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Skyrim talk:Useful Potions/Archive 1

< Skyrim talk:Useful Potions
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Useful Potions discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Potion Program

I wrote a program to produce a list of three ingredient mixtures. Note that these are only three ingredient four effect mixtures. The program could be modified to give two ingredient mixtures as well and I am sure that some of the potions listed below probably only need tow ingredients instead of all three:

Long list of Potions and Poisons
(POTION) Abecean Longfin | Purple Mountain Flower | Small Pearl:Fortify Sneak | Fortify Restoration | Restore Stamina | Resist Frost
(POTION) Berit's Ashes | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Resist Fire | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Beehive Husk | Charred Skeever Hide | Hawk Feathers:Resist Poison | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify Sneak | Cure Disease
(POTION) Beehive Husk | Hawk Feathers | Mudcrab Chitin:Fortify Light Armor | Fortify Sneak | Resist Poison | Cure Disease
(POTION) Blisterwort | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Blue Dartwing | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Blue Mountain Flower | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Bone Meal | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Resist Fire | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Briar Heart | Hagraven Claw | Tundra Cotton:Fortify Block | Fortify Magicka | Resist Magic | Fortify Barter
(POTION) Briar Heart | Hawk Beak | Pearl:Restore Magicka | Fortify Block | Restore Stamina | Resist Shock
(POTION) Briar Heart | Histcarp | Pearl:Fortify Magicka | Restore Magicka | Fortify Block | Restore Stamina
(POTION) Briar Heart | Pearl | Pine Thrush Egg:Restore Magicka | Fortify Block | Restore Stamina | Resist Shock
(POTION) Butterfly Wing | Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Daedra Heart | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Dragon's Tongue | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Elves Ear | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Eye of Sabre Cat | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Stamina
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Fire Salts | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Fly Amanita | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Imp Stool | Mudcrab Chitin:Restore Health | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin | Rock Warbler Egg:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin | Snowberries:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin | Swamp Fungal Pod:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health
(POTION) Charred Skeever Hide | Mudcrab Chitin | Wheat:Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health
(POTION) Creep Cluster | Hawk Beak | Pearl:Fortify Carry Weight | Restore Magicka | Restore Stamina | Resist Shock
(POTION) Dragon's Tongue | Dwarven Oil | Fire Salts:Fortify Illusion | Resist Fire | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka
(POTION) Dragon's Tongue | Fire Salts | Taproot:Resist Fire | Fortify Illusion | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka
(POTION) Dragon's Tongue | Fly Amanita | Mora Tapinella:Resist Fire | Fortify Two-handed | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Stamina
(POTION) Dragon's Tongue | Fly Amanita | Scaly Pholiota:Resist Fire | Fortify Two-handed | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Stamina
(POTION) Fire Salts | Moon Sugar | Snowberries:Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka | Resist Fire | Resist Frost
(POTION) Frost Salts | Hawk Beak | Pearl:Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Restore Stamina | Resist Shock
(POTION) Garlic | Nordic Barnacle | Slaughterfish Egg:Regenerate Health | Resist Poison | Fortify Stamina | Fortify Pickpocket
(POTION) Glow Dust | Hawk Beak | Wisp Wrappings:Resist Shock | Fortify Destruction | Restore Stamina | Fortify Carry Weight
(POTION) Glowing Mushroom | Hawk Beak | Wisp Wrappings:Resist Shock | Fortify Destruction | Restore Stamina | Fortify Carry Weight
(POTION) Hawk Beak | Moon Sugar | Pearl:Resist Frost | Restore Stamina | Resist Shock | Restore Magicka
(POTION) Hawk Beak | Mudcrab Chitin | Snowberries:Restore Stamina | Resist Frost | Resist Shock | Resist Fire
(POTION) Hawk Beak | Pearl | Slaughterfish Scales:Restore Stamina | Resist Shock | Resist Frost | Fortify Block
(POTION) Hawk Beak | Snowberries | Wisp Wrappings:Resist Frost | Resist Shock | Restore Stamina | Fortify Carry Weight
(POTION) Hawk Feathers | Luna Moth Wing | Vampire Dust:Fortify Light Armor | Cure Disease | Regenerate Health | Invisibility
(POISON) Berit's Ashes | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Blue Butterfly Wing | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Bone Meal | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Butterfly Wing | Human Heart | Nightshade:Damage Magicka | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Butterfly Wing | Jarrin Root | Nightshade:Damage Magicka | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Canis Root | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Crimson Nirnroot | Glow Dust | Jarrin Root:Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Crimson Nirnroot | Hanging Moss | Jarrin Root:Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Crimson Nirnroot | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Cyrodilic Spadetail | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Falmer Ear | Glow Dust | Human Heart:Damage Health | Frenzy | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Falmer Ear | Hanging Moss | Human Heart:Damage Health | Frenzy | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Falmer Ear | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Frenzy | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Fly Amanita | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Frenzy | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Giant's Toe | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Damage Stamina | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Glow Dust | Human Heart | Troll Fat:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Health | Frenzy
(POISON) Glow Dust | Jarrin Root | Nirnroot:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Health | Damage Stamina
(POISON) Hagraven Feathers | Human Heart | Jarrin Root:Frenzy | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Hagraven Feathers | Human Heart | Nightshade:Damage Magicka | Frenzy | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen
(POISON) Hagraven Feathers | Human Heart | Void Salts:Damage Magicka | Frenzy | Weakness to Shock | Damage Health
(POISON) Hanging Moss | Human Heart | Troll Fat:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Health | Frenzy
(POISON) Hanging Moss | Jarrin Root | Nirnroot:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Health | Damage Stamina
(POISON) Human Heart | Jarrin Root | Nirnroot:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Health | Damage Stamina
(POISON) Human Heart | Jarrin Root | Rock Warbler Egg:Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Stamina
(POISON) Human Heart | Jarrin Root | Spider Egg:Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Stamina
(POISON) Human Heart | Jarrin Root | Troll Fat:Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Frenzy | Damage Health

