Survival Settings | |
Author | Muoviori |
Original Release | November 21, 2024 |
Last Updated | January 24, 2025 |
Size | 192.13 KB (PC), 192.14 KB (Xbox) |
Version | 1.1 |
Availability | |
PC (Special Edition) | 200 Creation Credits from |
Xbox One | 200 Creation Credits from |
Official DescriptionEdit
Have you ever played Skyrim with Survival Mode enabled and wished that some things about it were different? Maybe you thought it made the game too difficult, or perhaps not difficult enough? This creation gives you the much needed ability to customize many aspects of Survival Mode to your liking.
Survival Settings features a total of 15 different settings to make Survival Mode exactly as challenging as you want! These include, but are not limited to: changing the rates of getting hungry, tired and cold, enabling fast travel, modifying the player’s carry weight, adjusting the player’s health regeneration, choosing how much food and sleep the player needs, and a lot more! With this creation, Survival Mode can be anything from a fun distraction to a real challenge.
The settings menu is accessed by reading the Survival Settings book that is automatically added to your inventory. If you happen to lose it, the book can also be bought from any court wizard such as Farengar in Dragonsreach. All the settings may be changed at any time and as often as you want without any drawbacks until you find the options that you are comfortable playing with. Or uncomfortable, if that’s what you’re looking for. You decide.
In addition to the customization, Survival Settings makes a number of changes to Survival Mode in order to make it more balanced and enjoyable. Most penalties have been drastically reduced in strength so as to make them, at worst, mildly annoying rather than absolutely devastating. Almost all status messages have been removed due to being unnecessary since you can easily determine the player’s condition by simply looking at the HUD. Some food items have been readjusted to make them more practical for reducing hunger. And a few other minor tweaks here and there.
If you’re on the fence about getting Survival Settings, I suggest first trying out my old "Survival Mode Settings" mod for free. It is very similar to this creation, but a lot more limited in the number of available customization options. Still, it might give a small taste of what to expect from the new and improved Survival Settings.
Both "Survival Mode" and "Fishing" creations must be installed in order to use this creation. If this creation is enabled mid-playthrough, it’s recommended to turn Survival Mode off and then back on again from the in-game settings.
- Gameplay
- Immersion
- Utilities