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Skyrim:Alchemy Effects

< Skyrim: Alchemy

The following tables provide lists of all the alchemical effects and the ingredients with that effect. Details on the various effects can be found on the Magical Effects page. Green effects are positive effects and are used to create drinkable potions. Red effects are negative effects used to create poisons that can be applied to weapons. Ingredients listed in bold have that effect as their first, meaning that eating a sample of that ingredient will provide a small version of that effect.

Potion StrengthsEdit

The last three columns of the following table provide the magnitude, duration, and cost (gold) of a standard potion if crafted at 100 Alchemy skill, without any perks. These are not the maximum strengths of a potion: they can be increased if alchemy perks are unlocked and also by fortifying alchemy skill. With 100% Fortify Alchemy (the maximum possible without custom enchantments) and all Alchemy perks, most potions and poisons will be five times stronger (6.25 times stronger for restoration potions). Even larger enhancements are possible with custom enchantments.

Values in italics (for example, the duration of many potions) are values that are not visible in-game, and in most cases do not have an effect on gameplay. However, those values are still relevant in determining the cost of the potion.

Non-Standard IngredientsEdit

Several effects (most notably Damage Health) have ingredients that produce non-standard potion strengths. Those ingredients are noted in the following table by including symbols summarizing how those ingredients alter the potion. For example:

  • River Betty (2.5× ): Damage Health potions that include River Betty will have a magnitude 2.5 times greater than a standard Damage Health potion (e.g., 30 magnitude at alchemy 100). The gold cost of the potion is also affected, but the factor is not shown on this page (see Damage Health for details).
  • Nirnroot (12.6× ): Damage Health potions that include Nirnroot will have a gold cost 12.6 times larger than a standard potion, even though the magnitude of the potion is the same. (The internal value for the duration of the potion has been changed, but that duration has no effect on gameplay other than through the gold cost of the potion).

When using non-standard ingredients, the effect properties are determined only by the highest priority ingredient for that effect, where the ingredient priority is believed to be the Cost for the effect, as listed for each item in the Creation Kit. The ingredients in the following table are all listed in decreasing priority, so the top-most ingredient is always the one that determines the properties. If River Betty and Nirnroot are combined, the potion will have the exact same properties as a potion made using River Betty and Deathbell or River Betty and Falmer Ear. This also means that ingredients with weaker effect strengths, such as Ectoplasm and Nightshade for Fortify Destruction, are only relevant if combined with another weak ingredient. Ectoplasm combined with any Fortify Destruction ingredient other than Nightshade yields a standard-strength Fortify Destruction potion.

Damage Health Gold cost BugEdit

There's a bug that affects gold calculation for most ingredients with Damage Health. Instead of calculating gold cost based on a 0-second duration (which is treated as 10 seconds), many Damage Health ingredients use a 1-second duration. The ingredients River Betty, Nirnroot, and Emperor Parasol MossDB are exceptions to this rule.

Strength EquationsEdit

For potions where the duration varies instead of magnitude, the same equation is applied to the duration, using Base_Dur instead of Base_Mag. Currently duration only varies for Invisibility, Paralysis, Slow, and Waterbreathing; for all other effects: Duration = Base_Dur. The values used in these equations are:

  • Base_Mag and Base_Dur are the strengths for the single strongest ingredient being used in the potion. In the game data, these base values are listed in the ingredient's EFIT field. The standard base values used for each effect are listed on each effect page, as well as details about the base values for any non-standard ingredients.
  • Alchemy_Skill is your character's alchemy skill (15-100)
  • Fortify_Alchemy is the sum of all active Fortify Alchemy enchantments
  • Alchemist_Perk is the enhancement from the Alchemist perk (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100)
  • Physician_Perk is the enhancement from the Physician perk (0 or 25). This value is only set to 25 if your character has unlocked the perk and it is being applied to a Restore Health, Restore Magicka, or Restore Stamina effect
  • Benefactor_Perk is the enhancement from the Benefactor perk (0 or 25). This value is only set to 25 if your character has unlocked the perk and it is being applied to a beneficial effect in a potion.
  • Poisoner_Perk is the enhancement from the Poisoner perk (0 or 25). This value is only set to 25 if your character has unlocked the perk and it is being applied to a negative effect in a poison.
    • (Only one of Benefactor_Perk or Poisoner_Perk is ever non-zero).
  • Seeker of Shadows is the enhancement from the Seeker of Shadows ability (0 or 10) from Dragonborn that adds +10% to potion magnitude.

