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Skyrim:Resist Fire

< Skyrim: Magic: Magical Effects
SR-icon-spell-Fire.png Resist Fire
School Restoration
Type Defensive
ID 0003eaea
Base Cost 0.5
Base Mag 3
Base Dur 60
ID 00048c8b
Base Cost 9
Items Neck, Finger, Feet, Shield
(Click on any item for details)
Built-In Potions

Alchemy description: Resist <mag>% of fire damage for <dur> seconds.
Enchanting description: Increases Fire Resistance by <mag>%.

Resist Fire increases the target's resistance to all forms of Fire Damage. Resist Fire 50% will halve any Fire Damage the target takes.

Similar to Resist Frost, Resist Shock, and Resist Magic, Resist Fire is capped at 85%. The cap only applies to you; followers and enemies with 100% resistance to a particular element (such as atronachs) are truly immune.

Damage reduction from Resist Fire, Resist Frost, and Resist Shock is applied after damage reduction from Resist Magic is applied. For example, a 100-point Fire Damage spell would deal only 15 points of damage with Resist Magic 85%; Resist Fire 85% would then reduce the 15 points by a further 85% to 2.25 points of final damage, resulting in 97.75% total resistance.


The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Resist Fire:


The following items use this effect. You can learn how to enchant custom items with Resist Fire if you find one of the following items and disenchant it:

Artifacts and unique items that use the effect but cannot be disenchanted include:


  • Dunmer have a constant Resist Fire 50% ability.