This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Ill Met By Moonlight discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
1)go to falkreath barracks then into the jail down below.
2)Talk to Singing in his cell at the far end of the jail.
3)Find the beast and kill it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:45 on 13 November 2011
Gaining both rewards
I just finished the quest, and spoke with the spirit inside the cave before i spoke to the one outside. I got both rewards anyway. Anyone got more information on that? Raketenudo 21:32, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
- Someone should remove the placeholder and stub thingys. I don't know how. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:00 on November 22, 2011
- I was not able to get both rewards, after talking to Sinding, killing him, taking the skin and exiting the cave the white buck ghost didn't appear. I had to go back and talk to the ghost and getting the hide only. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:53 on January 2, 2012
TWIMC- The method for obtaining both rewards as described in the UESP walk-through did not work for me. (Upon re-entering the grotto after receiving the ring, Sinding was nowhere to be found.) I reloaded and sided with Sinding once again. We killed the hunters and spoke, thus ending the quest. I then immediately killed him, skinned him, and saw his apparition appear as I backed away. Before it could speak to me, however, I ran out of the grotto to be greeted by the White Stag, who then granted me the uncursed ring. I then re-entered the grotto and made my way back to Sinding's corpse, where his apparition was still waiting. As I approached, he spoke and granted me the Savior's Hide as well. Giggity. Treebeard151 (talk) 07:22, 15 March 2013 (GMT)
- I also had this issue, with USKP v2.0.0a, UDGP v2.0.0b, UHFP v2.0.0, UDBP v2.0.0. I updated the walkthrough, adding a method that worked for me and encouraging the player to save the game at the point of no return. 09:45, 21 January 2014 (GMT)
- Yea none of the methods listed worked for me with the latest USKP. But I figured out another way: Clear the hunters (don't talk to the npc at the start, he messes up the objectives), click on Sinding to talk, and select the only option telling the hunters are dead - but immediately hit escape after this and kill him very quickly before his dialog completes, and skin him quick as you can. The aspect will talk, let his dialog go normally to get the hide. After that leave and you'll get the ring, even though the aspect already removed the cursed one.. Doesn't matter, i tried both ways, you get the ring regardless, though there is no notification unlike the hide. I couldn't do it since i was playing on master with difficulty mods, but i just turned it down tto novice so I could two shot him. Dunno why i bothered since i could of just console commanded it heh, but yea maybe this way the achievement will unlock somewhat more legit.. --Eleventeen (talk)
Sinding on the road
I've completed the quest for Hircine and opted to first save Sinding, to get the ring of Hircine, and then kill him to get the Savior's Hide. Now, even though Sinding's supposed to be quite dead, I do occasionally see him walking along roads. I'm assuming this is simply a random encounter that is enabled upon picking the option to help Sinding, and that doesn't get disabled upon killing him to get the Savior's Hide. Right after concluding the quest by helping Sinding, I went outside to see Sinding walking away from the cave, apparently heading towards Whiterun, and this is when I killed him the first time.
The second time I encountered Sinding, he was walking from Helgen towards Riverwood. I killed him again to find that Hircine's Aspect does not appear, so the quest does appear to be terminated properly. I've yet to see if I encounter Sinding again, which would indicate that this quest or this encounter is probably seriously bugged. -- 18:53, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
- An update: Leaving Sinding alive that second time (though this seems irrelevant), I later found a corpse of Sinding outside Bloated Man's Grotto, where I killed him the first time. Clearly, Sinding isn't as dead as he ought to be. -- 19:58, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
- Could be sinding's ghost lol --Gdude666 11:46, 13 December 2011
- I've encountered the same bug. I opted for killing Sinding in the Grotto and got the Savior's Hide, then I ran back to Falkreath. Now guess who's walking the streets in werewolf form. Yes, the guy I just killed, Sinding. To make things even weirder the guards are non-hostile towards him despite the active transformation and the fact that he's escaped from prison, he's non-hostile towards them and towards the player.
- Could be sinding's ghost lol --Gdude666 11:46, 13 December 2011
- Finally, killing him, even in front of a guard, does not incur a bounty. -- 00:27, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
Horse Glitch
I added a bug i experienced to the page. Definitely the most annoying bug i've experienced so far. Even after you exit beast form the camera is still fixed on the horse. I'd like to have someone else to confirm it so it doesnt get deleted-- 00:23, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
- I did experience this glitch and it was quite annoying Skeepa 23:21, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
Sinding not reaching the bars
Is anyone else experiencing a bug where Sinding (still being in jail) is incapable of reaching the player and instead keeps walking in place at the bottom of the stairs? - ZuTheSkunk 23:28, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
- Yes, I've experienced this as well. 35th level Khajit, about 1/2 way through the main quest, Thieves Guild master. I got this quest awhile ago, then decided to return to it. I've tried various things - getting arrested, fighting/killing the orc that challenges me in the jail, ignoring same orc -- Sinding just remains at the far wall and never approaches. Chicagowiz 18:37, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
- This has also occurred in my game; when I entered the jail I could see Sinding walking away from the bars and then leaning against the far wall. -- 11:52, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
- I just managed to fix this bug by loading the Falkreath jail autosave, quickly leaving the jail before Sinding had time to walk to the far wall of his cell, quicksaving in the barracks, then returning to the jail. Sinding was standing in the middle of the cell and walked towards the bars as I approached. -- 11:59, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
- For what it's worth, I went back several times and he finally got up from the wall and approached me. I'm not quite sure what caused him to do so. Maybe patience is the answer. Neat quest. Chicagowiz 04:20, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
Two rings glitch
Once you get the ring it will be forced-equpied. This will however not remove any thing you might be wearing at the moment you receive the ring. I was wearing a "regenerate stammina 20% faster" ring. As i am a Vampire i do not regenerate stammina in sunlighet. However, after i finished this quest, i equiped another ring and I saw that both rings were active. I could make stronger potions and regenerate stammina. Once i removed all my equipment again, and put everything on, I could only wear one ring again. — Unsigned comment by (talk)
On my current playthrough this glitch has not occurred (on PS3). I was wearing a Fortify Blocking ring which was unequipped and the effect disappeared from my Active Effects tab. Perhaps this was fixed in a patch (or as part of one of the official DLCs) prior to 18/07/15?