The gold cost of a potion is calculated from:

 Gold_cost = floor( Base_Cost * max(Magnitude^1.1,1) * ((Duration/10)^1.1 if Duration else 1) )

If the magnitude or duration is zero, the corresponding term disappears from the equation, i.e.:

 Gold_cost (When Magnitude = 0) = floor( Base_Cost * max((Duration/10)^1.1,1) )
 Gold_cost (When Duration = 0)  = floor( Base_Cost * (Magnitude^1.1) )
 Gold_cost (When Duration = 0 and Magnitude = 0, which is never true in vanilla)  = floor( Base_Cost )

If the magnitude or duration is not displayed in game, that does not necessarily mean that the value is zero. The game still has an internal value for each parameter (based on the ingredient's Base_Mag and Base_Dur) which is used in this calculation. A clear-cut example of these hidden values at work is the Cure Disease potion, which has a higher monetary value when brewed to a higher "magnitude", despite having both a fixed effect and a fixed duration in practice. These internal values are listed in the following table.

Multiple-Effect PotionsEdit

If a potion has multiple effects, the magnitude, duration, and gold cost of each effect is separately determined according to the above equations. The total gold cost of the potion is the sum of the costs of the individual effects.

The effect with the largest individual gold cost is the effect that controls the overall properties of the mixture. That effect is used for naming, and it determines whether the result is considered to be a potion or a poison. The determination of the strongest effect is actually done before the perks are factored into the gold cost (i.e., having the Benefactor and/or Poisoner perk does not alter whether a mixture is a poison or a potion).

Additional adjustments that are made include:

  • The Benefactor perk only applies to effects in potions — beneficial side-effects of a poison are not enhanced.
  • The Poisoner perk only applies to effects in poisons — negative side-effects of a potion are not enhanced.
  • If the Purity perk has been unlocked, the properties of all negative effects in a potion will be set to zero (and positive effects in a poison will be set to zero). This means that the gold cost of the potion will be reduced.

Effect ListEdit

Except where otherwise noted by having a red background in the magnitude cell, any effect with a magnitude of 0 has a fixed magnitude that does not vary with level, perks, enchantments, etc, but an effect with a non-zero magnitude does vary; the mark will typically be present for magnitude 0 effects, as a reminder. However, because most potions have a fixed duration, except where otherwise noted by having a green background, potions have a fixed duration, regardless of whether or not their duration is 0. These typically go hand in hand - a potion has a variable magnitude or a variable duration, but never both or neither. Note that Cure Disease does have a variable magnitude, which has no impact when you drink it, where its magnitude is always "all diseases", but does impact the gold value of the potion. Note also that Damage Magicka and the three Ravage effects have non-zero durations which likewise have no impact when applied to the target - the first is instantaneous and the latter three are permanent until cured - but do impact the gold value of the potion.

Effect (ID) Ingredients Description Base_Cost Base_Mag Base_Dur  
Cure Disease

Charred Skeever Hide (0.36× )
ChokeweedCC (0.36× )
Hawk Feathers (0.36× )
Hunger TongueCC (0.36× )
Red Kelp Gas BladderCC (0.36× )
Scrib JellyCC (0.36× )
Withering MoonCC (0.36× )
Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
Mudcrab Chitin
Vampire Dust

Cures all diseases. 0.5 5 0 21
Cure Poison

AmbrosiaCC (1.56× )
Bittergreen PetalsCC
Hunger TongueCC
Imp GallCC
Redwort FlowerCC
Scrib JellyCC

Stops poison's continuing effects. 0.2 2 0 3
Damage Health

Jarrin Root (100× ,158.5× )
River Betty (2.5× ,34.5× )
Emperor Parasol MossDB (1.5× ,19.7× )
Nirnroot (12.6× )
Crimson Nirnroot (3× ,3.3× )
ChokeberryCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Coda FlowerCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Deathbell (1.5× ,1.6× )
Fire PetalCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Gnarl BarkCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Imp GallCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Poison BloomDG (1.5× ,1.6× )
Redwort FlowerCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Scalon Fin (1.5× ,1.56× )
Wisp Stalk CapsCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Falmer Ear
Human Flesh
Human Heart
Imp Stool
Mort FleshCC
Red Mountain Flower
Skeever Tail
Small Antlers
Troll Fat
Void Salts

