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Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Concealed Letter

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: A Tale of Blood and Snow: Items: Notes: Books
Book Information
Concealed Letter
Added by A Tale of Blood and Snow
ID xx383A56
Value 0 Weight 0
Needed for Web of Deceit
Found in the following locations:
Concealed Letter
A letter from a High Rock vampire offering to join the Cronvangr Clan.

My love,
I care not for feuds or clan loyalties, only for us. If it means I can be with you, I will gladly abandon the Haarvenu and become one of the spider-clan.

Wait for me, my dearest. When next a hunt brings me near the border with Skyrim, I shall make my escape and meet up with you at our usual spot. It will not be long.