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< Skyrim: Items / Alchemy

This is an overview of Skyrim's alchemical ingredients (also called "alchemy reagents").

More information on each ingredient can be found on its individual page (see links in the tables below). UESP's Skyrim Map and UESP's Dragonborn Map have the functionality to show the location of plants in Tamriel world space.

The Alchemy Effects article lists ingredients indexed by magical effect and contains additional information about the relationships between ingredients, alchemy, and magical effects. A few ingredients are also classified as food.


There are several ways to obtain ingredients:

  • Purchasing from merchants
    • General merchants usually offer a few ingredients. Apothecary merchants offer many more, each stocking:
      • Up to 15 common ingredients
      • Up to 10 uncommon ingredients
      • Up to 5 rare ingredients
    • Counterintuitively, your chances of finding a specific uncommon ingredient in an apothecary's stock are smaller than those for finding a rare ingredient. This is because there are so many more uncommon ingredients than rare ingredients, that: [(# of uncommon ingredients offered/total # of uncommon ingredients) < (# of rare ingredients offered/total number of rare ingredients)].
    • Some ingredients can be bought and sold only if the merchant perk has been unlocked on the Speech perk tree.
  • Already-harvested samples
    • You can find some ingredients on shelves or tables, in baskets, pots, etc., in various locations throughout Skyrim. They are typically plentiful in apothecaries' businesses and living quarters. Their owners may let you take the relatively inexpensive of these for free if you have done them favors. Mages and wizards around Skyrim, a concentration of which are people living at the College of Winterhold, tend to possess ingredients in their dwellings and rooms.
    • Some types of NPCs and enemies may carry ingredients on their person.
    • Ingredients can also be found in containers.
      • Certain barrels contain multiple copies of a common ingredient.
      • Apothecary's satchels always contain one or more randomly-selected ingredients (plus a 25% chance of containing a healing potion). These satchels are tagged internally in the game as of common-, uncommon-, or rare-type. Rare-type satchels always contain one common, one uncommon, and one rare ingredient.
  • Harvesting from plants
    • You can take ingredients from many of Skyrim's plants. Some of these are common and widespread, with thousands of plants growing in diverse areas, whereas others are quite rare and difficult to find. Once you have harvested a plant's ingredient, some or all of its flowers and stems disappear, allowing already-harvested plants to be easily identified. Harvested plants will later respawn, at which point you can again harvest their ingredients.
  • Collecting from creatures
    • Many creatures' body parts—meat, wings, heart, skin, horns, teeth, etc—are alchemy ingredients. When you kill the creature, you can collect the ingredient from its corpse.
  • Catching passive creatures
    • Various passive creatures can be caught to obtain ingredients, including bees, fish, dragonflies, torchbugs, and butterflies.
  • Growing plants in the homesteadsHF
    • With Hearthfire installed, areas of fertile soils can be added to the homesteads. These soils can be planted with a sample. The plant will grow into maturity after typically 2 days and there will be 2-5 samples of the ingredient on each plant (depending on the plant). The plant will not die and will respawn every few days after harvesting. However, not all plant ingredients can be planted. A list of plants that can be grown may be found here.

Standard IngredientsEdit

This table lists all of the standard ingredients in the game. You will experience a mild primary effect from eating an ingredient. Brewing two or more ingredients that share magical effects at an alchemy table will result in a potion or poison, with higher Alchemy skill levels resulting in stronger effects—longer duration, better fortifications or damage, etc. Special items such as Daedric Hearts and Void Salts are used in smithing Daedric equipment and improving Nightingale armor, respectively.

Ingredients added by Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn are included in the table below, but a quick list of all the ingredients each add-on adds can be seen here (Dawnguard), here (Dragonborn) and here (Hearthfire). For Creation Club ingredients, see this category.

There are 91 ingredients in the base game, with 5 added by Dawnguard, 11 added by Dragonborn, 2 added by Hearthfire, and 1 added via the _ResourcePack.esl file, for a total of 110 ingredients. Additionally there are 5 unused ingredients, 3 of which were later used in Creation Club content and 1 of which is obtainable via a glitch.