Causes <mag> points of poison damage. 3 2 1 3
Damage Magicka

Bittergreen PetalsCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
ChokeweedCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Butterfly Wing
Chaurus Eggs
Daedra Heart
Eye of Sabre Cat
Glow Dust
Hagraven Feathers
Hanging Moss
Human Heart
Jarrin Root
Luna Moth Wing
Mort FleshCC
Namira's Rot
Nordic Barnacle
Trama RootDB

Drains the target's Magicka by <mag> points. 2.2 3 0 52
Damage Magicka Regen

Daedroth TeethCC (2× ,2.14× )
Minotaur HornCC (2× ,2.14× )
Scalon FinCC (2× ,2.14× )
Ancestor Moth WingDG
Bear Claws
Blue Butterfly Wing
Blue Mountain Flower
Burnt Spriggan WoodDB
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG
Chicken's Egg
Glow Dust
Hanging Moss
Hawk's EggHF
Human Heart
Mort FleshCC
Jarrin Root
Spider Egg
Spriggan Sap

Decrease the target's Magicka regeneration by <mag>% for <dur> seconds. 0.5 100 5 265
Damage Stamina

Crimson Nirnroot (3× )
Bog BeaconCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
ComberryCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
MarshmerrowCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Ancestor Moth WingDG
Ash Creep ClusterDB
Berit's Ashes
Blue Butterfly Wing
Bone Meal
Canis Root
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Giant's Toe
Jarrin Root
Rock Warbler Egg
Spider Egg

Drain the target's Stamina by <mag> points. 1.8 3 0 43
Damage Stamina Regen

Bungler's BaneCC (2× ,2.14× )
SaltriceCC (2× ,2.14× )
Creep Cluster
Daedra Heart
Frost Mirriam
Giant's Toe
Juniper Berries
Large Antlers
Silverside Perch
Skeever Tail
Yellow Mountain FlowerDG

Decrease the target's Stamina regeneration by <mag>% for <dur> seconds. 0.3 100 5 159

Bog BeaconCC (2× ,2.14× )
Elytra IchorCC (2× ,2.14× )
Luminous RussulaCC (2× ,2.14× )
Sload SoapCC (2× ,2.14× )
Blue Dartwing
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Daedra Heart
Green Butterfly WingCC
Namira's Rot
Netch JellyDB
Poison BloomDG
Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Rot ScaleCC (0.16× ,0.14× )

Creatures and people up to level <mag> flee from combat for <dur> seconds. 5 1 30 120
Fortify Alteration

Blind Watcher's EyeCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Screaming MawCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Sload SoapCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Burnt Spriggan WoodDB
Grass Pod
River Betty
Spriggan Sap
Wild Grass PodCC

Alteration spells last <mag>% longer for <dur> seconds. 0.2 4 60 47
Fortify Barter

Imp GallCC (2× ,2.14× )
Butterfly Wing
Dragon's Tongue
Hagraven Claw
Tundra Cotton

You haggle for <mag>% better prices for <dur> seconds. 2 1 30 48
Fortify Block

Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Bleeding Crown
Boar TuskDB
Slaughterfish Scales
Tundra Cotton
Briar Heart (0.5× )
Honeycomb (0.5× )

Blocking absorbs <mag>% more damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify Carry Weight

Coda FlowerCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Kagouti HideCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
MarshmerrowCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Worm's Head CapCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Creep Cluster
Giant's Toe
Hawk Beak
Netch JellyDB
Poison BloomDG
River Betty
Scaly Pholiota
Steel-Blue EntolomaCC
Trama RootDB
Wisp Wrappings

Carrying capacity increases by <mag> for <dur> seconds. 0.15 4 300 208
Fortify Conjuration

Congealed PutrescenceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Sload SoapCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Ancestor Moth WingDG
Berit's Ashes
Blue Butterfly Wing
Blue Mountain Flower
Bone Meal
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG
Frost Salts
Hagraven Feathers