White Stag Glitch
It seems the white stag has relocated off the map, on the top of some huge mountain — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:35 on January 16, 2012
- Confirmed, same for me and can't find a solution — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 29 April 2012
- If you're playing the PC version and can find the id for the White Stag (According to the UESP page on the Stag, it's 90CE1), type
prid 90CE1
to select it, thenmoveto player
to teleport it to you. Barring that, can you find a way to get a horse to it? The physics engine doesn't really seem to understand the way horses and cliffs are supposed to interact. I'd test it, but I've already done the quest and have no saves that far back anymore, and I never experienced the glitch anyway. 07:42, 18 September 2012 (GMT)
- If you're playing the PC version and can find the id for the White Stag (According to the UESP page on the Stag, it's 90CE1), type
Broken Ring of Hircine - due to transformation during quest?
The Cursed Ring was forcibly unequipped after forcing me to become a werewolf. Later, when "fixed" by Hircine, it would not work. The effect shows up in the Active Effects list, but unequipping and re-equipping the ring will not allow me to select the Beast Form power. It stays greyed-out and tells me that I can only transform once a day. I tried waiting 24 hours and after transforming normally, the ring would still not work, - not allowing any additional transformations, even if removed and re-equipped. I loaded an earlier save and put the ring on, so that it would be equipped while talking to Hircine, but it didn't make a difference. I assume I will have to load from before the quest started and attempt it again, possibly several times, until I can get through it without transforming. It seems like a really bad bug to have a quest reward break because it actually did what it was supposed to do during the quest. Am I missing some other factor that might have broken the ring? If it helps, here are the details of the glitch I experienced:
- I am already infected with Lycanthropy and have the Totem for Howl of Terror activated.
- When given the Cursed Ring, it was force-equipped and would not come off (as expected). The text about the Cursed Ring being added and equipped did show up.
- After being told to find Sinding at Bloated Man's Grotto, I fast traveled to my house to store some items. I then fast-traveled to Gjukar's Monument. Upon arriving at Gjukar's Monument, the ring force-transformed me into a werewolf.
- I sprinted in werewolf form to the Grotto and went inside. Upon entering, I waited an hour so that I could turn back and talk to the wounded hunter. At this point, I noticed that the Cursed Ring was unequipped.
- I completed the quest, choosing to help Sinding, and I transformed into a werewolf in order to help kill the hunters. (24hrs had not passed since the first, forced transformation, and I had never put the ring back on, but it let me transform anyway. On a side note, I noticed that during the forced-transformation, I could not howl in any way. My second, 'normal' transformation could howl.)
- On two different save/load attempts (with ring equipped and without, while exiting the Grotto), I noticed that no text was ever displayed in the corner about things being added/removed during the entire conversation with Hircine.
- I also attempted to completely quit the game, restart, and then load - but the ring was still broken.
- X-box, most recent patch (1.3) --Amsuko 12:16, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
- I guess no one had any solutions. Eventually, I was able to get a successful speed-run though the quest without the ring forcing me to transform (Patch 1.4). Strangely, I did not see ANY text message saying the cursed ring was removed or the ring added. However, it worked! Unlike before, when the ring is equipped a new power shows up below "Beast Form" which is actually called "Ring of Hircine." This wasn't clear from reading everything on every werewolf related page! (Pages talked about a separate power, but I assumed that was an in-game/console detail.) I wasted a lot of time experimenting, trying to activate "Beast Form," but all I needed to do was check if the "Ring of Hircine" Power showed up. --Amsuko 06:17, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
Oblivion Walker with both?
Since the choice between the Ring of Hircine and the Savior's Hide doesn't matter in that either will count toward the Oblivion Walker achievement (Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts), does that mean that using the bug/exploit to get both reward items will cause the Oblivion Walker achievement to count them separately? Would using the exploit mean that you could pick a single other Daedric artifact to not get and still be able to get the achievement? — Unsigned comment by ISmartMan (talk • contribs) at 23:11 on February 2, 2012
- That is exactly what it means. The game tracks daedric artifacts separately than the quests thus receiving both from this quest. (Unlike in Clavicus Vile's quest) Both possible rewards count as a daedric artifact.Chronic 22:40, 29 March 2012 (UTC)
- Not in my experience. I have 15 of the 16 daedric artifacts, lacking only the book from Discerning the Transmundane, and yet no Oblivion Walker achievement. Given it tracks the daedric quest completion statistic in game, it seems logical to have the achievement tracking that number rather than checking on the contents of your inventory. This is on the PC version, and I didn't have the other 14 artifacts in my inventory when I got the Masque (my 15th), which may have screwed up the achievement.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:28 on 18 September 2012
After completing all Daedric Quests (on ps3) with my first character, I had 15 Daedric Artifacts (all except the Ring of Hircine) and did not receive the Oblivion Walker trophy. On my second character, I decided to save the Ill Met By Moonlight quest for last of all the Daedric quests in order to see if opting for the Ring of Hircine rather than the Savior's Hide would unlock the achievment. It did not... however, just as I received the ring, Sinding exited the cave (still in Beast Form) and, after exiting the coversation with the spectral stag, I shot him in the back with my Bound Bow and looted his body. The option to skin him was there and when I did, his ghost appeared and gave me the Savior's Hide, which finally unlocked the achievement. Judging from my experience and that of several others I have discussed this with, it would appear that the only way to reliably unlock the achievement (at least on ps3) is to complete all the other quests (including acquiring Mehrune's Razor and the Skull of Corruption) and to acquire BOTH the Ring of Hircine AND the Savior's Hide, since neither appears to be sufficient on its own. -- 11/8/2014
Not starting at all.
