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< Skyrim: Skills: Magic
Skill: Restoration

Restoration is one of the five schools of magic in Skyrim. Restoration magic focuses on spells that cure physical ailments. Increasing this skill reduces Magicka cost when casting Restoration spells. Historical information about the School of Restoration is provided in the lore article. The Restoration skill tree has a total of 12 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk points to fill.

In-game Description: The School of Restoration involves control over life forces. This skill makes it easier to cast spells like Healing, Turn Undead, and magical Wards.


Restoration offers a range of healing and protection spells and perks; in particular:

  • Healing spells restore Health (and also Stamina if the Respite perk is taken) for yourself and other characters.
  • Ward spells provide armor protection and magic negation. These can be powerful spells, and are particularly effective against dragon breath attacks. Many mages will often adventure with a Ward equipped in one hand and a Destruction spell in the other. However, wards are very magicka-intensive and cannot be sustained for long periods unless you reduce their cost.
  • Turn Undead and Protection from Undead spells cause undead targets to flee from the caster. The Necromage perk increases the power of all spells aimed at undead.
  • Two perks give faster Magicka regeneration, potentially very helpful for mage characters who use a lot of Magicka.

In addition, Restoration also includes the only direct damage spells outside the school of Destruction

Skill PerksEdit

Novice Restoration
Apprentice Restoration
Adept Restoration
Expert Restoration
Master Restoration
Avoid Death
Restoration Dual Casting
Ward Absorb
Restoration Perk Tree
Perk Rank Description ID Skill Req. Perk Req.
Novice Restoration Cast Novice level Restoration spells for half magicka. 000f2caa
Apprentice Restoration Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for half magicka. 000c44c7 25 Restoration Novice Restoration
Adept Restoration Cast Adept level Restoration spells for half magicka. 000c44c8 50 Restoration Apprentice Restoration
Expert Restoration Cast Expert level Restoration spells for half magicka. 000c44c9 75 Restoration Adept Restoration
Master Restoration Cast Master level Restoration spells for half magicka. 000c44ca 100 Restoration Expert Restoration
Recovery 1 Magicka regenerates 25% faster. 000581f4 30 Restoration Novice Restoration
2 Magicka regenerates 50% faster. 000581f5 60 Restoration
Avoid Death Once a day, heals 250 points automatically if you fall below 10% health. (Only if the damage does not kill you.) 000a3f64 90 Restoration Recovery
Regeneration Healing spells cure 50% more. 000581f8 20 Restoration Novice Restoration
Necromage All spells are more effective against undead. (+25% effect and +50% effect duration. See below section for more detail.) 000581e4 70 Restoration Regeneration
Respite Healing spells also restore Stamina. 000581f9 40 Restoration Novice Restoration
Restoration Dual Casting Dual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version. (220% spell effect for 280% magicka cost) 000153d1 20 Restoration Novice Restoration
Ward Absorb Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells. 00068bcc 60 Restoration Novice Restoration