Conjurations spells last <mag>% longer for <dur> seconds. 0.25 5 60 75
Fortify Destruction

ComberryCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Daedra VeninCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Ash Creep ClusterDB
Beehive Husk
Glow Dust
Glowing Mushroom
Steel-Blue EntolomaCC
Wisp Wrappings
Ectoplasm (0.8× )
Nightshade (0.8× )

Destruction spells are <mag>% stronger for <dur> seconds. 0.5 5 60 151
Fortify Enchanting

Dreugh WaxCC (2.0× ,2.14× )
Stoneflower PetalsCC (2.0× ,2.14× )
Ancestor Moth WingDG
Blue Butterfly Wing
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG
Hagraven Claw
Spawn AshDB
Spriggan Sap

For <dur> seconds, items are enchanted <mag>% stronger. 0.6 1 30 14
Fortify Health

Fungus StalkCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
Heart of OrderCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
Hydnum Azure Giant SporeCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
Void EssenceCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
AmbrosiaCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Boar TuskDB (5× , 5.9× )
Giant's Toe (5× , 5.9× )
Bear Claws
Blue Mountain Flower
Glowing Mushroom
Hanging Moss
Yellow Mountain FlowerDG

Health is increased by <mag> points for <dur> seconds. 0.35 4 60 82
Fortify Heavy Armor

Bog BeaconCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Gnarl BarkCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Bliss Bug ThoraxCC
Ice Wraith Teeth
Sabre Cat Tooth
Slaughterfish Scales
Thistle Branch
White Cap

Increase Heavy Armor skill by <mag> points for <dur> seconds. 0.5 2 60 55
Fortify Illusion

Watcher's EyeCC (5× ,5.87× )
Dwarven Oil
Mora Tapinella
Scaly Pholiota
Dragon's Tongue
Bliss Bug ThoraxCC (0.25× ,0.21× )

Illusion spells are <mag>% stronger for <dur> seconds. 0.4 4 60 94
Fortify Light Armor

Aster Bloom CoreCC (2× ,2.14× )
Withering MoonCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Ash Hopper JellyDB
Beehive Husk
Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
Hawk Feathers
Luna Moth Wing
Skeever Tail

Increases Light Armor skill by <mag> points for <dur> seconds. 0.5 2 60 55
Fortify Lockpicking

Worm's Head CapCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Ashen Grass PodDB
Falmer Ear
Namira's Rot
Pine Thrush Egg
Spider Egg

Lockpicking is <mag>% easier for <dur> seconds. 0.5 2 30 25
Fortify Magicka

Salmon RoeHF (12.5× , 0.08× , 1.05× )
Blind Watcher's EyeCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Blister Pod CapCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Hunger TongueCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
LichorCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Red Kelp Gas BladderCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
SaltriceCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Stoneflower PetalsCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Watcher's EyeCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Briar Heart
Emperor Parasol MossDB
Jazbay Grapes
Red Mountain Flower
Tundra Cotton
Void Salts

Magicka is increased by <mag> points for <dur> seconds. 0.3 4 60 71
Fortify Marksman

Corkbulb RootCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Canis Root
Elves Ear
Juniper Berries
Spider Egg

Bows do <mag>% more damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify One-handed

Heart of OrderCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Stoneflower PetalsCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Bear Claws
Canis Root
Hanging Moss
Hawk Feathers
Rock Warbler Egg
Small Pearl

One-handed weapons do <mag>% more damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify Pickpocket

Blue Dartwing
Kresh FiberCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Nordic Barnacle
Orange Dartwing
Slaughterfish Egg

Pickpocketing is <mag>% easier for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify Restoration

Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Yellow Mountain FlowerDG (1.25× ,1.27× )
Abecean Longfin
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Salt Pile
Small Antlers
Small Pearl

Restoration spells are <mag>% stronger for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify Smithing

Dreugh WaxCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Gold KanetCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Glowing Mushroom
Sabre Cat Tooth
Spriggan Sap

For <dur> seconds, weapon and armor improving is <mag>% better. 0.75 4 30 82
Fortify Sneak

Kresh FiberCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
RoobrushCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Abecean Longfin
Ashen Grass PodDB
Frost Mirriam
Hawk Feathers
Human Flesh
Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Purple Mountain Flower
Beehive Husk