Completed the companions, go to Falkreath, nothing. No Sinding in jail, no funeral, nothing. As if the quest never happens. Only on my werewolf character though, all other characters get the quest fine. Ironic.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:35 on 7 February 2012
- I think you can only do certain daedric quests once you have reached a certain level. Try getting to level 30 or higher and then look around for the farmer guy whose daughter was killed. RIM 10:45, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
- Yep, he^ is right. See here for details on levels required. Alphabetface 13:14, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
- Actually, according to that table there is no level requirement. Try speaking to Mathies first. If that doesn't work, you may have found out that if you have completed the Companions questline first, this quest cannot be obtained. Wolok gro-Barok 13:25, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
- My bad. I didn't realize some of them didn't have a level requirement, I just posted the link so he could find the info there. Thanks for pointing that out, Wolok. Alphabetface 19:55, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
- Actually, according to that table there is no level requirement. Try speaking to Mathies first. If that doesn't work, you may have found out that if you have completed the Companions questline first, this quest cannot be obtained. Wolok gro-Barok 13:25, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
- Yep, he^ is right. See here for details on levels required. Alphabetface 13:14, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
Twin Rewards Fixed with 1.4 update?
I just did this quest on a new game start and when I returned to the cave after receiving the uncursed ring the cave was cleared. Sinding was not in the cave. I think this was fixed with the 1.4 update but would like confirmation before the main page is changed. Philbert 05:23, 7 March 2012 (UTC)
- In 1.5, it is still possible to get both rewards. The order is a little different from on the page.
- * Enter Cave, talk to Sinding, agree to spare his life. Get new objective to kill hunters.
- * Kill all hunters, get objective to talk to Sinding.
- * Talk to Sinding, agree to leave him alone, complete quest.
- * Kill Sinding, take his skin. You will speak to Hircine and get Savior's Hide.
- * Leave the Cave, talk to Hircine again, get/keep Ring of Hircine.
- Skipping any of these steps, such as killing the hunters, but not talking to Hircine completely will forfeit at least one outcome.
- 18:56, 24 March 2012 (UTC)
The above method doesn't work but the original method does. --Vukodlak (talk) 21:37, 16 February 2013 (GMT)
- * In 1.9, after I get the ring, I have not found Sinding at the cave.
- * I killed Sinding in the jail in Falkreath. Wait until he is near the grid, get your skin. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:58 on 12 May 2013
Sleeping in the Grotto
After taking the option to kill Sindig, I rested in the grotto in one of the hunter's bed rolls and when I woke up, Sindig was alive and right in front of me and also not hostile. 22:48, 14 March 2012 (UTC)
Cave not Marked Cleared
I chose to help Sinderion. Many game-months later I noticed that the cave was not marked as "Cleared". On re-visiting, Sinderion was still there so I disposed of him. Took his skin, Hircine appeared and gave me the Savior's Hide as reported above. But the cave is still not "Cleared". Re-explored the cave using the Aura Whisper shout but no new life-form was revealed.
If confirmed, maybe an administrator can add this to the Bug section on either the Cave or Quest page.
- I added it to the place page. Bugs actually have a special template that includes a parameter marking it as unconfirmed, and it's only seen when editing the page. --Velyanthe 22:11, 28 March 2012 (UTC)
Killing Sinding in jail
I've gone for the double reward way as described, first helping Sinding with the hunters, then killing him in jail. I just can't find any lever for the door. Sure, jumping into the cell via console worked, but is there a regular way to open it? WooShell 21:56, 29 March 2012 (UTC)
- Killing him in jail? To get both you help him kill the hunters then exit the cave and get the ring. You then go back into the cave and kill him to get the hide. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 22:02, 29 March 2012 (UTC)
- To be mentioned, it also doesn't matter when and where you kill him after receiving the ring. I myself didn't wait to kill him, but I have heard from some of my friends that they chose not to and then later found him wandering skyrim killing deer and the like before killing him and talking to Hircine as normal.Chronic 22:33, 29 March 2012 (UTC)
- I killed him in jail prior to going to the cave. When I went to the cave, the two hunters were there and spoke to the one who dies, and the place marker updated sending me back to the jail. His body is not there, so as far as I know there is no way for me to complete the quest and get either reward.-- 00:46, 9 January 2013 (GMT)
- So I can confirm that you can kill him in Jail, but it's not very straightforward. In fact, I may have suffered a minor glitch that no one will be able to replicate, but I assure you that it can happen.