The program is as follows (in MATLAB)

   %% SETUP
   effects = 4;
   mixed = false;
   poisons = true;
   potions = true;
   output = 'output.csv';
   clc; %#ok<*AGROW>
   clearvars -except effects mixed poisons potions output; 
   N =    {{'Cure Disease',1,1}, ...
           {'Damage Health',2,0}, ...
           {'Damage Magicka',3,0}, ...
           {'Damage Magicka Regen',4,0}, ...
           {'Damage Stamina',5,0}, ...
           {'Damage Stamina Regen',6,0}, ...
           {'Fear',7,0}, ...
           {'Fortify Alteration',8,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Barter',9,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Block',10,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Carry Weight',11,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Conjuration',12,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Destruction',13,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Enchanting',14,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Health',15,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Heavy Armor',16,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Illusion',17,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Light Armor',18,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Lockpicking',19,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Magicka',20,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Marksman',21,1}, ...
           {'Fortify One-handed',22,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Pickpocket',23,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Restoration',24,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Smithing',25,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Sneak',26,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Stamina',27,1}, ...
           {'Fortify Two-handed',28,1}, ...
           {'Frenzy',29,0}, ...
           {'Invisibility',30,1}, ...
           {'Lingering Damage Health',31,0}, ...
           {'Lingering Damage Magicka',32,0}, ...
           {'Lingering Damage Stamina',33,0}, ...
           {'Paralysis',34,0}, ...
           {'Ravage Health',35,0}, ...
           {'Ravage Magicka',36,0}, ...
           {'Ravage Stamina',37,0}, ...
           {'Regenerate Health',38,1}, ...
           {'Regenerate Magicka',39,1}, ...
           {'Regenerate Stamina',40,1}, ...
           {'Resist Fire',41,1}, ...
           {'Resist Frost',42,1}, ...
           {'Resist Magic',43,1}, ...
           {'Resist Poison',44,1}, ...
           {'Resist Shock',45,1}, ...
           {'Restore Health',46,1}, ...
           {'Restore Magicka',47,1}, ...
           {'Restore Stamina',48,1}, ...
           {'Slow',49,0}, ...
           {'Waterbreathing',50,1}, ...
           {'Weakness to Fire',51,0}, ...
           {'Weakness to Frost',52,0}, ...
           {'Weakness to Magic',53,0}, ...
           {'Weakness to Poison',54,0}, ...
           {'Weakness to Shock',55,0}};
   I = {'Abecean Longfin', ...
        'Berits Ashes', ...
        'Bear Claws', ...
        'Bee', ...
        'Beehive Husk', ...
        'Bleeding Crown', ...
        'Blisterwort', ...
        'Blue Butterfly Wing', ...
        'Blue Dartwing', ...
        'Blue Mountain Flower', ...
        'Bone Meal', ...
        'Briar Heart', ...
        'Butterfly Wing', ...
        'Canis Root', ...
        'Charred Skeever Hide', ...
        'Chaurus Eggs', ...
        'Chickens Egg', ...
        'Creep Cluster', ...
        'Crimson Nirnroot', ...
        'Cyrodilic Spadetail', ...
        'Daedra Heart', ...
        'Deathbell', ...
        'Dragons Tongue', ...
        'Dwarven Oil', ...
        'Ectoplasm', ...
        'Elves Ear', ...
        'Eye of Sabre Cat', ...
        'Falmer Ear', ...
        'Fire Salts', ...
        'Fly Amanita', ...
        'Frost Mirriam', ...
        'Frost Salts', ...
        'Garlic', ...
        'Giant Lichen', ...
        'Giants Toe', ...
        'Glow Dust', ...
        'Glowing Mushroom', ...
        'Grass Pod', ...
        'Hagraven Claw', ...
        'Hagraven Feathers', ...
        'Hanging Moss', ...
        'Hawk Beak', ...
        'Hawk Feathers', ...
        'Histcarp', ...
        'Honeycomb', ...
        'Human Flesh', ...
        'Human Heart', ...
        'Ice Wraith Teeth', ...
        'Imp Stool', ...
        'Jazbay Grapes', ...