Ingredient Name (ID) Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect     Merchant Avail. GardenHF
  Abecean Longfin
Collected by catching Abacean Longfin fish.
  Weakness to Frost   Fortify Sneak   Weakness to Poison   Fortify Restoration 15 0.5 Common
  Aloe Vera Leaves
Added by Special Edition Patch 1.6.1130 on December 5, 2023.
  Restore Health   Restore Stamina   Damage Magicka   Invisibility 1 0.1 Khajiit Traders 2
  Ancestor Moth WingDG
Collected by catching Ancestor Moths.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify Conjuration   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Enchanting 2 0.1 None
  Ash Creep ClusterDB
Harvested from creep cluster plants unique to Solstheim.
  Damage Stamina   Invisibility   Resist Fire   Fortify Destruction 20 0.25 Rare
  Ash Hopper JellyDB
Collected from dead ash hoppers.
  Restore Health   Fortify Light Armor   Resist Shock   Weakness to Frost 20 0.25
  Ashen Grass PodDB
Harvested from spiky grass plants unique to Solstheim.
  Resist Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Weakness to Shock   Fortify Lockpicking   Fortify Sneak 1 0.1
  Bear Claws
Collected from various types of dead Bears.
  Restore Stamina (0.8× , 0.78× )   Fortify Health   Fortify One-handed   Damage Magicka Regen 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
Collected from beehives and by catching Bees.
  Restore Stamina   Ravage Stamina   Regenerate Stamina   Weakness to Shock 3 0.1 Common
  Beehive Husk
Collected from beehives.
  Resist Poison (0.5× )   Fortify Light Armor   Fortify Sneak   Fortify Destruction 5 1 None (Common)
  Bleeding Crown
Harvested from Bleeding Crown, a mushroom found in various caves.
  Weakness to Fire   Fortify Block   Weakness to Poison   Resist Magic 10 0.3 Uncommon 3
Harvested from Blisterwort mushrooms found in various caves.
  Damage Stamina   Frenzy   Restore Health (0.6× ,0.57× )   Fortify Smithing 12 0.2 Uncommon 4
  Blue Butterfly Wing
Collected by catching Blue Butterflies. Often found during daylight hours near flowering plants.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify Conjuration   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Enchanting 2 0.1 Uncommon
  Blue Dartwing
Collected by catching Dragonflies found near rivers and streams below the snow line.
  Resist Shock   Fortify Pickpocket   Restore Health   Fear 1 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Blue Mountain Flower
Harvested from the blue variety of Mountain Flower, found throughout Skyrim.
  Restore Health   Fortify Conjuration   Fortify Health   Damage Magicka Regen 2 0.1 Common 3
  Boar TuskDB
Collected from dead bristlebacks and rieklings.
  Fortify Stamina (1.25× , 5× , 7.5× )   Fortify Health (5× , 5.9× )   Fortify Block   Frenzy 20 0.5
  Bone Meal
Collected from undead such as skeletons, and Draugr.
  Damage Stamina   Resist Fire   Fortify Conjuration   Ravage Stamina 5 0.5 Common
  Briar Heart
Collected from Forsworn Briarhearts.
  Restore Magicka   Fortify Block (0.5× )   Paralysis   Fortify Magicka 20 0.5 Rare
  Burnt Spriggan WoodDB
Collected from dead burnt spriggans.
  Weakness to Fire   Fortify Alteration   Damage Magicka Regen   Slow 20 0.5
  Butterfly Wing
Collected from catching Monarch Butterflies. Often found during daylight hours near flowering plants.
  Restore Health   Fortify Barter   Lingering Damage Stamina   Damage Magicka 3 0.1 Uncommon
  Canis Root
Harvested from Canis Root, found in The Rift and Hjaalmarch.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify One-handed   Fortify Marksman   Paralysis 5 0.1 Uncommon 4
  Charred Skeever Hide
Food, collected from dead Skeevers found on roasting spits.
  Restore Stamina   Cure Disease (0.36× )   Resist Poison   Restore Health 1 0.5 Uncommon
  Chaurus Eggs
Collected from Chaurus Egg Sacs, found in Falmer caves.
  Weakness to Poison   Fortify Stamina   Damage Magicka   Invisibility 10 0.2 Uncommon
  Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG
Collected from dead Chaurus Hunters and Chaurus Hunter Fledglings.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify Conjuration   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Enchanting 2 0.1 None
  Chicken's Egg
Food, harvested from Chicken nests in various farms.
  Resist Magic   Damage Magicka Regen   Waterbreathing   Lingering Damage Stamina 2 0.5 Uncommon
  Creep Cluster
Harvested from Creep Cluster, found in the volcanic tundra of Eastmarch.
  Restore Magicka   Damage Stamina Regen   Fortify Carry Weight   Weakness to Magic 1 0.2 Uncommon 5
  Crimson Nirnroot
Harvested from Crimson Nirnroot, found in Blackreach, needed for the quest A Return To Your Roots.
  Damage Health (3× )   Damage Stamina (3× )   Invisibility   Resist Magic 10 0.2 None
  Cyrodilic Spadetail