- After spending 10 minutes fruitlessly find a lever to open Sinding's cell, I just went over to Sinding to see if I could talk to him. He was right behind the bars in his Werewolf form; I had the "Press A to talk" indicator, but there was no dialogue. Discouraged, I decided to leave the Prison. As I entered the Falkreath Barracks, Sinding suddenly popped up in front of me, complete with a Werewolf roar. Scared the bajeebuz out of me. Anyway, I killed him, skinned him, and the rest is history. --Riddle (talk) 21:36, 13 May 2013 (GMT)
- This quest is incredibly bugged, but deviating from the normal quest progression is a sure fire to completely break it. Let's try to keep the talk page discussions pertinent to the article. To answer the original question, there is no way that I'm aware of to open Sinding's jail cell without using console commands. Is somebody confirming the bug where Sinding fails to escape from his cell? --Xyzzy Talk 03:07, 14 May 2013 (GMT)
- I killed him in jail prior to going to the cave. When I went to the cave, the two hunters were there and spoke to the one who dies, and the place marker updated sending me back to the jail. His body is not there, so as far as I know there is no way for me to complete the quest and get either reward.-- 00:46, 9 January 2013 (GMT)
Name of the quest ?
Probably a strange question, but what are the first 3 letters in the quest "III met by moonlight", and what do they mean ? Is it "III" as in roman 3, or ILL, as in I'll (though what that could mean I have no idea), or LLL, or III (as in iii ?). I't not really important, but I don't understand the title of the quest, and I don't like not understanding these things... Thanks ! Jng 12:12, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- Its Ill, as in I'll. When you copy and paste the title into word it shows it a 'Ill' which is the name of the quest in game. Its just the font of the site. --kiz talkemail 12:16, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- But what does "I'll met by moolight" mean, or refer to ? Shouldn't it be "I'll meet by moolight", and if not, then why ? Jng 12:23, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- It's not "I'll met" but "Ill met", where "ill" is a common adjective that is a synonym for "sick". The phrase "ill met" is a phrase used to describe an unfortunate, bad-luck encounter -- because happening to run into Sinding when the moon is out could be unfortunate, as in the case of the Mathies' daughter. It also happens to be the name of a book and film, which is probably more coincidental than meaningful, as well as a phrase from a Midsummer Night's Dream (line 429). --NepheleTalk 13:56, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- But what does "I'll met by moolight" mean, or refer to ? Shouldn't it be "I'll meet by moolight", and if not, then why ? Jng 12:23, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
For some reason, healing Sinding, when no one is around, makes him hostile! What's up with that? --Dragonman0007 00:24, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
- Also, I cannot find the master-locked cest! --Dragonman0007 00:56, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
- Anything will make him hostile. I don't know why. -- 00:55, 5 July 2015 (UTC)
Disappointing leveling for hunters
Why is it that every vampire I kill for the dawnguard, most bandits, and of course the non-"base prey" hunters are all pathetic gear-wise? Did anyone else start this quest at level 70 and find a Grotto-full of hunters that only lasted more than a second because of their leveled health?--Playerseekingbugs 04:38, 10 August 2012 (UTC)
- I think your high level has everything to do with that. NPC equipment can only level so much, and NPC stats stop increasing at some point even after you keep raising your level. --XyzzyTalk 05:47, 15 August 2012 (UTC)
- I have Bandits (the kind that die in one-hit by the time you're level 30 or so, if not before) spontaneously carry Daedric weapons (arrows at least) far more often than bosses (Draugur never have better than Ebony), and occasionally a bow of Orcish or better quality too. What I meant was that their health is the only thing that made them last at all. I was just expecting that at least a few of the hunters would actually have the gear to back up what Hircine said at the end. I'm really just frustrated that equipment leveling seems to be significantly poorer than in Oblivion much of the time.--Playerseekingbugs 22:47, 15 August 2012 (UTC)
- Equipment leveling being significantly poorer than in Oblivion was a conscious design choice by the developers, because fans threw a fit about every bandit being armed and equipped with Glass and Daedric weaponry and armor after a certain level. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:37 on 13 August 2013
- I have Bandits (the kind that die in one-hit by the time you're level 30 or so, if not before) spontaneously carry Daedric weapons (arrows at least) far more often than bosses (Draugur never have better than Ebony), and occasionally a bow of Orcish or better quality too. What I meant was that their health is the only thing that made them last at all. I was just expecting that at least a few of the hunters would actually have the gear to back up what Hircine said at the end. I'm really just frustrated that equipment leveling seems to be significantly poorer than in Oblivion much of the time.--Playerseekingbugs 22:47, 15 August 2012 (UTC)
If I were to do this quest as a Vampire Lord then randomly turned into a Werewolf would it make me be able to be both a Werewolf and Vampire Lord? (not at the same time) 02:16, 12 October 2012 (GMT)
- you can only be tuned into a werewolf randomly if you are already a werewolf 21:15, 2 December 2012 (GMT)
Unable to skin Sinding
I have reached the "Joint the Hunt" part of the quest. I enter the grotto, talk to the dying hunter and i get the new objective: "Kill Sinding". However, he isn't in the grotto, he is still in his cell in Falkreath. I enter the falkreath jail, and glith my way into his cell and kill him, but I can't skin him. What happens is that I loot him, like with any other npc. And the objective "Kill Sinding" remains. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:51 on 14 October 2012
Attacked Sinding after talk with first hunter.
Right after talk with the first dying hunter on Dead man's grotto, when Sinding appeared high on the hill, I arrowed him before he give me the options to help him. So, after this, all the hunters were dead, and when checking the last one, Sinding attacked me and I skinned him.
