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Skyrim Mod:Echoes of the Vale/Initiate's Bulwark

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: Echoes of the Vale
Light Armor: Initiate's Bulwark (xx748FAF)
Type Light Shield
Editor ID FVESESetShield
Armor Rating Rating 32
Armor Rating Rating 32 {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 6 Value Value 1000
Quality Tempering Refined Moonstone
Quality Tempering Refined Moonstone Perk Elven Smithing
When wearing the complete set of Initiate's Raiment, +30 to Block.
Initiate's Bulwark
Initiate's Bulwark on the left

Initiate's Bulwark is a unique Ancient Falmer Shield found within the Hall of the Curates. It is mounted on a shield rack next to the doorway that leads from the Curate's throne room into the Falmer Tunnel.

Unlike Auriel's Shield, the Initiate's Bulwark counts as light armor. It can be tempered with 1 Refined Moonstone if the Arcane Blacksmith smithing perk has been unlocked, and benefits from Elven Smithing.