Collected by catching Cyrodilic Spadetail fish.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify Restoration   Fear   Ravage Health 15 0.25 Common
  Daedra Heart
Collected from dead Dremora.
  Restore Health   Damage Stamina Regen   Damage Magicka   Fear 250 0.5 Rare
Harvested from Deathbell, found in Hjaalmarch. Needed for the quests Few and Far Between and The Only Cure.
  Damage Health (1.5× )   Ravage Stamina (2.1× )   Slow   Weakness to Poison 4 0.1 Rare 3
  Dragon's Tongue
Harvested from Dragon's Tongue, found in the volcanic tundra of Eastmarch.
  Resist Fire   Fortify Barter   Fortify Illusion   Fortify Two-handed 5 0.1 Common 4
  Dwarven Oil
Collected from destroyed Dwarven Automatons, found in Dwarven Ruins.
  Weakness to Magic   Fortify Illusion   Regenerate Magicka   Restore Magicka 15 0.25 Uncommon
Collected from undead Ghosts.
  Restore Magicka   Fortify Destruction (0.8× )   Fortify Magicka   Damage Health 25 0.1 Uncommon
  Elves Ear
Harvested from Dried Elves Ear bunches found in homes and camps.
  Restore Magicka   Fortify Marksman   Weakness to Frost   Resist Fire 10 0.1 Common
  Emperor Parasol MossDB
Harvested from emperor parasol moss plants near Tel Mithryn.
  Damage Health (1.5× )   Fortify Magicka   Regenerate Health   Fortify Two-handed 1 0.25
  Eye of Sabre Cat
Collected from dead Sabre Cats.
  Restore Stamina   Ravage Health   Damage Magicka   Restore Health 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Falmer Ear
Collected from dead Falmer.
  Damage Health   Frenzy   Resist Poison   Fortify Lockpicking 10 0.2 Uncommon
  Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
Collected from dead Felsaad terns.
  Restore Health   Fortify Light Armor   Cure Disease   Resist Magic 15 0.1
  Fire Salts
Collected from dead Flame Atronachs, a type of daedra. Needed for the quest Stoking the Flames.
  Weakness to Frost   Resist Fire   Restore Magicka   Regenerate Magicka 50 0.25 Rare
  Fly Amanita
Harvested from Fly Amanita mushrooms, found in various caves.
  Resist Fire   Fortify Two-handed   Frenzy   Regenerate Stamina 2 0.1 Uncommon 4
  Frost Mirriam
Harvested from Dried Frost Mirriam bunches found in homes and camps.
  Resist Frost   Fortify Sneak   Ravage Magicka   Damage Stamina Regen 1 0.1 Uncommon
  Frost Salts
Collected from dead Frost Atronachs, a type of daedra. One is needed for the quest Dravynea's Frost Salts.
  Weakness to Fire   Resist Frost   Restore Magicka   Fortify Conjuration 100 0.25 Rare
Food. Can also be harvested from Garlic Braids.
  Resist Poison   Fortify Stamina   Regenerate Magicka   Regenerate Health 1 0.25 Common
  Giant Lichen
Harvested from Giant Lichen, found in Hjaalmarch.
  Weakness to Shock   Ravage Health   Weakness to Poison   Restore Magicka 5 0.25 Uncommon 4
  Giant's Toe
Collected from dead Giants, which can be found in Giant Camps.
  Damage Stamina   Fortify Health (5× , 5.9× )   Fortify Carry Weight   Damage Stamina Regen 20 1 Rare
Harvested from the plant of the same name.
  Resist Magic   Fear   Regenerate Health   Paralysis 5 0.1 None
  Glow Dust
Collected from dead Wisps and Wispmothers.
  Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Destruction   Resist Shock 20 0.5 Uncommon
  Glowing Mushroom
Harvested from Glowing Mushrooms, found in various caves.
  Resist Shock   Fortify Destruction   Fortify Smithing   Fortify Health 5 0.2 None 5
  Grass Pod
Harvested from Spiky Grass, found in northern regions of Skyrim.
  Resist Poison   Ravage Magicka   Fortify Alteration   Restore Magicka 1 0.1 Uncommon 3
  Hagraven Claw
Collected from dead Hagravens.
  Resist Magic   Lingering Damage Magicka   Fortify Enchanting   Fortify Barter 20 0.25 Rare
  Hagraven Feathers
Collected from dead Hagravens. Can also be found scattered around their sleeping areas.
  Damage Magicka   Fortify Conjuration   Frenzy   Weakness to Shock 20 0.1 Rare
  Hanging Moss
Harvested from Hanging Moss.
  Damage Magicka   Fortify Health   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify One-handed 1 0.25 Uncommon
  Hawk Beak
Collected from dead Hawks.
  Restore Stamina   Resist Frost   Fortify Carry Weight   Resist Shock 15 0.25 Uncommon
  Hawk Feathers
Collected from dead Hawks.
  Cure Disease (0.36× )   Fortify Light Armor   Fortify One-handed   Fortify Sneak 15 0.1 Uncommon
  Hawk's EggHF
Harvested from Hawk nests.
  Resist Magic   Damage Magicka Regen   Waterbreathing   Lingering Damage Stamina 5 0.5 None
Collected by catching Histcarp fish.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Magicka   Damage Stamina Regen   Waterbreathing 6 0.25 Common
Food. Collected from beehives.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Block (0.5× )   Fortify Light Armor   Ravage Stamina 5 1 None (Common)
  Human Flesh