        'Jarrin Root', ...
        'Juniper Berries', ...
        'Large Antlers', ...
        'Lavender', ...
        'Luna Moth Wing', ...
        'Moon Sugar', ...
        'Mora Tapinella', ...
        'Mudcrab Chitin', ...
        'Namiras Rot', ...
        'Nightshade', ...
        'Nirnroot', ...
        'Nordic Barnacle', ...
        'Orange Dartwing', ...
        'Pearl', ...
        'Pine Thrush Egg', ...
        'Powdered Mammoth Tusk', ...
        'Purple Mountain Flower', ...
        'Red Mountain Flower', ...
        'River Betty', ...
        'Rock Warbler Egg', ...
        'Sabre Cat Tooth', ...
        'Salt Pile', ...
        'Scaly Pholiota', ...
        'Silverside Perch', ...
        'Skeever Tail', ...
        'Slaughterfish Egg', ...
        'Slaughterfish Scales', ...
        'Small Antlers', ...
        'Small Pearl', ...
        'Snowberries', ...
        'Spider Egg', ...
        'Spriggan Sap', ...
        'Swamp Fungal Pod', ...
        'Taproot', ...
        'Thistle Branch', ...
        'Torchbug Thorax', ...
        'Troll Fat', ...
        'Tundra Cotton', ...
        'Vampire Dust', ...
        'Void Salts', ...
        'Wheat', ...
        'White Cap', ...
        'Wisp Wrappings'};
   E = [52,26,54,24; ...
        5,41,12,37; ...
        48,15,22,4; ...
        48,37,40,55; ...
        44,18,26,13; ...
        51,10,54,43; ...
        5,29,46,25; ...
        5,12,4,14; ...
        45,23,46,7; ...
        46,12,15,4; ...
        5,41,12,37; ...
        47,10,34,20; ...
        46,9,33,3; ...
        5,22,21,34; ...
        48,1,44,46; ...
        54,27,3,30; ...
        43,4,50,33; ...
        47,6,11,53; ...
        2,5,30,43; ...
        5,24,7,35; ...
        46,6,3,7; ...
        2,37,49,54; ...
        41,9,17,28; ...
        53,17,39,47; ...
        47,13,20,2; ...
        47,21,52,41; ...
        48,35,3,46; ...
        2,29,44,19; ...
        52,41,47,39; ...
        41,28,29,40; ...
        42,26,36,6; ...
        51,42,47,12; ...
        44,27,39,38; ...
        55,35,54,47; ...
        5,15,11,6; ...
        3,4,13,45; ...
        45,13,25,15; ...
        44,36,8,47; ...
        43,32,14,9; ...
        3,12,29,55; ...
        3,15,4,22; ...
        48,42,11,45; ...
        1,18,22,26; ...
        48,20,6,50; ...
        48,10,18,37; ...
        2,34,47,26; ...
        2,3,4,29; ...
        52,16,30,51; ...
        2,31,34,46; ...
        53,20,39,35; ...
        51,21,38,6; ...
        48,27,49,6; ...
        43,27,36,12; ...
        3,18,38,30; ...
        51,42,47,39; ...
        47,31,40,17; ...
        48,1,44,41; ...
        3,19,7,38; ...
        2,4,33,13; ...
        2,5,30,43; ...
        3,50,38,23; ...
        48,36,23,31; ...
        48,10,47,45; ...
        48,19,54,45; ...
        48,26,51,7; ...
        48,26,32,42; ...
        47,36,20,2; ...
        2,8,49,11; ...
        46,22,5,53; ...
        48,16,25,54; ...
        53,24,49,39; ...
        53,17,40,11; ...
        48,6,35,42; ...
        6,35,2,18; ...
        44,23,31,27; ...
        42,31,16,10; ...
        54,24,33,2; ...
        48,22,24,42; ...
        41,14,42,45; ...
        5,4,19,21; ...
        4,14,25,8; ...
        45,32,34,46; ...
        53,17,39,47; ...
        42,37,44,16; ...
        48,32,53,27; ...
        44,28,29,2; ...
        43,20,10,9; ...
        30,47,38,1; ...
        55,43,2,20; ...
        46,15,6,32; ...
        52,16,47,36; ...
   fid = fopen(output, 'w');
   e = size(E,1);
   for i = 1:e-2
       for j = i+1:e-1
           for k = j+1:e
               M = CompareIngredients(E(i,:), E(j,:), E(k,:));
               n = length(M);
               if n >= effects
                   poison = all(~arrayfun(@(x) N{M(x)}{3},1:n));
                   potion = all(arrayfun(@(x) N{M(x)}{3},1:n));
                   if mixed || (poison && poisons) || (potion && potions)
                       if     poison, fprintf(fid, 'Poison');
                       elseif potion, fprintf(fid, 'Potion');
                       else           fprintf(fid, 'Mixed');
                       fprintf(fid, ',%s,%s,%s,%d', I{i}, I{j}, I{k}, n);
                       for m = 1:n-1, fprintf(fid, ',%s', N{M(m)}{1}); end
                       fprintf(fid, ',%s\n', N{M(n)}{1});
   function [M] = CompareIngredients(A, B, C)