You are <mag>% harder to detect for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Fortify Stamina

Boar TuskDB (1.25× , 5× , 7.5× )
Fungus StalkCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
Void EssenceCC (1.25× ,5× ,7.5× )
Scrib JerkyCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Chaurus Eggs
Large Antlers
Slaughterfish Egg
Torchbug Thorax

Stamina is increased by <mag> points for <dur> seconds. 0.3 4 60 71
Fortify Two-handed

Heart of OrderCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Dragon's Tongue
Emperor Parasol MossDB
Fly Amanita
Troll Fat

Two-handed weapons do <mag>% more damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118

Dreugh WaxCC (2× ,2.14× )
Hypha FaciaCC (2× ,2.14× )
Wisp Stalk CapsCC (2× ,2.14× )
Boar TuskDB
Falmer Ear
Fly Amanita
Hagraven Feathers
Human Heart
Mort FleshCC
Troll Fat

Creatures and people up to level <mag> will attack anything nearby for <dur> seconds. 15 1 10 107

Screaming MawCC (4× ,4.6× )
Bittergreen PetalsCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Blister Pod CapCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Daedra SilkCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Elytra IchorCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Flame StalkCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Redwort FlowerCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Ash Creep ClusterDB
Chaurus Eggs
Crimson Nirnroot
Green Butterfly WingCC
Ice Wraith Teeth
Luna Moth Wing
Vampire Dust

Invisibility for <dur> seconds. 100 0 4 261

Alocasia FruitCC
Blind Watcher's EyeCC
Daedroth TeethCC
Hydnum Azure Giant SporeCC

Emits a small light that lasts for <dur> seconds. (?) (?) (?) 25
Lingering Damage Health

Rot ScaleCC (3× ,3.34× )
ChokeberryCC (2× ,2.14 )
Luminous RussulaCC (2× ,2.14 )
RoobrushCC (2× ,2.14 )
Imp Stool
Mora Tapinella
Orange Dartwing
Slaughterfish Egg
Slaughterfish Scales
Thorn HookCC

Causes <mag> points of poison damage for <dur> seconds. 12 1 10 86
Lingering Damage Magicka

Ogre's TeethCC (2× ,2.14 )
Scalon FinCC (2× ,2.14 )
Hagraven Claw
Purple Mountain Flower
Swamp Fungal Pod
Torchbug Thorax

Drains the target's Magicka by <mag> points per second for <dur> seconds. 10 1 10 71
Lingering Damage Stamina

Bittergreen PetalsCC (2× ,2.14× )
Coda FlowerCC (2× ,2.14× )
Daedra SilkCC (2× ,2.14× )
Kagouti HideCC (2× ,2.14× )
Luminous RussulaCC (2× ,2.14× )
Butterfly Wing
Chicken's Egg
Hawk's EggHF
Small Antlers

Drain the target's Stamina by <mag> points per second for <dur> seconds. 1.8 1 10 12
Night Eye

Blister Pod CapCC
Daedra SilkCC
Kagouti HideCC
Watcher's EyeCC
Worm's Head CapCC

Improved night vision for <dur> seconds. (?) (?) (?) 38

Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Corkbulb RootCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Daedra SilkCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Daedra VeninCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Fire PetalCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Gold KanetCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Scrib JerkyCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Briar Heart
Canis Root
Human Flesh
Imp Stool
Netch JellyDB
Purple Butterfly WingCC
Rot ScaleCC
Swamp Fungal Pod
Thorn HookCC

Target is paralyzed for <dur> seconds. 500 0 1 285
Ravage Health

ChokeberryCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Congealed PutrescenceCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Daedra VeninCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Gold KanetCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Eye of Sabre Cat
Giant Lichen
Jazbay Grapes
Silverside Perch
Skeever Tail

Causes <mag> points of concentrated poison damage. 0.4 2 10 6
Ravage Magicka

Alocasia FruitCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Coda FlowerCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Frost Mirriam
Grass Pod
Orange Dartwing
Red Mountain Flower
Spawn AshDB
White Cap
Wild Grass PodCC

Concentrated poison damages maximum magicka by <mag> points. 1 2 10 15
Ravage Stamina