Cannot be harvested or collected; with the Dawnguard add-on installed, several respawning samples can be found in Volkihar Keep.
  Damage Health   Paralysis   Restore Magicka   Fortify Sneak 1 0.25 None
  Human Heart
Cannot be harvested or collected; limited number of samples available.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Frenzy 0 1 None
  Ice Wraith Teeth
Collected from Ice Wraiths. Needed for the quest Ice Cold.
  Weakness to Frost   Fortify Heavy Armor   Invisibility   Weakness to Fire 30 0.25 Rare
  Imp Stool
Harvested from Imp Stool mushrooms, found in various caves.
  Damage Health   Lingering Damage Health   Paralysis   Restore Health (0.6× ,0.57× ) 0 0.3 Rare 4
  Jazbay Grapes
Harvested from Jazbay vines, found in the volcanic tundra of Eastmarch. Needed for the quest Smooth Jazbay.
  Weakness to Magic   Fortify Magicka   Regenerate Magicka   Ravage Health 1 0.2 Rare 3
  Juniper Berries
Harvested from Juniper shrubs, common in The Reach. Needed for the quest Elmus Favor Quest.
  Weakness to Fire   Fortify Marksman   Regenerate Health   Damage Stamina Regen 1 0.1 Common 4
  Large Antlers
Collected from dead male Elk.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Stamina   Slow (6× , 1.75× )   Damage Stamina Regen 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
Harvested from Lavender, most common in Whiterun Hold.
  Resist Magic   Fortify Stamina   Ravage Magicka   Fortify Conjuration 1 0.1 Common 3
  Luna Moth Wing
Collected by catching Luna Moths. Often found near flowers after dark.
  Damage Magicka   Fortify Light Armor   Regenerate Health   Invisibility 5 0.1 Uncommon
  Moon Sugar
Cannot be collected or harvested. Can be purchased from the Khajiit Traders.
  Weakness to Fire   Resist Frost   Restore Magicka   Regenerate Magicka 50 0.25 Uncommon
  Mora Tapinella
Harvested from Mora Tapinella mushrooms, found growing on dead trees.
  Restore Magicka   Lingering Damage Health   Regenerate Stamina   Fortify Illusion 4 0.25 Uncommon 3
  Mudcrab Chitin
Collected from dead Mudcrabs, found in or near bodies of water.
  Restore Stamina   Cure Disease   Resist Poison   Resist Fire 2 0.25 None (Common)
  Namira's Rot
Harvested from Namira's Rot mushrooms, found in various caves.
  Damage Magicka   Fortify Lockpicking   Fear   Regenerate Health 0 0.25 Uncommon 3
  Netch JellyDB
Collected from dead netch.
  Paralysis   Fortify Carry Weight   Restore Stamina (2× )   Fear 20 0.5
Harvested from Nightshade, found growing throughout Skyrim. Needed for the quest Few and Far Between.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka Regen   Lingering Damage Stamina   Fortify Destruction (0.8× ) 8 0.1 Rare 3
Harvested from Nirnroot, found near bodies of water throughout Skyrim. Needed for the quest Few and Far Between.
  Damage Health (12.6× )   Damage Stamina   Invisibility   Resist Magic 10 0.2 Rare
  Nordic Barnacle
Harvested from Nordic Barnacle Clusters, found in or near water.
  Damage Magicka   Waterbreathing   Regenerate Health   Fortify Pickpocket 5 0.2 Uncommon
  Orange Dartwing
Collected by catching Dragonflies found near rivers and streams below the snow line.
  Restore Stamina   Ravage Magicka   Fortify Pickpocket   Lingering Damage Health 1 0.1 None (Uncommon)
Cannot be harvested or collected in the original version of the game; only readily available after the Merchant perk has been unlocked. With Dragonborn, they can be harvested from Pearl Oysters in Solstheim.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Block   Restore Magicka   Resist Shock 2 0.1 None (Rare)
  Pine Thrush Egg
Harvested from bird nests in forested regions, in particular The Rift.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Lockpicking   Weakness to Poison   Resist Shock 2 0.5 Common
  Poison BloomDG
Harvested from the plant of the same name.
  Damage Health (1.5× )   Slow   Fortify Carry Weight   Fear 5 0.25 None
  Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Cannot be harvested or collected; only readily available after the Merchant perk has been unlocked.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Sneak   Weakness to Fire   Fear 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Purple Mountain Flower
Harvested from the purple variety of Mountain Flower.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Sneak   Lingering Damage Magicka   Resist Frost 2 0.1 Common 3
  Red Mountain Flower
Harvested from the red variety of Mountain Flower.
  Restore Magicka   Ravage Magicka   Fortify Magicka   Damage Health 2 0.1 Common 3
  River Betty
Collected by catching River Betty fish.
  Damage Health (2.5× )   Fortify Alteration   Slow   Fortify Carry Weight 15 0.25 Common
  Rock Warbler Egg
Harvested from bird nests in rocky regions, in particular The Reach.