       AB = repmat(A,length(B),1);     BA = repmat(B',1,length(A));
       AC = repmat(A,length(C),1);     CA = repmat(C',1,length(A));
       BC = repmat(B,length(C),1);     CB = repmat(C',1,length(B));

       T = [AB(AB==BA)' AC(AC==CA)' BC(BC==CB)'];
       M = [];

       for i = 1:length(T)
           match = false;
           for j = i+1:length(T)
               if T(i) == T(j), match = true; end;
           if ~match, M = [M T(i)]; end;                                      %#ok<AGROW>


-- 20:40, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Might want to recheck it. There are 66 such potions and poisons. You're missing Hawk Feathers + Purple Mountain Flower + Small Pearl, which makes Fortify One-handed + Fortify Sneak + Resist Frost + Restore Stamina. Also, there are no two-ingredient four-effect pure potions or poisons. The only three two-ingredient, four-effect concoctions are listed in the Two-ingredient Multi-effect Concoctions section. --Fluff 22:55, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Potion Suggestions?

I've written up a small utility (unfortunately not web-based) to figure out alchemical interactions. What sorts of potions/poisons would be interesting for this page? -- Fluff 23:08, 16 November 2011 (UTC)

You could use the Oblivion page for useful potions as a reference. I think it covers all the bases in terms of types.BurningMan 05:31, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
Aaand I've screwed up the formatting again. Please help. BurningMan 05:53, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Four-effect Potions

You reinstated the mention of 5 four effect potions, but I found another, which makes it six. Which might also mean that your algo isn't entirely accurate. If you feel the need to restate it, feel free, but I'd ask that you recheck your code. BurningMan 08:42, 18 November 2011 (UTC)

Good call. Thanks for that example; it showed me exactly what was missing in my ingredient checks (not to mention being a fairly useful potion). I'll poke at my code. --Fluff 14:02, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
I made a google spreadsheet that lists all the possible potion combinations including many many 4 effect and the 5 possible 5 effect. 17:34, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Dwarven Oil and Taproot have the same effects, and can be combined with any ingredient that shares one of these four effects. I think this alone is 15 different four-effect potions; unless I'm doing the math really wrong here, this page is way off. 00:44, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Dwarven Oil and Taproot have both positive and negative effects, hence why it's not listed under the Four-Effect Potions. Only combinations that yield four positive effects are listed in that section. --Fluff 00:48, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

Example Ingredients Rationale

For the stated example ingredients, I'm trying to show recipes with the cheapest buyable ingredients if possible. If a potion can be made with two buyable ingredients, I show that one even if it's more expensive than a three-ingredient recipe. --Fluff 17:32, 18 November 2011 (UTC)

For reference, this is the list of ingredients I suspect to be non-buyable: (edited in light of Cosmitz's experience) Berit's Ashes (which is the same as Salt Pile), Crimson Nirnroot, Human Flesh, Human Heart, and Jarrin Root. --Fluff 17:56, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
I found Wist Wrappings at the Riften alchemy shop for sure. As for the rest i also remember finding Orange Dartwing, Powedered Mammoth Tusk, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax and Beehive Husk. So i guess all have a chance of showing up at a shop, if smaller depending on the item. --Cosmitz 21:23, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
I agree. I thought I'd done enough passes through the alchemy shops, but just today I found a number of those ingredients. --Fluff 00:05, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