  Spell Name
Skill Level Tome
Magicka Base Cost Skill XP Description and Effect Details Where to Get
Spell ID00012fcc
Tome ID0009e2af
50 12/s 12/s Heals the caster 10 points per second:
  Lesser Ward
Spell ID00013018
Tome ID0009e2ae
45 34/s 34/s Increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points of spell damage or effects:
  Fast Healing
Spell ID0002f3b8
Tome ID000a271d
94 73 73 Heals the caster 50 points:
  Healing Hands
Spell ID0004d3f2
Tome ID000a271e
89 25/s 25/s Heals the target 10 points per second, but not undead, atronachs or machines:
  • Restore Health, 10 pts/sec for 1 sec
    • This spell then tapers; it will continue to deal the original magnitude of the effect to the target for another 0.3 seconds after expiring.
  • Restore Stamina, 10 pts for 1 sec
  Necromantic HealingDG
Spell IDxx00e8d2
Tome IDxx00e8d5
115 37/s 37/s Heals the undead target 10 points per second, but not the living, atronachs or machines:
  Steadfast Ward
Spell ID000211f1
Tome ID000a2720
92 58/s 58/s Increases armor rating by 60 points and negates up to 60 points of spell damage or effects:
  Sun FireDG
Spell IDxx003f52
Tome IDxx003f51
80 24 12 Ball of sunlight that does 25 points of damage to undead:
  Turn Lesser Undead
Spell ID0004b146
Tome ID000a271f
89 84 84 Undead up to level 6 flee for 30 seconds:
  Close Wounds
Spell ID000b62ef
Tome ID0010f64d
360 126 126 Heals the caster 100 points:
  • Can be purchased from: Colette Marence
  • If your Restoration is level 40 or higher, you are rewarded one by the Pilgrimage quest.
  Greater Ward
Spell ID000211f0
Tome ID000a2722
341 86/s 86/s Increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points of spell damage or effects:
  • Can be purchased from: Colette Marence
  • If your Restoration is Level 40 or higher, you are rewarded one by the Pilgrimage quest.
  Heal Other
Spell ID00012fd2
Tome ID000a2727
300 80 80 Heals the target 75 points, but not undead, atronachs or machines:
  Heal UndeadDG
Spell IDxx00e8d4
Tome IDxx00e8d6
370 115 115 Heals the undead target 75 points, but not the living, atronachs or machines:
  Poison RuneDB
Spell IDxx01d74b
Tome IDxx020685
290 246 246 Targets that fail to resist take 3 points of poison damage per second for 30 seconds:
  Repel Lesser Undead
Spell ID0004d3f8
Tome ID000a2725
333 115 115 All affected undead up to level 8 flee for 30 seconds:
  • Can be purchased from: Colette Marence
  • If your Restoration is Level 40 or higher, it is a possible reward from the quest Pilgrimage.
  Stendarr's AuraDG
Spell IDxx0038b5
Tome IDxx003f4e
335 248 0 For 60 seconds, undead in melee range take 10 points sun damage per second:
  Turn Undead
Spell ID0005dd5d
Tome ID000a2721
323 168 168 Undead up to level 13 flee for 30 seconds:
  Vampire's BaneDG
Spell IDxx0038b6
Tome IDxx003f4d
340 72 36 Sunlight explosion that does 40 points of damage in a 15 foot radius to undead:
  Circle of Protection
Spell ID0005312d
Tome ID000a2728
650 171 171 Undead up to level 20 entering the circle will flee:
  Grand Healing
Spell ID000b62ee
Tome ID000dd643
680 254 382+ Heals everyone close to the caster 200 points:
  Repel Undead
Spell ID0005dd60
Tome ID000a2726
655 353 353 All affected undead up to level 16 flee for 30 seconds:
  Turn Greater Undead
Spell ID0005dd5e
Tome ID000a2729
664 267 266 Undead up to level 21 flee for 30 seconds:
  Bane of the Undead
Spell ID0008c1ab
Tome ID000dd647
1200 988 988 Sets undead up to level 30 on fire and makes them flee for 30 seconds:
  Guardian Circle
Spell ID000e0ccf
Tome ID000fde7b
1220 716 716 Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee. Caster heals 20 health per second inside it:

Spell List NotesEdit

  • The base cost for spells is the amount of magicka that would be necessary to cast the spell at 0 skill without any perks. The magicka cost at 100 skill is 41% less than the base cost; the cost can also be reduced via enchanted apparel and by unlocking various perks. See Spell Cost for the full magicka cost equation.
  • Skill level indicates which skill perk needs to be unlocked to decrease the spell's magicka cost. "N/A" is used for special spells whose cost is not affected by any perks.
  • The "Where to Get" column only lists guaranteed locations for obtaining the spell tomes. Most spell tomes are also available in random loot; see Spell Tome Locations and the table below for details.
  • For higher-level spell tomes to become available for purchase, your skill in the school must be high enough (see the table below). Also, master-level spell tomes can only be acquired once that school's ritual spell quest has been completed.
  • All spell tomes have a weight of 1.
  • Skill XP can be modified by scripts and by the game engine itself under various circumstances. The exact XP you receive may vary from the numbers listed here.
  • Magicka cost and skill XP are rounded down, both in game and on this page. Because of this, you may find that you cannot cast a spell even though it appears you have exactly enough magicka to do so.
Tomes by Level
Spell Level Skill Level Character Level, Boss Chest Character Level, Random Chest
Novice 0 1 1
Apprentice 0 11 10
Adept 40 23 -
Expert 65 35 -
Master 0/90 - -
Master level spell tomes require the appropriate ritual spell quest to be completed to be sold; while the quests have a skill level requirement of 90 to initiate, if you have completed the quest and reset the skill by making it legendary, the spell tome should still be available for sale.