  Restore Health   Fortify One-handed   Damage Stamina   Weakness to Magic 2 0.5 Uncommon
  Sabre Cat Tooth
Collected from dead Sabre cats.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Heavy Armor   Fortify Smithing   Weakness to Poison 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Salmon RoeHF
Harvested from jumping Salmon.
  Restore Stamina (0.4× , 0.36× )   Waterbreathing (12× , 15.4× )   Fortify Magicka (12.5× , 0.08× , 1.05× )   Regenerate Magicka 5 0.2 None
  Salt Pile
Food. Cannot be harvested or collected, but is commonly found in barrels and sacks.
  Weakness to Magic   Fortify Restoration   Slow   Regenerate Magicka 2 0.2 Common
  Scaly Pholiota
Harvested from Scaly Pholiota mushrooms, found growing on dead trees.
  Weakness to Magic   Fortify Illusion   Regenerate Stamina   Fortify Carry Weight 4 0.25 Uncommon 5
Harvested from scathecraw plants.
  Ravage Health   Ravage Stamina   Ravage Magicka   Lingering Damage Health 1 0.1
  Silverside Perch
Collected by catching Silverside Perch fish.
  Restore Stamina   Damage Stamina Regen   Ravage Health   Resist Frost 15 0.25 Common
  Skeever Tail
Collected from dead Skeevers.
  Damage Stamina Regen   Ravage Health   Damage Health   Fortify Light Armor 3 0.2 Common
  Slaughterfish Egg
Collected from Slaughterfish Egg Nests, found in or near water.
  Resist Poison   Fortify Pickpocket   Lingering Damage Health   Fortify Stamina 3 0.2 Uncommon
  Slaughterfish Scales
Collected from dead Slaughterfish.
  Resist Frost   Lingering Damage Health   Fortify Heavy Armor   Fortify Block 3 0.1 Uncommon
  Small Antlers
Collected from dead female Elk.
  Weakness to Poison   Fortify Restoration   Lingering Damage Stamina   Damage Health 2 0.1 None (Common)
  Small Pearl
Cannot be harvested or collected in the original version of the game; only readily available after the Merchant perk has been unlocked. With Dragonborn, they can be harvested from Pearl Oysters in Solstheim.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify One-handed   Fortify Restoration   Resist Frost 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
Harvested from Snowberry bushes, found in snowy regions of Skyrim.
  Resist Fire   Fortify Enchanting   Resist Frost   Resist Shock 4 0.1 Common 4
  Spawn AshDB
Collected from dead ash spawn.
  Ravage Stamina   Resist Fire   Fortify Enchanting   Ravage Magicka 20 0.1
  Spider Egg
Collected from spider Egg Sacs and Web Sacs.
  Damage Stamina   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Lockpicking   Fortify Marksman 5 0.2 Uncommon
  Spriggan Sap
Cannot be harvested or collected; best source is merchants.
  Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Enchanting   Fortify Smithing   Fortify Alteration 15 0.2 Uncommon
  Swamp Fungal Pod
Harvested from Swamp Fungal Pod, common in the tundra marsh of Hjaalmarch.
  Resist Shock   Lingering Damage Magicka   Paralysis   Restore Health 5 0.25 Uncommon 3
Collected from dead Spriggans.
  Weakness to Magic   Fortify Illusion   Regenerate Magicka   Restore Magicka 15 0.5 Uncommon
  Thistle Branch
Harvested from Thistle.
  Resist Frost   Ravage Stamina   Resist Poison (0.75× ,0× ,0.1× )   Fortify Heavy Armor 1 0.1 Common 3
  Torchbug Thorax
Collected by catching Torchbugs. Found below the snowline after dark.
  Restore Stamina   Lingering Damage Magicka   Weakness to Magic   Fortify Stamina 1 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Trama RootDB
Harvested from trama root plants.
  Weakness to Shock   Fortify Carry Weight   Damage Magicka   Slow 1 0.2
  Troll Fat
Collected from dead Trolls. Needed for the quest The Cursed Tribe.
  Resist Poison   Fortify Two-handed   Frenzy   Damage Health 15 1 Uncommon
  Tundra Cotton
Harvested from Tundra Cotton, found in Whiterun Hold.
  Resist Magic   Fortify Magicka   Fortify Block   Fortify Barter 1 0.1 Common 3
  Vampire Dust
Collected from dead Vampires.
  Invisibility   Restore Magicka   Regenerate Health   Cure Disease 25 0.2 Rare
  Void Salts
Collected from dead Storm Atronachs.
  Weakness to Shock   Resist Magic   Damage Health   Fortify Magicka 125 0.2 Rare
Food. Harvested from wheat bushels, found in various farms.
  Restore Health   Fortify Health   Damage Stamina Regen   Lingering Damage Magicka 5 0.1 Common 4
  White Cap
Harvested from White Cap mushrooms, found in various caves.
  Weakness to Frost   Fortify Heavy Armor   Restore Magicka   Ravage Magicka 0 0.3 Uncommon 2
  Wisp Wrappings
Collected from dead Wispmothers.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Destruction   Fortify Carry Weight   Resist Magic 2 0.1 None (Uncommon)
  Yellow Mountain FlowerDG
Harvested from the yellow variety of Mountain Flower.
  Resist Poison   Fortify Restoration (1.25× )   Fortify Health   Damage Stamina Regen 2 0.1 None