After this, Hircine's Stag doesn't appeared, Sinding's body is back dead on the Falkearth jail, his spirit doens't appeared. I'm sttucked with that cursed ring, didn't get Saviours Hide. And the quest is incompleted.
Any help? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:56 on 16 January 2013
- It sounds like your quest completely broke. You're supposed to kill the stag before going to the grotto to hunt Sinding. If you have a save between talking to Sinding in the jail and going to the Grotto, load it and follow the quest marker to the stag. If that doesn't work, or you don't have an intermediate save, you will need to reload a save from before you ever started the quest. --Xyzzy Talk 19:34, 7 April 2013 (GMT)
Shortcutting Sinding - moved from article
Once Sinding flees from the prison, he may take the long way (east) around to get to Bloated Man's Grotto, allowing you to arrive before him. Going through the cave reveals no hunters. Leaving the cave it is possible to catch up to Sinding who would be just south of Whiterun about that time. You can kill him here, but if you choose to save him, he will stop walking toward Bloated Man's Grotto. The only way to get him to continue is to deplete his health until he is almost dead. He will still be an ally and will resume walking towards the cave. Once there, he will be remain an ally until all the hunters are dead, then he will turn on you, forcing you to kill him.
I've moved his here because for this to occur, you have to ignore the normal quest progression and head straight to the Grotto after accepting the Ring. Does this belong in the article? If it does, then it could use a major rewrite. --Xyzzy Talk 20:09, 15 April 2013 (GMT)
- This is why this quest baffled me! Yes, it's worthy of note that Sinding sometimes goes the long way via Whiterun. This is precisely what happened to me just now - I was looking in Bloated Man's Grotto, confused where he was! (He was still somewhere around Helgen!) I'm playing vanilla Skyrim, no mods except unofficial patch, but I also got the bug where Sinding failed to escape. I was puzzled when the guards outside said he'd escaped. He was still inside the barracks as a werewolf, trapped. I guessed something was bugged, but I ignored him, went on to kill the stag and met Hircine. Then I went back to the barracks, killed Sinding and nothing happened. So I went on to the grotto because that's where the quest marker was (my only clue, I don't remember it actually being mentioned) - like I said, when I figured out where he actually was, he was around Helgen and by looking at the map pointer, I traced his progress around the south of Whiterun. When he finally got to the grotto, the quest proceeded as normal.Ninepaw (talk) 14:31, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- Incidentally, the article also says "If you then kill him in his cell, there will be two of him, one with and one without the essential flag. This will make the quest impossible to complete as the one you are supposed to kill will be the one with the essential flag." I killed Sinding in his cell (he failed to escape) and this was not my experience. I completed the quest and got the reward, no problems.Ninepaw (talk) 14:36, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- So your quest marker was pointing to his location as he traveled the long way to the grotto? You said that the marker sent you to the grotto, but Sinding wasn't there. When did the marker change from pointing to the grotto to marking Sinding's location? --Xyzzy Talk 16:34, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- That's what bothers me about having this in the article. I don't know anything about how scripting works, but I've never had a problem finding Sinding in the Grotto as long as I followed the quest normally. I wonder if this just happened as a result of returning to the jail and killing him there rather than at the Grotto? Maybe there are two separate Sindings in the game's files, and one of them wasn't disabled as a result of you killing him? Just a thought, but either way I wouldn't feel comfortable listing this until we can find out more about what makes it happen, if indeed it happens to other people. ThuumofReason (talk) 18:56, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- It's possible that the tardy-Sinding bug is related to the "I'm-in-jail-and-don't-wanna-leave" bug, since Ninepaw says she experienced the second after experiencing the first. According to what she said, she did not deviate from normal quest progression until Sinding failed to escape from the jail. The original wording of the bug that I moved implied that the OP had not followed normal progression, unlike Ninepaw. We should probably add the bug back as a subnote under the failed-to-escape bug.
- That's what bothers me about having this in the article. I don't know anything about how scripting works, but I've never had a problem finding Sinding in the Grotto as long as I followed the quest normally. I wonder if this just happened as a result of returning to the jail and killing him there rather than at the Grotto? Maybe there are two separate Sindings in the game's files, and one of them wasn't disabled as a result of you killing him? Just a thought, but either way I wouldn't feel comfortable listing this until we can find out more about what makes it happen, if indeed it happens to other people. ThuumofReason (talk) 18:56, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- So your quest marker was pointing to his location as he traveled the long way to the grotto? You said that the marker sent you to the grotto, but Sinding wasn't there. When did the marker change from pointing to the grotto to marking Sinding's location? --Xyzzy Talk 16:34, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- Incidentally, the article also says "If you then kill him in his cell, there will be two of him, one with and one without the essential flag. This will make the quest impossible to complete as the one you are supposed to kill will be the one with the essential flag." I killed Sinding in his cell (he failed to escape) and this was not my experience. I completed the quest and got the reward, no problems.Ninepaw (talk) 14:36, 22 October 2013 (GMT)
- In response to Xyzzy's question - The quest marker must have pointed to Bloated Man's Grotto originally, otherwise I wouldn't have known where to go. But as soon as I actually entered the grotto and spoke to J'Kier, I believe the quest marker switched towards pointing to Sinding himself, and Sinding was nowhere near the grotto. When I spotted the marker on the world map, it was in the Helgen region.Ninepaw (talk) 11:35, 23 October 2013 (GMT)
- Also, thinking about it, my experience strongly suggests that there are two instances of Sinding; Sinding A in the jail, and Sinding B spawned when he escapes, who moves from Falkreath to the grotto. Perhaps in my case, Sinding B only spawned when I entered the grotto and the game realised it didn't actually have a Sinding B in play. Hence Sinding B was late! Killing Sinding A (after I'd met Hircine) had no affect on the quest, because it's Sinding B you need to kill.Ninepaw (talk) 11:54, 23 October 2013 (GMT)
- In response to Xyzzy's question - The quest marker must have pointed to Bloated Man's Grotto originally, otherwise I wouldn't have known where to go. But as soon as I actually entered the grotto and spoke to J'Kier, I believe the quest marker switched towards pointing to Sinding himself, and Sinding was nowhere near the grotto. When I spotted the marker on the world map, it was in the Helgen region.Ninepaw (talk) 11:35, 23 October 2013 (GMT)
Obtaining both Rings - moved from article
It is possible to obtain both the cursed and uncursed version of the Hircine's Ring by giving the cursed version to a follower before leaving the grotto, after helping Sinding kill the other hunters. Upon leaving the grotto Hircine will talk to you and will then gift another Ring of Hircine (without the curse).