Deathbell (2.1× )
Bungler's BaneCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Hypha FaciaCC (1.5× ,3.34× )
Berit's Ashes
Bone Meal
Spawn AshDB
Thistle Branch

Concentrated poison damages maximum stamina by <mag> points. 1.6 2 10 24
Regenerate Health

Screaming MawCC (4× ,0.03× ,0.11× )
Alocasia FruitCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
AmbrosiaCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Gnarl BarkCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Hydnum Azure Giant SporeCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Minotaur HornCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Ogre's TeethCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Void EssenceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Emperor Parasol MossDB
Juniper Berries
Luna Moth Wing
Namira's Rot
Nordic Barnacle
Purple Butterfly WingCC
Vampire Dust
Thorn HookCC (0.6× ,0.6× ,0.32× )

Health regenerates <mag>% faster for <dur> seconds. 0.1 5 300 177
Regenerate Magicka

Screaming MawCC (4× ,0.2× ,0.78× )
LichorCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Minotaur HornCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Scrib JellyCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Dwarven Oil
Fire Salts
Jazbay Grapes
Moon Sugar
Purple Butterfly WingCC
Salmon RoeHF
Salt Pile
Thorn HookCC (0.6× ,0.6× ,0.32× )

Magicka regenerates <mag>% faster for <dur> seconds. 0.1 5 300 177
Regenerate Stamina

Alocasia FruitCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Daedroth TeethCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Red Kelp Gas BladderCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Scrib JellyCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Wisp Stalk CapsCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Fly Amanita
Mora Tapinella
Purple Butterfly WingCC
Scaly Pholiota

Stamina regenerates <mag>% faster for <dur> seconds. 0.1 5 300 177
Resist Fire

Ashen Grass PodDB (1.33× ,1.36× )
Fire PetalCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Gnarl BarkCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Sload SoapCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Ash Creep ClusterDB
Berit's Ashes
Bliss Bug ThoraxCC
Bone Meal
Dragon's Tongue
Elves Ear
Fire Salts
Fly Amanita
Mudcrab Chitin
Spawn AshDB

Resist <mag>% of fire damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 3 60 86
Resist Frost

Daedroth TeethCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Flame StalkCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Hydnum Azure Giant SporeCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Redwort FlowerCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Frost Mirriam
Frost Salts
Hawk Beak
Moon Sugar
Purple Mountain Flower
Silverside Perch
Slaughterfish Scales
Small Pearl
Steel-Blue EntolomaCC
Thistle Branch

Resist <mag>% of frost damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 3 60 86
Resist Magic

Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Bungler's BaneCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Hypha FaciaCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Bleeding Crown
Chicken's Egg
Crimson Nirnroot
Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
Hagraven Claw
Hawk's EggHF
Tundra Cotton
Void Salts
Wisp Wrappings

Resist <mag>% of magic for <dur> seconds. 1 1 60 51
Resist Poison

Minotaur HornCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Ogre's TeethCC (1.25× ,1.27× )
Charred Skeever Hide
Falmer Ear
Grass Pod
Mudcrab Chitin
Slaughterfish Egg
Troll Fat
Wild Grass PodCC
Yellow Mountain FlowerDG
Thistle Branch (0.75× ,,0× ,0.1× )
Beehive Husk (0.5× ,0.46× )

Resist <mag>% of poison for <dur> seconds. 0.5 4 60 118
Resist Shock

Corkbulb RootCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Kagouti HideCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Ash Hopper JellyDB
Blue Dartwing
Glow Dust
Glowing Mushroom
Hawk Beak
Pine Thrush Egg
Swamp Fungal Pod

Resist <mag>% of shock damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 3 60 86
Restore Health

AmbrosiaCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Corkbulb RootCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Flame StalkCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Heart of OrderCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
MarshmerrowCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
SaltriceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Void EssenceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Ash Hopper JellyDB
Blue Dartwing
Blue Mountain Flower
Butterfly Wing
Charred Skeever Hide
Daedra Heart
Eye of Sabre Cat
Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
Rock Warbler Egg
Swamp Fungal Pod
Blisterwort (0.6× ,0.57× )
Imp Stool (0.6× ,0.57× )

