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Skyrim:Northwatch Interrogator

< Skyrim: People
Northwatch Interrogator
(RefID: 000A02FE)
Location Northwatch Keep
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level Radiant (14-50) Class Thalmor Wizard
RefID 000A02FE BaseID 0009F360
Other Information
Health 317-791
Magicka 228-544
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Conjuration, Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Sneak
Morality Violence Against Enemies Aggression Very Aggressive
Voice Type MaleElfHaughty
Faction(s) MS09NorthwatchFaction
Northwatch Interrogator

The Northwatch Interrogator can be found in the torture room of Northwatch Keep. He wears standard Thalmor Justiciar equipment and carries the Northwatch Keep Key, which opens the back door to the keep.

His methods are brutal, considering the desiccated remains of a person on one of the tables in the room, and the number of ancient embalming tools found.

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