Creation Club IngredientsEdit

A total of 73 ingredients are added by the following Creations:

In addition, two quest ingredients are added by Spell Knight Armor.

Ingredient Name (ID) Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect     Merchant Avail. Garden
  Alocasia Fruit
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Regenerate Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Light   Ravage Magicka (1.5× ,1.56× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× ) 22 0.25
Originating from Mankar Camoran's destroyed realm of Oblivion. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,1.27× )   Cure Poison (1.56× ) 15 0.1
Caught by Fishing in temperate lakes with an Alik'ri rod, or in the Ancestor Glade.
  Regenerate Health   Resist Fire   Fortify Marksman   Waterbreathing 30 0.25
  Angler Larvae
Caught by Fishing in freezing waters.
  Lingering Damage Health   Regenerate Stamina   Waterbreathing   Fortify Two-handed 1 0.25
  Aster Bloom Core
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Magic (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Light Armor (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Block (1.25× ,1.27× )   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× ) 40 0.1
  Bittergreen Petals
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Lingering Damage Stamina (2× ,2.14× )   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× )   Cure Poison   Damage Magicka (1.5× ,1.56× ) 25 0.1
  Blind Watcher's Eye
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Light   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Alteration (1.25× ,1.27× )   Spell Absorption 9 0.2
  Bliss Bug Thorax
Harvested by Saints & Seducers.
  Weakness to Fire   Resist Fire   Fortify Heavy Armor   Fortify Illusion (0.25× ,0.21× ) 1 0.1
  Blister Pod Cap
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Night Eye   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× ) 25 0.1
Harvested from the Deadlands, if one has The Cause to go there.
  Invisibility   Resist Poison   Slow (6× ,0.57× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,1.27× ) 25 0.1
  Bog Beacon
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Heavy Armor (1.5× ,1.56× )   Fear (2× ,2.14× )   Damage Stamina (1.33× ,1.36× ) 20 0.1
  Bungler's Bane
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Slow (2× ,2.14× )   Ravage Stamina (1.5× ,3.34× )   Damage Stamina Regen (2× ,2.14× )   Resist Magic (2× ,2.14× ) 50 0.5
Originating from the vile lair of a Cyrodiilic vampire assassin. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Ravage Health (1.5× ,3.34× )   Lingering Damage Health (2× ,2.14× )   Weakness to Poison (1.5× ,1.56× ) 15 0.1
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Frost (1.33× ,1.37× )   Restore Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Cure Disease (0.36× )   Damage Magicka (1.33× ,1.37× ) 7 0.1
  Coda Flower
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Lingering Damage Stamina (2× ,2.14× )   Ravage Magicka (1.5× ,1.56× )   Fortify Carry Weight (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Stamina (1.33× ,1.36× )   Spell Absorption   Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Destruction (1.2× ,1.22× ) 12 0.1
  Congealed Putrescence
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Ravage Health (1.5× ,3.34× )   Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Weakness to Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify Conjuration (1.2× ,1.22× ) 9 0.1
  Corkbulb Root
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Resist Shock (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify Marksman (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
  Daedra Silk
Originating from the planes of Oblivion. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Lingering Damage Stamina (2× ,2.14× )   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Night Eye   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× ) 50 0.5
  Daedra Venin
Originating from the planes of Oblivion. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Ravage Health (1.5× ,3.34× )   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Destruction (1.2× ,1.22× )   Spell Absorption 50 0.2
  Daedroth Teeth
Originating from the planes of Oblivion. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Frost (1.33× ,1.36× )   Light   Damage Magicka Regen (2× ,2.14× )   Regenerate Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× ) 50 0.5
  Dreugh Wax
Originating from Vvardenfell's dreughs or Cyrodiil's land dreughs. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Magic (1.5× ,1.56× )   Frenzy (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Enchanting (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Smithing (1.25× ,1.27× ) 25 1
  Elytra Ichor
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× )   Slow (2× ,2.14× )   Fear (2× ,2.14× ) 30 0.1
  Fire Petal
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Resist Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Spell Absorption   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× ) 30 0.1
  Flame Stalk
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Resist Frost (1.33× ,1.36× )   Weakness to Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× ) 25 0.1
  Fungus Stalk
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Fortify Stamina (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× ) 30 0.1
Caught by Fishing in temperate lakes.
  Restore Magicka   Invisibility   Fortify Illusion (0.25× ,0.21× )   Fortify Persuasion 1 0.25
  Gnarl Bark
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Heavy Armor (1.5× ,1.56× )   Resist Fire (1.33× ,1.36× ) 15 0.1
  Gold Kanet
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Ravage Health (1.5× ,3.34× )   Weakness to Frost (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify Smithing (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
Caught by Fishing in temperate lakes in clear weather or in the ponds found in some clearings.
  Restore Stamina   Fortify Heavy Armor   Waterbreathing   Resist Frost 10 0.25 (?)
  Green Butterfly Wing
Harvested by Saints & Seducers.
  Restore Magicka   Fear   Slow (6× ,0.57× )   Invisibility 25 0.1
  Hackle-Lo Leaf
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× )   Fortify Restoration (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
Harvested from the Deadlands, if one has The Cause to go there.
  Damage Health (2× ,2.14× )   Damage Magicka (1.33× ,1.36× )   Paralysis   Damage Magicka Regen 25 0.1
  Heart of Order
Originating from the Shivering Isles during a Greymarch. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Fortify One-handed (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Two-handed (1.25× ,1.27× ) 40 0.1
  Hunger Tongue
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Fire (1.33× ,2× ,2.93× )   Cure Disease (0.36× )   Cure Poison   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× ) 10 0.1
  Hydnum Azure Giant Spore
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Frost (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Light 30 0.5
  Hypha Facia
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Poison (1.5× ,1.56× )   Frenzy (2× ,2.14× )   Ravage Stamina (1.5× ,3.34× )   Resist Magic (2× ,2.14× ) 23 0.1
