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Skyrim:Sabre Cat Tooth

< Skyrim: Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Sabre Cat Tooth
Sabre Cat Tooth
Value 2 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Restore Stamina Restore Stamina
2nd Fortify Heavy Armor Fortify Heavy Armor
3rd Fortify Smithing Fortify Smithing
4th Weakness to Poison Weakness to Poison
# Samples 5
Creature Sabre Cat, Snowy Sabre Cat, Vale Sabre CatDG
Merchant Avail. None (Uncommon)
A sabre cat tooth

Sabre Cat Teeth are dropped by sabre cats, who will always drop either a tooth or an eye of sabre cat, in addition to a sabre cat pelt.



5 guaranteed samples found in 4 different locations:

This ingredient is not in the VendorItemIngredient category that allows it to be traded by apothecary merchants (see bugs).

The only way to make this ingredient become available from apothecary merchants is to unlock the Merchant perk (requires level 50 Speech), at which point it is an "uncommon" ingredient.

Remaining ways to obtain already-harvested sabre cat teeth all have relatively low probabilities. The best bets are:

  • Peddlers may be randomly encountered in the wilderness (typically being attacked). These peddlers have an 8% chance of carrying 1-3 samples.
  • Uncommon- and rare-type apothecary's satchels have a 2% chance of containing one.
  • Warlocks and Forsworn have a 0.5% chance of carrying one.


All varieties of sabre cat, including snowy sabre cats, vale sabre catsDG and the Sabre Cat Guardian Spirit, have a 50% chance of dropping a sabre cat tooth.


  • If you have the Hearthfire add-on installed, you may need a lot of teeth to furnish your self-built houses. The only reliable source of them is hunting. Create a quicksave before killing a sabre cat, kill it and loot its body. If you only find its eye, quickload and kill it again until you get its tooth. Your hunting would be more efficient in this way.
  • Sabre cat teeth are far smaller than the teeth of the actual sabre cat.


  • This ingredient cannot normally be bought from apothecary merchants, even though it should be available according to their merchandise leveled lists. It also cannot be sold to apothecary merchants; it can only be sold to general goods merchants.