Magical EffectsEdit

The following individual effects are all considered to be part of the school of Restoration (see the individual effect pages for full details on availability; the Magical Effects article also provides a summary):

Skill IncreasesEdit

Character CreationEdit

The following races have an initial skill bonus to Restoration:


Skill BooksEdit

Free Skill BoostsEdit

Gaining Skill XPEdit

  • Casting higher-level spells gives generally faster skill increases (Novice<Apprentice<Adept<Expert<Master).
  • It is possible to reduce or even completely eliminate the magicka cost of spells by stacking Fortify Restoration enchanting effects, potentially allowing continuous casting. The Secret of ArcanaDB power does the same thing, but only for 30 seconds.
  • Casting a ward spell in short 1 second bursts while in combat will quickly level Restoration while below 65 Restoration. The top of the burial mound located near the Apprentice Stone offers an excellent location to cast wards and remain out of melee range of the crabs inhabiting the burial mound.
  • Use the Staff of Revenants to reanimate the dead conjurer in the same location to repeatedly cast any repel/turn undead spell. Allowing the conjurer to recover from the stagger effects before recasting will prevent them from running away.
  • Restoration leveling by healing requires that you heal actual damage to yourself or another character; unlike previous games you cannot simply cast Healing on yourself and others to gain experience. There are countless ways to harm yourself and then cast a healing spell to gain experience. The key to all of them is to find a way to level the skill by harming and healing yourself.
    • Traps that can be activated repeatedly allow you to take controlled damage. Simply move away when you're running low on magicka and wait to regenerate.
      • Alternatively, you may instead opt for a follower to be continually harmed by traps while using either Healing Hands or Heal Other to continually heal them. You can also deal some damage to them yourself, allowing you to level offensive skills such as Archery, One-handed, Two-handed or Destruction. Werewolves in dungeon cells, and the four torture victims in the Dawnstar Sanctuary are examples of available targets.
    • Outside High Hrothgar, in the backyard, there is a place where a magical wind blows and deals damage while standing near it.
    • Twilight Sepulcher has a section that contains damaging light, which can be used to inflict controlled damage on yourself. Several sections of ApocryphaDB contain damaging darkness that can be used in the same manner.
    • Casting a healing spell while in the path of the light beam in Kilkreath Ruins under the Statue to Meridia, while having the Atronach perk or The Atronach Stone effect (30% and 50% absorb spells, respectively) will give you XP in Restoration without using magicka or risking your life, as the light beam does little damage and restores a lot of magicka.
    • Forges other than the Skyforge have a "Fire Hazard" effect that triggers whenever you jump into them. This effect can be triggered over and over again by simply jumping up and down in the forge. It does a small amount of damage over time and so can be easily controlled. It also counts as you casting a very weak Destruction spell on yourself, meaning you gain a little Destruction skill XP every time the damage effect is triggered. Although a tad trickier, if one turns on walk mode or sneaking (or both to move even slower) and steps in and out of the fire affect's trigger zone, they can trigger the damage effect much faster than jumping.
    • Letting weak enemies strike you while you only heal yourself allows you to take controlled damage while leveling Restoration, and will level defensive skills such as Light Armor, Heavy Armor or Block at the same time.
    • A useful trick for harming yourself is to cast Equilibrium, which drains your health and restores your magicka.
    • Once you have completed the quest Lost to the AgesDG, the lava behind the Aetherium Forge inside the Ruins of Bthalft inflicts heavy damage (as much as 165/s with no fire resistance), allowing you to use high level healing spells to gain XP quickly.
    • During the quest Chasing Echoes, provided you are not a vampire, the portal to the Soul Cairn will continually leech health away from you before you become partially soul trapped. Standing in the portal and healing yourself can quickly level your Restoration.
    • Similarly, the Ideal Master Crystals will provide a constant drain health effect until you reach 25% of your maximum health. Leaving and re-entering the area of effect will cause it to re-activate, making them a safe way to lose and heal large amounts of health.
  • After completing a number of Civil War quests, you can go to the opposite factions headquarters (the Blue Palace or Palace of the Kings), and cast Fury into the middle of the deposed leaders and their followers. This will start an all out brawl with numerous essential NPCs doing damage to each other and opening opportunities to stay neutral as you boost your Restoration Skill with spells Heal Other.
  • Circle of Protection and Guardian Circle can be cast at any time after they are acquired for skill experience, though they only appear at skill level 65 and 90, respectively.
    • If you're a vampire, Circle of Protection gives more experience, because there's always an undead creature (you) inside it. This has no ill effects on you, and works even if you're over level 20.
    • An alternate method of the Circle of Protection trick for non-vampire players is to acquire an undead thrall (vampire, draugr, etc) and then cast Circle of Protection in range of it.
  • Use the cheapest Conjure undead spell you have (Dragon Priest in the base game, or Boneman with Dawnguard), and repeatedly use Turn Undead spells on your conjured undead.
  • With the Silent Casting perk activated, you can remain hidden while repeatedly casting Turn Undead spells on undead opponents.
  • Arcwind Point has up to 10 skeletons that can be attacked with Turn Undead at the same time. At higher level of Restoration skill, the Repel Lesser Undead spell is even more effective, since it is an area effect spell. Each skeleton hit by the spell will provide skill XP. The player can stand on the path as the skeletons come forward in batches and level rapidly.