I'm moving this here because you normally can't remove the Cursed Ring, making it impossible for this bug to occur without taking advantage of another bug/exploit. Any objections? --Xyzzy Talk 20:14, 15 April 2013 (GMT)
It's possible to remove cursed ring after kill all hunters.-- 15:46, 19 April 2015 (GMT)
the two rings, and obtaining all items
Wanting to obtain all three items, I tried giving the cursed ring to a follower at several points during the quest. Each time I was told that "quest items cannot be removed from your inventory", and "this item cannot be unequipped". After helping Sinding kill all the hunters, but before talking to him to receive his thanks, I tried a final time and was actually able to give the cursed ring to my follower. So it does seem that at this specific point the ring is no longer considered essential to the mission. After successfully giving it to Mjoll, I went outside, received the (uncursed) ring of Hircine, returned inside, and killed and skinned Sinding to receive the Saviour's Hide. I did not have lycanthropy during the mission. This was on a fully updated PS3 with all DLC installed. It could be a glitch, but it didn't feel like it, and it kind of makes sense that I was able to hand it over at that particular point. Possibly the original wording which explained this exploit was not as clear as it could have been. It would be nice to have someone else's confirmation on this. Zaikoji (talk) 08:45, 13 June 2013 (GMT)
Eriana not dying - moved from article
If you help Sinding, one of the bandits named Eriana will not die
If the OP of this bug or someone else can explain better what is meant by this (i.e. she is marked as essential, is invulnerable, etc.), that'd be great... --Xyzzy Talk 15:36, 1 July 2013 (GMT)
It means simply that she behaves like an essential NPC. Unkillable. VERY annoying. Neither 'kill' nor 'setav health 0' changes anything, her health drops to negative, but she won't die.
This CAN be fixed by checking if she is set to essential (console - isessential) and if yes, setessential (BASEID) 0
This was for me setessential 0002abc4 0
I traveled from half-moon mill in order to get to the cave, so I climbed the mountain. At the top of it was a dragon named volgnok or something like that. i don't see anything in the wikis about him, could this have been a bug? could it have been caused by the fact that I had Ohdahviin with me? Anastasia0812 (talk) 01:07, 4 October 2013 (GMT)
- That would have been Vuljotnaak. Vely►t►e 01:10, 4 October 2013 (GMT)
- ah. well he seemed to be extremely buggy, every time i got him down to less then half health, the game would lag a lot and he would just fly away and go back to what he was doing before the encounter Anastasia0812 (talk) 01:40, 4 October 2013 (GMT)
Need to slay Sinding yourself
(On 360) Discovered this bug(?) on my indirect violence character. Trying to kill Sinding with resurrected hunters, atronachs or followers would result in him becoming nonaggressive at zero hp, after which he would regain all his hp and attack once more. In his aggro state he would follow me out of the dungeon, but if I fast travelled elsewhere when he was nonaggressive he'd be teleported to Falkreath dungeons. Note also that after declaring my intent to kill him in the Grotto, if I let Sinding run through the dungeon killing everyone without following him, he would eventually leave on his own and teleport to Falkreath dungeons. On the other hand, running after him immediately made him not engage the hunters properly, and he'd be shuffling next to one without attacking (the hunter was hostile to him) until he reached zero health and the hunter stopped attacking him, similarly to my earlier example with the summons. The way I eventually solved this was to, after the verbal exchange, wait at the foot of the jutting rock for Sinding to kill the first two hunters, then go after him. To escape the regenerating loop I had to be the one to deliver the killing blow on Sinding.--Anchorwine (talk) 10:57, 8 October 2013 (GMT)
- So what you're saying is that you have to be the one who delivers the final blow, which is a moderately common problem with this technique actually; there are a number of plot-related NPCs that go nonhostile when they're at 0 HP. (I don't play pure conjurers much anymore, they make the game too easy, but I used to which is how I found that out.) Hmm, not sure if this should be documented on this page or on another page, because it's sort of a common problem. Maybe on Skyrim:Followers and/or Skyrim:Conjuration? --Morrolan (talk) 13:31, 8 October 2013 (GMT)
- I actually wasn't aware of this issue, since I rarely run with followers or summons, preferring the more personal methods of killing. This must be why you have to strike the final blow against the riekling chief during Retaking Thirsk or The Chief of Thirsk Hall. I thought it was just something the devs programmed into these quests specifically. If I didn't know it, then there's probably others that didn't. It may not be particularly notable though, because any reasonable person would probably just finish off any enemy that dropped into bleedout, unless they were roleplaying. --Xyzzy Talk 14:04, 8 October 2013 (GMT)
- It's only a problem if you've gone absolutely whole-hog conjurer and the only equipment you're carrying is potions, soul gems and some mage's clothing. Still even if you've done that you usually have a pickaxe or something you can equip to knock them down the last HP. (Yes I have done this. lol.) --Morrolan (talk) 15:54, 8 October 2013 (GMT)