Restore <mag> points of Health. 0.5 5 0 21
Restore Magicka

Blister Pod CapCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Bog BeaconCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
ComberryCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Congealed PutrescenceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Elytra IchorCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Fungus StalkCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
LichorCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Withering MoonCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Briar Heart
Creep Cluster
Dwarven Oil
Elves Ear
Fire Salts
Frost Salts
Giant Lichen
Grass Pod
Green Butterfly WingCC
Human Flesh
Moon Sugar
Mora Tapinella
Red Mountain Flower
Steel-Blue EntolomaCC
Vampire Dust
White Cap
Wild Grass PodCC

Restore <mag> points of Magicka. 0.6 5 0 25
Restore Stamina

Netch Jelly (2× )DB
ChokeweedCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
SaltriceCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Scrib JerkyCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
Charred Skeever Hide
Eye of Sabre Cat
Hawk Beak
Large Antlers
Mudcrab Chitin
Orange Dartwing
Pine Thrush Egg
Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Purple Mountain Flower
Sabre Cat Tooth
Silverside Perch
Small Pearl
Torchbug Thorax
Wisp Wrappings
Bear Claws (0.8× ,0.78× )
Salmon RoeHF (0.4× ,0.36× )

Restore <mag> Stamina. 0.6 5 0 25

Large Antlers (6× , 1.75× )
Green Butterfly WingCC (6× ,0.57× )
Rot ScaleCC (3× ,0.26× )
Bungler's BaneCC (2× ,2.14× )
Elytra IchorCC (2× ,2.14× )
Kresh FiberCC (2× ,2.14× )
Worm's Head CapCC (2× ,2.14× )
Burnt Spriggan WoodDB
Poison BloomDG
River Betty
Salt Pile
Trama RootDB

Target moves at 50% speed for <dur> seconds. 1 50 5 247
Spell Absorption

Blind Watcher's EyeCC
Daedra VeninCC
Fire PetalCC
Watcher's EyeCC
Withering MoonCC

Absorb <mag>% of the magicka from hostile spells for <dur> seconds. (?) (?) (?) 380

Salmon RoeHF (12× , 15.4× )
Fungus StalkCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Luminous RussulaCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Red Kelp Gas BladderCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Scalon FinCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Scrib JerkyCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
Chicken's Egg
Hawk's EggHF
Nordic Barnacle

Can breathe underwater for <dur> seconds. 30 0 5 100
Weakness to Fire

Hunger TongueCC (1.33× ,2× ,2.93× )
Congealed PutrescenceCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Flame StalkCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Imp GallCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Bleeding Crown
Bliss Bug ThoraxCC
Burnt Spriggan WoodDB
Frost Salts
Ice Wraith Teeth
Juniper Berries
Moon Sugar
Powdered Mammoth Tusk

Target is <mag>% weaker to fire damage for <dur> seconds. 0.6 3 30 48
Weakness to Frost

ChokeweedCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Gold KanetCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Abecean Longfin
Ash Hopper JellyDB
Fire Salts
Ice Wraith Teeth
White Cap
Elves Ear

Target is <mag>% weaker to frost damage for <dur> seconds. 0.5 3 30 40
Weakness to Magic

Dreugh WaxCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Kresh FiberCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
MarshmerrowCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
RoobrushCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Creep Cluster
Dwarven Oil
Jazbay Grapes
Rock Warbler Egg
Salt Pile
Scaly Pholiota
Torchbug Thorax

Target is <mag>% weaker to magic for <dur> seconds. 1 2 30 51
Weakness to Poison

ChokeberryCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Hypha FaciaCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Wisp Stalk CapsCC (1.5× ,1.56× )
Abecean Longfin
Bleeding Crown
Chaurus Eggs
Giant Lichen
Pine Thrush Egg
Sabre Cat Tooth
Small Antlers

Target is <mag>% weaker to poison for <dur> seconds. 1 2 30 51
Weakness to Shock

Ogre's TeethCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Stoneflower PetalsCC (1.33× ,1.36× )
Ashen Grass PodDB
Giant Lichen
Hagraven Feathers
Trama RootDB
Void Salts

Target is <mag>% weaker to shock damage for <dur> seconds. 0.7 3 30 56


  • Alchemy effects stack with enchanting effects, but not with one another — only the strongest alchemy effect will be active, except Weakness to Magic and Weakness to Poison.