 3D to visualize the weight change
SetObjectiveCompleted Set objective completion status: 0 = off, 1 = on
SetObjectiveDisplayed Set objective displayed status: 0 = off, 1 = on
SetOpenState A value of 1 will make the object open.
SetPackDuration SPDur
SetPapyrusQuestVar SETPQV Set a Papyrus property on the specified quest.
SetPapyrusVar SETPV Set a Papyrus property on the selected ref.
SetPathSprinting SPS Force actor to sprint.
SetPlayerAIDriven Control whether the player is in AI-driven mode: in AI-driven mode, the player-character can run AI packages, but the player loses almost all control of the character. Pass 0 or 1 as the value.
SetPlayerRace ShowRaceMenu no parameter will bring up the race menu. SetPlayerRace raceID will change the players race to raceID and reload the players geometry.
SetPos Sets the position of an object. [SetPos (x,y,z)]. An object must be selected for the action to be taken.
SetQuestAliases Set quest aliases. [SetQuestAliases QuestID]
SetQuestAliasLogging sqal Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
SetRace Sets the passed in actor's race.
SetRestrained A value of 1 will be restrained.
SetRumble Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration)
SetScale Set the scale of an object
SetStackDepth SSD Set Stack Depth
SetSubgraphToDebug sgd Subgraph To Debug
SetTargetDOF stdof Sets the depth of field based on the target
SetTargetFalloff stfo Sets the falloff of the target
SetTargetRefraction str Sets the refractive value of the target
SetTargetRefractionFire strf In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to set the refractive fire value of the target.
SetTaskThreadSleep Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable).
SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable).
SetTintParam STP Sets various values for the imagespace tint
SetTreeBranchAnimationRange STSBR Restrict the range of tree branch animations.
SetTreeBranchFlexibility STSBF Set the flexibility of trees branches.
SetTreeLeafAmplitude STSLAMP Set the amplitude of trees leaves.
SetTreeLeafFlexibility STSLF Set the flexibility of trees leaves.
SetTreeLeafFrequency STSLFRQ Set the frequency of trees leaves.
SetTreeMipmapBias stmb Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards.
SetTreeTrunkFlexibility STSTF Set the flexibility of trees trunk.
SetTreeWindDirection STSWD Set the tree system wind direction.
SetTreeWindMagnitude STSWM Set the tree system wind magnitude.
SetTriLinearThreshold stlt Set the motion blur params
SetUFOCamSpeedMult sucsm Set speed mult for free camera.
SetUnconscious A value of 1 will be unconscious.
SetWarning Params: Name [0/1]. 0 is default for 2nd param.
SetWeather sw Sets the active weather to the specified type
SexChange Change the targeted actor's sex. The change itself is made to the actor's base form, but only the targeted actor reference will be updated; other actors with the same base form will update when they are reloaded or their equipped armor changes.
Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
Show1stPerson S1ST Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.
ShowAllMapMarkers tmm Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)).
ShowAnim SA In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would have displayed animation and Actor status.
ShowBarterMenu sbm
ShowChargenMenu scgm In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It is a leftover from previous Bethesda games, and has been superseded by the ShowRaceMenu command.
ShowChargenMenuParams scgmp In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ShowClassMenu In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It is a leftover from Oblivion.
ShowClosestLocationForSphere SCLFS Finds the closest location where a sphere can fit in the navmesh, and displays it
ShowFullQuestLog SFQL Show all log entries for a single quest
ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show all global variables.
ShowHeadTrackTarget SHeadT Show the head track target if set from look function
ShowHighMaxHeights shmh
ShowInventory inv Shows reference inventory
ShowLockpickMenu slpm
ShowLockpickMenuDebug slpmd
ShowLowMaxHeights slmh
ShowMenu Show or create a menu
ShowNameMenu In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It is a leftover from previous Bethesda games, which used separate menus for character creation.
ShowNodes In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It would have accepted two values: "All" or "Off".
ShowPivot SP In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to display a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference.
ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
ShowQuestLog SQL Show Quest Log