- I actually wasn't aware of this issue, since I rarely run with followers or summons, preferring the more personal methods of killing. This must be why you have to strike the final blow against the riekling chief during Retaking Thirsk or The Chief of Thirsk Hall. I thought it was just something the devs programmed into these quests specifically. If I didn't know it, then there's probably others that didn't. It may not be particularly notable though, because any reasonable person would probably just finish off any enemy that dropped into bleedout, unless they were roleplaying. --Xyzzy Talk 14:04, 8 October 2013 (GMT)
- The scenario above occurs when an actor is flagged as "protected". Note however that followers (or any "teammate" of yours) can kill protected actors. That's why you can receive a bounty when e.g., a follower kills a guard. The game effectively treats you as the killer. Night Owl (talk) 14:48, 29 August 2014 (GMT)
Can't skin Sinding
If I attack him as a werewolf he doesnʻt become aggresive and it is immpossible to activate him after he is dead, the option isn't even available. I'm on PS3, if anyone else has had this issue I will make a note of it under the bugs section. — Unsigned comment by Dotto88 (talk • contribs) at 07:10 on 11 October 2013
- I'll add it to the bugs as an unconfirmed bug. If someone else can confirm it, it'll be updated there. Thanks for the report :) --Morrolan (talk) 13:27, 11 October 2013 (GMT)
I attacked him while in beast form and he did become agrresive against me, but I wasn't able to skin him.
Sinding Again: Multiple Rewards
It is now not possible to "obtain both the Ring of Hircine as well as the Savior's Hide" as per the wiki. In step 4, returning to the cave and killing Sinding does not trigger the skinning dialogue. The only combination that works to get both the hide and the ring is to kill Sinding after talking to him at step 3. Skinning him triggers the Hircine Aspect Hunter hide dialogue. Then exit the cave and the Aspect re-appears as the Unicorn to grant the ring of Hircine. (Bug? The up-scrolling "Ring of Hircine Added" text does not appear on the top left screen however)--Lmstearn (talk) 15:21, 15 December 2013 (GMT)
End of Quest with Sinding
If siding with Sinding, the quest ends when he is informed all hunters are killed. From a logical, or, at least a subjective viewpoint, shouldn't it end at the conclusion of the Aspect of Hircine scene outside the cave? After the quest ends, skinning Sinding shouldn't be an option if he is then killed.--Lmstearn (talk) 20:16, 15 December 2013 (GMT)
Never getting Cursed
So, just for fun, I decided to pickpocket the ring from Sinding before he could give it to me. Then I talked to him. The ring equips no problem and retains its stolen flag. And then I thought "What if the ring wasn't in EITHER of our inventories when the script to equip it occurrs!?" So I pickpocket the ring again, only stead of talking to him I smack a guard upside the head and go "HEY, aren't you gonna arrest me for that?" which he obliges most politely. I break out of jail, retreive my things and guess what! Quest item Cursed Ring of Hircine isn't with my stuff, isn't in the evidence chest, isn't on me and Sinding certainly hasn't created a new one. So I now go to talk to Sinding about his travails and the dialogue appears "Cursed Ring of Hircine equipped." Only... IT WASN'T! Now this means I will not be able to get both rewards at the end BUT this is a fancy cool alternative for lycanthropes going through Skyrim to be able to take their time on this quest without fear! That guard may be in a for a shock though, if he ever catches it... Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 03:53, 18 February 2014 (GMT)
- You'll no longer lose the stolen Cursed Ring of Hircine if you are arrested.Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 21:54, 24 September 2015 (UTC)
J'Kier still talking after death glitch
I'm on the PS3
When you first speak to him while he's leaned up against the rock and select "What happened Here?" Exit the dialogue and talk to him again. When he's Finished talking, he will die as usual, but the dialogue option "what happened here?" Will still be There. If you select it, the dead J'Kier will now speak. With facial expressions and everything. Cjesseg (talk) 23:18, 11 March 2014 (GMT)
No Sinding's conversation at Bloated Man Grotto
- Well this is a serious bug, Sinding should trigger a conversation right after I approach him, to choose to attack him or spare him, but he doesn't and all he talks is "Never though I'd see you again" and nothing else. Exit and re-enter the cave doesn't help. If I attack him, he will run and go killing the hunters as usual but, even if I kill him after that, the quest doesn't acknowledge me for killing him and no option to skin him too, only an empty corpse left, thus the quest is stuck here. And more, the quest maker still points to Falkreath Jail but his jail is empty with a marker floating above. 09:36, 20 June 2014 (GMT)
- I have found a solution to work around this but have to use the console on PC. For what I understand, that Sinding version spawned at Grotto (RefID: 0002abbd) in my game isn't recognized properly as target for the quest, the quest want me to interact with the original one in the Jail (RefID: 0006C1B8) to trigger the dialogue to advance the quest.
- The quest pointer still targets the old, now invisible Sinding in the Jail (Actually I always wait for him to finish climbing out of the well before leaving prison cell, with many reloaded attempts, so not sure what caused this glitch). So I use the command prid 0006C1B8 and moveto player to move old Sinding from his Jail to Grotto, then within the console type, disable followed by enable and then resurrect 1. This brings back the old Sinding (in Werewolf form) with his proper dialogue and then I could advance the quest normally.
