It has been suggested that this article be merged with Skyrim:A New Source of Stalhrim. (Discuss) |
Quick WalkthroughEdit
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
During the quest A New Source of Stalhrim, you will encounter the Thalmor at an abandoned dock with a ruined shack located at the northwestern tip of Solstheim, Northshore Landing. The landing is inhabited only by a few mudcrabs and will return to having only mudcrabs after the completion or failure of the quest. They seek to obtain stalhrim equipment for the Aldmeri Dominion.
As soon as you near the ship, a Thalmor Guard will approach you and suggest you move along. You now have two options, one to begin negotiations with Ancarion, and the second to begin conflict. You can choose to fight the entire crew or you can ask to talk to the leader. The latter will make him point you towards Ancarion, who will be wandering around on-deck.
Ancarion will be angry from the start but willing to talk. When you mention the Stalhrim map, he will admit to torturing Baldor, and then turn his attention to you: "So you know my purpose here, then? I suppose you must have found that dullard of a blacksmith. Unfortunately for you, my mission here is also a secret. To protect it, I have no choice but to silence you. Now, give me one good reason that I should not kill you where you stand." Three options are available. Note that successfully completing the third option and starting the hidden quest requires a hard Speech check skill. The check is either at least 75 or 53.
Thalmor Soldier: "You are trespassing here, I strongly suggest you move."
- You will pay for your crimes against Skaal. Prepare to die!
- I have business to discuss with your leader.
- Ancarion: "Do not test me or I promise that you will regret it.
- I'm here about the Stalhrim map.
- Ancarion: "So you know my purpose here then. I suppose you must have found that dullard of a blacksmith. Unfortunately for you, my mission here is also a secret. To protect it I have no choice but to silence you. Now give me one good reason that I should not kill you where you stand."
- The blacksmith won't talk. You're wasting your time (Persuade)
- (Gives map to player) I admit, we are not making the progress I'd hoped. Perhaps you are right, this venture might be more trouble than it's worth. Very well, you have convinced me. We will depart the island shortly and seek our weapons elsewhere.
- (Attacks player) You dare to question me? That insult will be your last!
- (Attacks player) You dare to question me? That insult will be your last!
- Leave this island now, or your life is forfeit. (Intimidate)
- (Gives map to player) I can see that is no idle threat. Very well, we will depart the island once we have loaded the ship. No weapon is worth dying for, not even a weapon forged from Stalhrim. Here, give this map to the blacksmith. I have no further need of it.
- (Attacks player) You dare threaten me? For that insolence, I will flay the flesh from your bones!
- You want Stalhrim weapons, and I think I can help you get them.
- Ancarion: Here to make me an offer, then? Very well, what do you have in mind?
- The smith said he'd teach me how to make Stalhrim weapons.
- Ancarion: And you will sell them to me. I suppose I'll have to give you the map first?
- Yes, otherwise he'll teach me nothing. You can trust me. (Persuade)
- (Quest given) I might not trust you, but I will trust your greed. Very well, take the map. Return here with Stalhrim weapons and armor, and I will pay you a fair price for them. Tell the blacksmith whatever lie you will. We have no further need of him.
- (Attacks Player) You expect me to just hand you the map, so you can deliver it to the blacksmith and laugh at the foolish Thalmor you so easily outwitted? You have made a grave miscalculation, and now you will pay the price!
Whatever result you gain from negotiation with Ancarion you will always end up with the Stalhrim Source map in hand. Return to Skaal Village and seek out the blacksmith who will have returned from his captivity by now. When you hand him the map he will provide a very special reward, namely the ability to create stalhrim weapons and armor: "I know you faced great danger to bring this map to me. There are no words to tell how glad my heart is. Thank you, brave one. I name you friend of the Skaal, and I will trust you with the knowledge of forging stalhrim. If you bring stalhrim here to my forge, you can use my tools to make what you will from it." This completes the quest, but will also attract the attention of residing historian Tharstan who will seek you out with a new assignment.
Stalhrim equipment can be found as random loot on Solstheim. Glover Mallory when at reasonably high appropriate levels (35+) may be stocked with Stalhrim equipment, so you may be able to buy weapons off of him and keep the mined Stalhrim you have earned. When you complete the prerequisite quest, it can also be forged if you have the Ebony Smithing perk. Return to Ancarion when you have obtained a stalhrim weapon or armor piece, and he will be willing to purchase it. There is, however, a bug that makes it so he does not have any gold.
- With the Merchant perk, Ancarion will buy other items as well as stalhrim equipment.
- If you choose the option of selling Stalhrim armor and weapons to Ancarion, he may not have any gold because he is not the owner of his supposed merchant chest, nor a member of the technical AncarionServices faction, to which his chest is linked.
- To remove the incomplete quest, you can remove it by typing
setobjectivecompleted DLC2SV02AncarionMerchant 10 1
Quest StagesEdit
Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion (DLC2SV02AncarionMerchant) | ||
Stage | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 |
Objective 10: Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion
- The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0.
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering
setstage DLC2SV02AncarionMerchant stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest usingresetquest DLC2SV02AncarionMerchant