  Imp Gall
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Weakness to Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify Barter (2× ,2.14× )   Cure Poison 15 0.2
  Ironwood Fruit
Harvested from the Ironwood Trees found in Iron Tusk Cave.
  Restore Health   Resist Fire   Damage Stamina   Restore Magicka 5 0.1
  Juvenile Mudcrab
Caught by Fishing on the surface.
  Regenerate Stamina   Fortify Carry Weight   Cure Disease   Fortify Two-handed 10 0.25
  Kagouti Hide
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Lingering Damage Stamina (2× ,2.14× )   Night Eye   Fortify Carry Weight (1.25× ,1.27× )   Resist Shock (1.33× ,1.36× ) 20 1
  Kresh Fiber
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Magic (1.5× ,1.56× )   Slow (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Sneak (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Pickpocket (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
Originating from Mankar Camoran's destroyed realm of Oblivion. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Regenerate Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Spell Absorption 15 0.1
  Luminous Russula
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Lingering Damage Stamina (2× ,2.14× )   Lingering Damage Health (2× ,2.14× )   Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× )   Fear (2× ,2.14× ) 25 0.2
  Lyretail Anthias
Caught by Fishing in temperate streams and at Evergreen Grove.
  Restore Magicka   Fortify Alteration   Fortify Conjuration   Fortify Carry Weight 30 0.25
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Carry Weight (1.25× ,1.27× )   Weakness to Magic (1.5× ,1.56× )   Damage Stamina (1.33× ,1.36× ) 18 0.1
  Minotaur Horn
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Poison (1.25× ,1.27× )   Damage Magicka Regen (2× ,2.14× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Regenerate Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× ) 55 5
  Mort Flesh
Originating from Cyrodiil. Dropped by the zombies from Plague of the Dead.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Frenzy 2 0.5 None
A variant of the regular Nightshade that has one less leaf on its stem.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka Regen   Lingering Damage Stamina   Fortify Destruction (0.8× ) 8 0.1 None
  Ogre's Teeth
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Shock (1.33× ,1.36× )   Resist Poison (1.25× ,1.27× )   Lingering Damage Magicka (2× ,2.12× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× ) 50 3
Caught by Fishing in temperate lakes and streams in rainy weather.
  Restore Stamina   Resist Frost   Fortify Smithing   Fortify One-handed 15 0.25
  Purple Butterfly Wing
Harvested by Saints & Seducers.
  Regenerate Health   Regenerate Magicka   Regenerate Stamina   Paralysis 25 0.1
  Pygmy Sunfish
Caught by Fishing in temperate lakes in rainy weather.
  Restore Stamina   Lingering Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Fortify Restoration 2 0.25
  Red Kelp Gas Bladder
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Regenerate Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× )   Cure Disease (0.36× )   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× ) 20 0.1
  Redwort Flower
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Frost (1.33× ,1.36× )   Cure Poison   Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Invisibility (1.5× ,1.56× ) 25 0.1
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Magic (1.5× ,1.56× )   Fortify Sneak (1.25× ,1.27× )   Lingering Damage Health (2× ,2.14× )   Cure Poison 20 0.1
  Rot Scale
Originating from the Shivering Isles.
  Slow (3× ,0.26× )   Lingering Damage Health (3× ,3.34× )   Fear (0.16× ,0.14× )   Paralysis 20 0.1
Originating from Morrowind. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Damage Stamina Regen (2× ,2.14× )   Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× ) 6 0.1
  Scalon Fin
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× )   Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Lingering Damage Magicka (2× ,2.14× )   Damage Magicka Regen (2× ,2.14× ) 25 0.1
  Screaming Maw
Originating from the Shivering Isles. Harvested by Saints & Seducers.
  Regenerate Magicka (4× ,0.2× ,0.78× )   Fortify Alteration (1.25× 1.27× )   Invisibility (0.25× ,0.22× )   Regenerate Health (4× ,0.03× ,0.11× ) 20 0.1
  Scrib Jelly
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Regenerate Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Cure Poison   Cure Disease (0.36× )   Regenerate Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× ) 20 0.1
  Scrib Jerky
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Stamina (1.25× ,1.27× )   Paralysis (2× ,2.14× )   Waterbreathing (1.6× ,1.67× ) 15 0.2
  Sload Soap
Popular in Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Resist Fire (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fear (2× ,2.14× )   Fortify Conjuration (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Alteration (1.25× ,1.27× ) 30 0.1
Caught by Fishing in temperate streams on sunny days, in the Eldergleam Sanctuary, and in the Evergreen Grove.
  Restore Health   Fortify Lockpicking   Fortify Pickpocket   Cure Disease 15 0.25
  Spiddal Stick
Harvested from the Deadlands, if one has The Cause to go there.
  Damage Health (2× ,2.14× )   Damage Magicka (1.33× ,1.36× )   Weakness to Fire   Restore Stamina (0.4× , 0.36× ) 25 0.1
  Steel-Blue Entoloma
Originating from Cyrodiil. Useful to con goblins.
  Restore Magicka   Fortify Destruction   Resist Frost   Fortify Carry Weight 2 0.1 Khajiit Traders 3
  Stoneflower Petals
Originating from Vvardenfell. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Weakness to Shock (1.33× ,1.36× )   Fortify One-handed (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Enchanting (2× ,2.14× ) 15 0.1
  Thorn Hook
Originating from the Shivering Isles. Harvested by Saints & Seducers.
  Lingering Damage Health   Paralysis   Regenerate Magicka (0.6× ,0.6× ,0.32× )   Regenerate Health (0.6× ,0.6× ,0.32× ) 20 0.1
  Void Essence
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Health (1.2× ,1.22× )   Fortify Health (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Fortify Stamina (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )   Regenerate Health (1.2× ,1.22× ) 60 0.2
  Watcher's Eye
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Night Eye   Fortify Magicka (1.25× ,1.27× )   Fortify Illusion (5× ,5.87× )   Spell Absorption 9 0.2
  Wild Grass Pod
Growing near the entrance to the Runoff Caverns, made wild by Forgotten Seasons.
  Resist Poison   Ravage Magicka   Fortify Alteration   Restore Magicka 1 0.1 None
  Wisp Stalk Caps
Originating from Cyrodiil. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Damage Health (1.5× ,1.56× )   Weakness to Poison (1.5× ,1.56× )   Frenzy (2× ,2.14× )   Regenerate Stamina (1.2× ,1.22× ) 20 0.1
  Withering Moon
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Restore Magicka (1.2× ,1.22× )   Spell Absorption   Fortify Light Armor (1.5× ,1.56× )   Cure Disease (0.36× ) 5 0.1
  Worm's Head Cap
Originating from the Shivering Isles. One of the Rare Curios sold by Khajiit trade caravans.
  Fortify Lockpicking (1.5× ,1.56× )   Night Eye   Fortify Carry Weight (1.25× ,1.27× )   Slow (2× ,2.14× ) 30 0.2