Necromage when playing as a vampireEdit

Necromage essentially confers a 25% strength increase and 50% duration increase to all spells against undead. This effect applies to weapon enchantments as well.

Becoming a vampire will flag your character as undead and thus certain spells, shouts and enchantments will increase in potency. Negative effects will also be affected, of course, such as Weakness to Fire. Some perks are also affected if chosen after obtaining the Necromage perk.

Affected Spells and PerksEdit

All enchantments placed on clothing/armor increase by 25% in magnitude. This can be increased by an additional 25% by equipping the Bloodworm Helm.

  • Dead Thrall: Increase the maximum level deceased vampire targets can be raised past 50.
  • The Ritual Stone: Increase the maximum level deceased targets can be raised past 75.
  • Atronach: Increase spell absorption chance from 30% to 37.5%.
  • Snakeblood: Increase poison resistance from 50% to 62.5%
    • This effect is redundant so long as the character has vampirism, but the potency of the perk will remain if the character is cured of vampirism.
  • Dual Flurry: Increase overall speed by 25%.
  • Extra Pockets: Increase carry weight a further 25%.
  • Fists of Steel: 25% more damage per armor rate.
  • Magic Resistance: Increase magic resistance by 25%.
  • Power Shot: Increase stagger by 25%
  • Steady Hand: Time moves 25% slower.
  • Quick Shot: Increase overall speed by 25%.
  • Recovery: Increase magicka regeneration by 25%.
  • Wind Walker: Increase stamina regeneration by 25%.
  • The Atronach Stone: Increase spell absorption from 50% to 62.5%
  • Shielding spells (For example, Ebonyflesh - without alteration perks - provides 125 armor instead of 100, and lasts for 90 seconds instead of 60).
    • This effect is multiplicative when combined with the Mage Armor perk (For example, the 125 armor from Ebonyflesh would become 250 at the first level of the Mage Armor perk); the extended duration also stacks with Alteration perk Stability (additional 50% duration for a total of 120 seconds). Affects Dragonhide duration stacking with Stability, but armor provided unaffected.
  • Muffle: Increase duration by 50%.
  • Invisibility: Increase duration by 50%.
  • The Steed Stone: Increase carry weight by +25, though the description still says +100.
  • The Lord Stone: Increase armor resistance from 50 to 62, and increase magic resistance from 25% to 31.25%.
  • Dragonskin: Increase absorption to 62% and duration to 90 seconds.


  • Restoration Dual Casting does not boost the level of a Turn Undead spell, unlike the equivalent Illusion spells. Circle of Protection is an exception to this rule, as both its magnitude and duration are increased by Dual-Casting.
  • Turn Undead spells will stagger an undead target, even if the target is too high of level to be affected by the fear effect.
    • Turn Undead spells also have a slightly longer charging time than other non-ritual spells.
  • Necromage boosts the power of Turn Undead spells by about 25%. It also offers increased effects for all spells when cast on undead, such as increased damage to Destruction Spells and staves when used against undead (Draugr, Vampire, and Dragon Priest) targets. Notably, it also increases the level cap of all Reanimate spells cast on undead allowing the player to raise the most powerful minions (like Volkihar Vampire, lvl 48) using the Dead Thrall spell. Can be boosted to lvl 60 with Bone Wolf.
  • Respite's Stamina restoration is based on the spell being used. The Regeneration perk will improve its effects along with Health restoration.
  • Despite it being their namesake, the necromancers known as "Necromages" do not actually possess the Necromage perk.
  • Ward Absorb returns 25% of the cost of the original spell.


  • If you have the Alteration perk Atronach, you can recharge your magicka by casting Circle of Protection and standing within the spell's effect radius. This effect goes away if caught in the explosive effect of your own spells (master level spells). It will start working again when caught in the explosive effect of another's spells (Your storm atronach works well for this).
  • Recovery 2 reduces Magicka regeneration rate. ?
  • Both ranks of the Recovery perk are scaled by any Fortify Restoration alchemy effect on you at the moment you take them. The scaled magnitude lasts until the perk is removed.
    Mod Notes: This is caused by magic effect PerkMagickaRecovery having its 'Magic Skill' field set to 'Restoration', which allows perk AlchemySkillBoosts to scale the magnitude by (1 + RestorationPowerMod/100).
  • Because of errors, healing spells will restore stamina to enemies and automata. Grand Healing will restore stamina to all creatures including undead and daedra.
  • A player with Vampirism and Necromage will receive greater benefits from self-targeting magical effects, as the player is flagged as undead.
    •   The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.2.3, addresses this issue. Necromage no longer boosts the power of spells, perks, potions, and enchantments used on a vampire player.