ShowQuestObjectives SQO Shows the list of current quest objectives
ShowQuests SQ List quests.
ShowQuestStages SQS
ShowQuestTargets SQT Show current quest targets
ShowQuestVars SQV Show all Papyrus variables on the specified Quest. [sqv QuestID]
ShowRenderPasses srp display render passes for the next frame
ShowRepairMenu srm In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It is a leftover from previous Bethesda games, where equipment could take damage and be repaired.
ShowScenegraph SFSG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would have opened a new window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).
ShowScenegraph SSG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would have opened a new window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any)..
ShowSpellMaking In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It is a leftover from Oblivion.
ShowVars SV Show all Papyrus variables on the targeted reference. [player->sv]
ShowViewerStrings svs
ShowWhoDetectsPlayer SWDP In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to display a list of the actors that currently detect the player.
SkipAnim In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
SoundCatMod scm In-game control of sound categories.
StartAIControlledRobotTest SPTP In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Its built-in description reads, "Starts player pathing memory test."
StartAllQuests saq Starts all quests
StartConversation Start a conversation [Bob.StartConversation Joe, SecretTopic]
StartPapyrusFormProfile StartPFP Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StartPapyrusScriptProfile StartPSP Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
StartTrackPlayerDoors StartTPD
StopMagicEffectVisuals SME
StopMagicShaderVisuals SMS
StopPapyrusFormProfile StopPFP Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StopPapyrusScriptProfile StopPSP Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
StopReferenceEffect sre
StopShaderParticleGeometry sspg
StopTrackPlayerDoors StopTPD
TestAllCells TAC In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It takes a single number as an argument: 0 - stop; 1 - start; 2 - interiors; 3 - current world.
TestDegrade degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds)
TestFadeNodes TestFN In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
TestHandleManagerWarnAndKillSDM THMWAKS In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Its built-in description reads, "Purely for testing: lists every un-destroyed handle, then destroys it." This may refer to the internal "handle" system used to keep track of objects in the game world.
TestLocalMap tlm In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Its built-in description reads, "Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)"
TestSeenData tsd In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would have displayed the current seen data.
Textures tx Toggle Texture Info
Timing FPS Toggle Timing Info. This function has no implementation and is unused.
ToggleActorMover tam In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to toggle actor movement through the pathing system.
ToggleAI TAI
ToggleAiSchedules TAIS
ToggleAnimations TANIM Toggles all actor animations
ToggleAnimatorCam animcam Toggles a 3rd-person camera mode designed for animators' ease-of-use
ToggleAudioOverlay TAO Toggle the Audio Debug Overlay.
ToggleBorders TB Show border lines for each cell.
ToggleBoundVisGeom tbvg Toggles bound visualization for a ref
ToggleCastShadows tsh
ToggleCellNode TCN Toggle 3D for a cell child node: 0 = actor, 1 = marker, 2 = land, 3 = water, 4 = static, 5 = active
ToggleCharControllerShape TCCS Toggle char controller shape type.
ToggleCollision TCL If a reference is targeted, attempts to toggle collision on the reference. Otherwise, toggles a global flag in memory, which disables player collision and gravity but can also break NPC physics and pathing.
ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to display collision geometry.
ToggleCombatAI tcai Toggles ALL Combat AI
ToggleCombatDebug tcd Toggles combat debug info
ToggleCombatStats TCS
ToggleContextOverlay TCO Toggle the Context Overlay.
ToggleControlsDriven TC Toggles controls driven character
ToggleConversations TCONV Toggle conversation stats
ToggleDebugDecal TDD Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0 = wireframe, 1 = solid, 2 = occlusion query, 3 = transform
ToggleDebugText TDT In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ToggleDecalRendering TDR Toggle decal rendering
ToggleDepthBias tdb toggles depth bias for decals on or off
ToggleDetection TDETECT