Quest IngredientsEdit

These ingredients are of limited value for alchemy: some of them can't be used in alchemy (even though the game labels them as ingredients) and they have a very limited number of possible samples.

Ingredient Name (ID) Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect     Merchant Avail.
  Berit's Ashes
This ingredient is given as a quest item. Its effects are all identical to standard Bone Meal.
  Damage Stamina   Resist Fire   Fortify Conjuration   Ravage Stamina 5 0.2 None
  Corrupted Human HeartCC
The heart of a cursed Spell Knight.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Frenzy 0 1 None
  Farengar's Frost Salt
This ingredient is given as a quest item. It is identical to standard Frost Salts, except for its name.
  Weakness to Fire   Resist Frost   Restore Magicka   Fortify Conjuration 100 0.25 None
  Fine-Cut Void Salts
This ingredient is given as a quest item. It is identical to standard Void Salts, except for its name.
  Weakness to Shock   Resist Magic   Damage Health   Fortify Magicka 125 0.2 None
  Jarrin Root
You may only receive this ingredient once during the Dark Brotherhood quest line.
  Damage Health (100× )   Damage Magicka   Damage Stamina   Damage Magicka Regen 10 0.5 None
  Simon Rodayne's HeartCC
The heart of a fallen Spell Knight, purified of corruption.
  Damage Health   Damage Magicka   Damage Magicka Regen   Frenzy 0 1 None