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Skyrim:Lost Prospect Mine

< Skyrim: Places: Mines
Lost Prospect Mine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6
Console Location Code(s)
LostProspectMineExterior01, LostProspectMineExterior02, LostProspectMine01
The Rift
East-northeast of Riften
Southeast of Fallowstone Cave
Ore Veins
# of Gold 3
Lost Prospect Mine

Lost Prospect Mine is a small gold mine east-northeast of Riften. It contains only one zone, Lost Prospect Mine.

The mine is thought to be depleted, but careful exploration may be rewarding.



There are two sacks to the right of the entrance. To the left is a cart loaded with rocks with a pickaxe leaning against it and a shovel next to a wooden crate.

Lost Prospect MineEdit

Mine interior

The cave holds a wide array of mushrooms, with a total of four bleeding crown, ten blisterwort, three fly amanita, nine imp stool, nine Namira's rot, and six white cap. From the entrance, the tunnel leads down, past a cart filled with rocks, a barrel, three sacks, and a lit brazier. The path then opens into a multi-leveled cave with a waterfall to the northwest. A table against the north wall holds a miner's journal that suggests the mine is likely tapped out and the previous owner, Bern, disappeared without a trace. Also on the table is a random potion of healing and a sack. To the left of the table is a pair of random boots on the ground. To the right of the table is a ramp heading northeast; at the bottom of the ramp is a pickaxe. The tunnel heads back a few feet and ends; there is a random helmet on the floor. Back in the main cave, the next tunnel heads southeast down a short way to another dead end. Only mushrooms can be found here. In the main cave again, to the right of the previous tunnel are two sacks and barrels. To the right of these is the tunnel you entered through. There is a path heading west past two sacks. At the end of the tunnel there is a random mace and sack, as well as a pickaxe in the southern corner. With the Fishing Creation installed, the shallow pool fed by the waterfall features a tripod spiderfish, and the table holds a cooked tripod spiderfish in addition to the journal, potion, and sack.

The real treasure in the mine lies above the pool of water behind the waterfall. Accessing the ledge behind the pool, either by jumping from a nearby ledge or using Whirlwind Sprint, reveals a short passage ending in an alcove containing three gold ore veins. An unlootable skeleton, presumably Bern's, lies beneath a rock fall, revealing his likely fate. The skeleton clutches a pickaxe which may be taken.


  • Followers may follow you to the tunnel with the ore veins, but will probably get stuck there unless you command them to stay and wait.
  • Lost Prospect Mine also appears in ESO.


  • In the tunnel behind the waterfall, there is a blisterwort and an imp stool on your left that can't be harvested.