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Skyrim:Fort Neugrad

< Skyrim: Places: Military Forts(Redirected from Skyrim:Fort Neugrad Prison)
Military Fort:
Fort Neugrad
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 2
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6
Bandits; either Imperials or Stormcloaks
Important Treasure
Jornibret's Last Dance
Console Location Code(s)
FortNeugrad01, FortNeugrad02
Falkreath Hold
East of Falkreath
Southeast of Helgen
Special Features
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
Fort Neugrad

Fort Neugrad is a medium-sized fort east of Falkreath initially occupied by bandits. It contains two zones: Fort Neugrad and Fort Neugrad Prison.

The fort will be taken over by whoever wins the Civil War, or by the faction currently holding Falkreath if you first clear it of bandits.

Related QuestsEdit



After the Imperials or Stormcloaks gain control of the fort, the walls and fortifications will be repaired, a stable and forge area will be built in the courtyard, and a new selection of chests will be scattered about.

Fort NeugradEdit

While the bandits occupy the fort, a boss-level bandit leader will be waiting in the southeast room upstairs. He will ignore you until you open his door. He holds a Fort Neugrad library key, which opens an otherwise pickable lock on the south side of the dining hall downstairs. Inside is a hostile mage by the name of Brandish.

After the Imperials or Stormcloaks gain control of the fort, the interior will be partially renovated to show the occupation, and a new selection of chests will be scattered about, replacing the previous bandit boss chests.

Regardless of faction ownership of the fort:

  • In the room downstairs you can find a copy of Jornibret's Last Dance
  • Upstairs, in the commander's room to the southeast, you can find a copy of An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
  • Two chests with adept-level locks
  • A variety of items, styled after the current residents of the fort (bandits or Imperial soldiers)

Fort Neugrad PrisonEdit

While the bandits occupy the fort, there are no prison cells in the area, but only wine barrels and shelves containing clutter.

After the Imperials or Stormcloaks gain control of the fort, the lowest level of the prison will have some cells to hold prisoners of the opposite faction.

Regardless of faction ownership of the fort:

  • There is an adept-locked chest in the water close to the southeast entrance
  • In the room after descending the stairs but before descending down to the prison cells, there is an apprentice-locked chest behind the shelves to your right as you leave the room
  • In the prison room, you can find a copy of An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
  • In the prison room during the quest Rescue from Fort Neugrad, the Fort Neugrad Prison key is on a barrel close to the passage from the prison room into the caves


  • The nearby lake contains a hidden entrance into the prison. Just outside this underwater entrance, there is a half-overturned sunken rowboat with a treasure chest inside.
  • The upstairs exit from the fort to the tower on top contains a locked chest with a treasure map inside; the treasure is across the lake, behind some rocks (map). Going clockwise around the lake from there also nets you two gold ore veins.
  • The Imperial or Stormcloak garrison will react to you as a trespasser inside the fort and prison unless you are a member of their faction, but as long as you keep moving, you'll be free to loot items without consequence. However, if you are allied with the faction controlling the fort, you can get rest, food, and a borrowable horse in the fort.


  • The chest referred to in the treasure map is sometimes absent; reading the map should spawn the chest, but does not. This bug is most likely due to the scripting errors in version 1.2 of the official patch.


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