ToggleDetectionStats tds Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref.
ToggleEmotions temo Toggle NPC facial emotions.
ToggleEOFImageSpace teofis Toggles end of frame imagespace effects
ToggleEventLog TEL Show a log of misc. events for the selected debug REFR.
ToggleFlyCam tfc Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).
ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns fog of war on or off.
ToggleFootIK tfik
ToggleFullHelp TFH Toggle Full Help
ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur tfsmb In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to toggle full-screen motion blurring.
ToggleGodMode TGM Toggle God mode
ToggleGrabIK tgik Toggles Grab IK system
ToggleGrass TG Toggle grass display.
ToggleGrassUpdate TGU In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ToggleGUIOverlay TGO Toggles the graphical overlay
ToggleHDRDebug THD In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to toggle HDR debug textures.
ToggleHeapTracking THT Toggle Heap Tracking
ToggleHighProcess THIGHPROCESS
ToggleImmortalMode TIM Toggle Immortal mode
ToggleLiteBrite tlb Toggles lite brite render mode.
ToggleLODLand TLL
ToggleLookIK tlik Toggles Look IK system
ToggleLowProcess TLOWPROCESS
ToggleMagicStats TMS
ToggleMapCam tmc In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed, it would have toggled a view mode similar to the world map camera.
ToggleMapEffect TME
ToggleMarkers TMK In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed from the game, this command would've toggled visibility of editor markers.
ToggleMaterialGeometry TMG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to toggle the display of material geometry.
ToggleMenus TM Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.
ToggleMiddleHighProcess TMHIGHPROCESS
ToggleMiddleLowProcess TMLOWPROCESS
ToggleMotionBlur tmb Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference
ToggleMotionDriven TMD Toggles motion driven animation
ToggleMovement TMOVE Toggles all actor movement
ToggleMultiboundCheck mbc In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to toggle all Multibound check functionality.
ToggleNavMesh TNM In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Its built-in description is, "Toggle blocked display."
ToggleNavmeshInfo tni toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos
ToggleOcclusion tocc toggle occlusion query for geometry
TogglePapyrusLog TPLog No-op. Before it was removed from the game, this command would've toggled the Papyrus Log Overlay.
TogglePathingInfoFunction TPI Toggle pathing information.
TogglePathLine TPL In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. In debug builds, it would have toggled a path display.
TogglePoolTracking TPT Toggle Pool Tracking
TogglePrimitives TPR In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
ToggleRagdollAnim tra Toggles Ragdoll Anim system
ToggleRefractionDebug trd Toggles refraction debug render texture
Toggles Foot IK system SetVel Sets Velocity on a reference
ToggleSafeZone TSZ In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to display the television 85%% safe zone.
ToggleScripts TSCR Turn Script processing on/off
ToggleShadowVolumes TSV
ToggleSky TS
ToggleSPUCulling tSPUC toggles the SPU culling on or off
ToggleSPUMovement tSPUM toggles the SPU movement on or off
ToggleSPURenderBatch tSPURB toggles the SPU render batch on or off
ToggleSPUTransformUpdate tSPUTU toggles the SPU transform update on or off
ToggleStairsGeometry TSG In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to display stairs geometry.
ToggleTestLight TTL Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).
ToggleTrees TT Turn trees on/off
ToggleVerletDebug tvd In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. Before it was removed from the game, it may have been used to test physics for the Dawnguard DLC's vampire lord cape, which uses the term "verlet" internally.
ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry twcg
ToggleWaterRadius TWR
ToggleWaterSystem TWS Toggles the water system
ToggleWireframe TWF Show the world as wireframe.
TrapUpdate In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing.
TriggerHitShader ths
TriggerHUDShudder hudsh Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration.
TriggerScreenBlood tsb
UninstallMemoryTracker UMT Uninstall Memory Tracker
UpdateLevel Update the player's level based on current skill usage amounts.
VisualRefPosition VRP In release builds of Skyrim, this command is a no-op and does absolutely nothing. It was originally intended to place an axis object at the position of the selected reference.
WasteMemory wm Allocates some memory (in MB).
WaterColor mwc Modifies water color

