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Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: A Tale of Blood and Snow: Factions

The Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order is the sole vampire clan in Cyrodiil.

For more information see the lore article.


The order considers itself the shadow masters of the Empire and all of Tamriel by extension, or so they like to believe. Molag Bal and Clavicus Vile are the Order's dual patrons, exemplifying their brutal and cunning nature. Any clans that attempt to establish themselves in Cyrodiil are either wiped out or absorbed by the Order, as they brook no rivals in their territory. While the Empire's position may grow more and more tenuous every day, the Order maintains their control in key areas via agents placed throughout the government and guilds. The Order has no interest in the Skyrim Civil War, only in the other clans across multiple provinces who could become potential rivals or puppets. Power plays among members of the Order are common, and it is often the most cunning who survive to rise in the ranks.

The growing feud between the Cronvangr Clan and the Quarra Clan has caught the attention of the Order's leadership, and they wish to see it settled before it can interfere with their plans. It does not matter which clan survives, so long as the conflict ends and the victor can be manipulated in some way to serve the Order's interests. Either the Cronvangr win and their ego can be stroked to persuade them, or the Quarra win and they can be placated by respecting their territory. All that matters is the Order's supremacy remains unchallenged, the dangers to their plans are eliminated, and the potential puppets are kept in line.