- Note: You may need to kill the Grotto version (0002abbd) of him before teleport the old one to Grotto, just to make sure.. Kill quickly at the spot and don't allow him to reach where the hunters are.
- I hope this will help anyone that encounters same bug like me. What a ridiculous buggy quest... 15:39, 20 June 2014 (GMT)
Unable to finish
I talked with hircine and then I went straight to the jail and killed Sinding thinking I was supposed to. I completely skipped Bloated Man's Grotto, and now no one is appearing there because Sinding is dead, and I have no reward. Help. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 18 January 2015
- It shouldn't be at all possible to speak with Hircine before taking the cursed ring, so I have no idea how you did that ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 19:02, 11 February 2015 (GMT)
- He took the ring, got up to where you kill Sinding, at Bloated Man's Grotto, But killed him in jail instead. I did that too, and need help. -- 01:08, 5 July 2015 (UTC)
Can't leave the Grotto after helping Sinding kill all hunters and speaking with him
Well after I have killed all the hunters with Sindings help I talked to him and he thanked me. Now I saved here, but if I try to leave the cave I get stuck in an infinit loading screen where everything seems fine (pictures are turning, smoke in the background is moving and the occasional tips appear) but that's it, the game won't continue and I need to force shut down the game.
Anyone experiencing that bug too? I could load a few older saves but they would put my progress back to almost 4 hours of gameplay before I reached Falkreath.... — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 11 February 2015
- If you're on the console, I'm afraid you'd have to reload. If you're on the pc, you could try teleporting somewhere by using
. It may have something to do with the aspect of Hircine, so perhaps you could teleport him to you instead and see what that does:90CE9.moveto player
~ Dwarfmp (talk) 19:02, 11 February 2015 (GMT)
How to get Savior's Hide without Sinding's death
I'm playing lastest version of Skyrim and UOSP.
- Talk with Sinding at the jail and take the cursed ring.
- Before Sinding turns into werewolf, attack him and make him aggressive. (Check the message 'Kill the great beast' on your screen)
- Leave the dungeon quickly. (Sinding in the cell must be alive)
- Progress Quest normally.
- Kill the 'Werewolf Sinding' and take the hide, Finish the quest.
- Now,'Human Sinding' in his cell still alive. After finish this quest, he leaves his cell and go to Bloated Man's Grotto.
- If you get the Ring of Hircine, you can't take the hide from Sinding's body.
- To get multiple rewards, talk with Sinding and finish the quest, leave the cave, check the hircine appears outside of cave, back to inside, kill him and receive the hide from hircine. then you can get the ring outside the cave.
Guyde (talk) 18:18, 24 June 2014 (GMT)
Note: This information deleted once by idiot who thought those information is junk, Just 4 minute after I submitted. --Guyde (talk) 16:14, 19 April 2015 (GMT)
Time Shifting upon entering the Grotto
So I'm playing with the mods Realistic Needs and Diseases and Bathing in Skyrim, which adds ticking time mechanics, where you must eat, drink, sleep, and bathe every so often. As I approached this Grotto, I had spent time to be prepared while going in "under cover of night" (that is, 4 in the morning). I just got a message upon reaching the grotto that I was "20% dirty" now.
I then proceeded to enter the cave and was bombarded by messages from these mods stating that I was now hungry, thirsty, tired, and 77% dirty, simply by entering the cave. "Did I go through a time hole or something?!" I said in shock out loud. Upon further investigation, yes, I did, it turns out. The time outside the Grotto was 4:15am on the 30th of the Last Seed. When I entered the Grotto, the time was now 11pm on the 30th of the Last Seed. It seems, in order to have that dramatic scripted section pictured at the top of the main page (which I have yet to see as I was too worried about this "bug"), the game actually scripts in a time advancement to 11pm on the same day. Which means the game advanced 20 hours in one load screen without my permission or notice. I'm sure this means nothing to a normal game, but when you've got mods installed that measure time, this is quite deadly...
--Tustin2121 (talk) 06:15, 23 May 2015 (UTC)
- Vampires or those infected with sanguaris might agree on the deadliness of this script. The timer will need checked in an unmodded game though, because even benign mods can have unintended effects. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 10:51, 23 May 2015 (UTC)
I killed sinding in jail, quest broke
Help, I killed sinding while he was still in jail, I don't know how to fix it! -- 01:03, 5 July 2015 (UTC)
USKP v2.1.3b fixed both reward bug.
I'm not sure how to add confirmed+1 in the artical so I write it here. I just try to get both rewards in all ways but failed, with USKP v2.1.3b. Seems USKP fix it but didn't show on the log.
>It seems that gaining both rewards (PC mode) is no longer possible with latest USKP, although it's not specifically in their changelog. You can get only 1 reward now. Tested all ways with USKP v2.1.3b ?
- I couldn't get both rewards as of USLEEP v3.0.3 no matter what I tried. Apart from the tips in the article, I also tried killing Sinding first to trigger the appearance of Sinding-version Aspect of Hircine, then exiting the forced dialogue to get out of the dungeon and trigger the White Stag-version Aspect of Hircine. I then tried speaking to them in order multiple ways, even exiting dialogue mid-way when they were just about to give me their respective reward and quickly transitioning and opening conversation with the other. No dice. Seems like they patched this quest up real good. -- 22:04, 9 July 2016 (UTC)
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