Using Batch Files with the bat CommandEdit

Skyrim provides a simple batch file mechanism so you can customize your gameplay quickly and without repeatedly typing console commands.

Example: bat mybatchfile; runs all of the console commands in the file Skyrim\mybatchfile or Skyrim\Data\mybatchfile.txt. Notice that the file you put in Skyrim directory mustn't have an extension, while the one in Skyrim\Data needs a .TXT extension. The second option is preferable - first because you don't need to change file extension and second because it keeps the root directory clean. Also a file that goes to Data folder can be shipped along with mod and placed by all Mod Managers.

To use the feature you:

  • Create a text file that contains a list of console commands (one per line).
  • Place the file in your Skyrim installation directory or in Skyrim\Data.
  • Start the game.
  • Bring up the console.
  • Type bat followed by the name of your batch file, for example bat mybatchfile.

Skyrim batch files are lists of console commands that are run one after the other. They have no loops, tests, or other logic and execution doesn't stop if there's a problem with one of the commands. You can create any number of batch files, each with its own purpose.

Guidelines for Using Commands in Batch FilesEdit

Most Skyrim console commands can be run from a batch file. For example:

  • Toggle commands work in batch files. These include showing and hiding NPC conversation subtitles (ShowSubtitle), turning on and off grass display (TG), enabling and disabling god mode (TGM), and so forth.
  • Targeted commands with an explicit reference work fine. For example, you can use Player.Additem f 1000 in a batch file to add 1000 gold to your inventory. If you want to give Lydia 1000 gold, use A2C94.Additem F 1000 (A2C94 being the Reference ID of Lydia).
  • PRID (Pick by Reference ID) selects an item, NPC, etc. Using PRID to select an NPC before performing additional commands that you want to apply to that NPC works fine, for example prid a2c94 then setclass 13176 will cause Lydia to level up correctly.
  • Miscellaneous commands such as FOV or FW can also be run from batch files.
  • The COC command cannot be run from within a batch file (the game will crash to desktop). [verification needed — see talk page]

Example for using a Batch File to create an alternative startEdit

With the above method you can actually create an alternative start to the game. In addition to a batch file, you also need to edit the Skyrim.ini file, which can be found in your C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder.

  1. Open your Skyrim.ini file and add the line SStartingCell=WhiteRiverWatch01 under the [General] tab.
  2. Adding this line causes Skyrim to bypass the Continue - New - Load - Credits - Quit screen, and starts a new game - without the prisoner video sequence. Once you have created a new character, you will need to remove it again.
  3. Create an empty .txt file in your Skyrim folder (where the TESV.exe is located) and name it bandit (or bandit.txt in the Skyrim\Data folder).
  4. Paste the code sniplet below the numbered list into the new file.
  5. Start a new game and you will not see the intro, and will begin in the White River Watch cave.
  6. Open the console and type bat bandit.
  7. Create your character.

Code to copy into the bandit[.txt] file:

 ;Leather Armor, Bracers and Boots
 player.additem 3619e 1
 player.equipitem 3619e
 player.additem 13921 1
 player.equipitem 13921
 player.additem 13920 1
 player.equipitem 13920
 ;Steel Sword and Shield
 player.additem 13989 1
 player.equipitem 13989
 player.additem 13955 1
 player.equipitem 13955
 ;Hunting Bow and Iron Arrows
 player.additem 13985 1
 player.additem 1397D 25
 ;Gold and Lockpicks
 player.additem f 100
 player.additem a 15
 ;Bandit Ally Faction
 player.addtofaction e0cd9 0
 ;Create Character

Using this method, you can visit Helgen before it is destroyed and you can also do the side missions. But without further editing, the Main Quest will not start (see the Quest Stages section of Unbound to find out how to start the main quest anyway).

External LinksEdit