I'm surprised there's no mention of the "easiest" four effect potion

Dwarven Oil and Taproot have identical effects, making it the "easiest" four effect potion to create, with Fortify Magicka Regen, Restore Magicka, Fortify Illusion and Weakness to Magic. 09:51, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Sure, if you want a negative effect on your potion. Still, it's a handy potion to sell. --Fluff 14:15, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
It would be useful to have a list of potions that are specifically made to increase the skill. Giant's Toe with Wheat and any Fortify Carry item nets me, with alchemy gear (no glitch, just a 100enchanting set), almost 5000 gold for a potion. And as such, a huge skillup. -- 16:44, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

How about a section for good potions to sell?

Could be nice with a section for good sales potions to level alchemy and speechcraft and make a pretty penny. Both easy to make for good profit and rare ingredients and high returns. Found that deathbell + salt pile + (thistle branch or bone meal) gives good return. Slow is high value effect, deathbells ravage stamina has higher value and all ingredients are easy to find. Giant's Toe with Wheat and any Fortify Carry is a good sale, but Giant's Toes does not grow on trees and Fortify Carry is easiest in Creep cluster which is not that common 21:25, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

Ahh, and there we go. Found a list of potion values: Can anyone confirm that it is "perfect"?SeekerDK 21:39, 6 December 2011 (UTC) (Giant's Toe + Wheat + any Fortify Carry is much better value than any potion on the list, possibly the best (except for Jarrin root)SeekerDK 21:59, 6 December 2011 (UTC))
I've held back on adding a section like that until we understand exactly how potion value is determined. Despite what the numerous alchemy wizards you can find online indicate, it's not a simple process. That list of potion values posted by SeekerDK is not very good. You can find part of the discussion over on the Alchemy Effects talk page. Until then, you can take a look on the Alchemy Effects page; just sort by effect value and try to make potions with high value effects. --Fluff 01:24, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
List provided, is as I mentioned, incomplete. I assume that it only handles effect base values. The effect of the linked list and the list (currently) on the effects page is essentially the same, but for the task of finding high value potions the potion list is easier. My guess is that one ingredient governs each effect in both value and magnitude. fx. A give higher value and B gives higher magnitude. C with the same effect will give a higher value with A and high magnitude with B, but A+B will not give both. SeekerDK 22:23, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
There are a pair of money making potions that are not the top of the list, but are made of very common ingredients. The potions are Blue Mountain Flower, Hanging Moss and either Lavender or Bone Meal. They scope out at $422 the Skyrim Alchemy Recipes Finder, but considering that these can be made in bulk by even low level characters (and take all of an alchemy shop's money at higher level) it would be nice if someone who knew how would add those for use at lower levels. --Artagel

Discovering All 4 Effects for Every Ingredient

I've been looking for the most efficient way to discover all four of each ingredient's effects. A greedy algorithm came up with the following list. It's about 200 total ingredients at a base value of about 2300 gold. You'd only need 1-3 of everything (except Blue Dartwing; you need 4).

67 Potions
1. Bear Claws + Eye of Sabre Cat + Hanging Moss
2. Creep Cluster + Dwarven Oil + Taproot
3. Crimson Nirnroot + Nirnroot + Void Salts
4. Briar Heart + Ectoplasm + Human Flesh
5. Elves Ear + Fire Salts + Moon Sugar
6. Falmer Ear + Fly Amanita + Troll Fat
7. Frost Mirriam + Purple Mountain Flower + Silverside Perch
8. Glow Dust + Human Heart + Nightshade
9. Beehive Husk + Charred Skeever Hide + Hawk Feathers
10. Bleeding Crown + Pearl + Pine Thrush Egg
11. Blisterwort + Blue Butterfly Wing + Blue Mountain Flower
12. Blue Dartwing + Daedra Heart + Nordic Barnacle
13. Butterfly Wing + Chicken's Egg + Hagraven's Claw
14. Canis Root + Imp Stool + Rock Warbler Egg
15. Chaurus Eggs + Garlic + Luna Moth Wing
16. Creep Cluster + Mora Tapinella + Scaly Pholiota
17. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Jazbay Grapes + Salt Pile
18. Frost Salts + Ice Wraith Teeth + White Cap
19. Giant's Toe + Swamp Fungal Pod + Wheat
20. Glowing Mushroom + Hawk Beak + Wisp Wrappings
21. Grass Pod + Orange Dartwing + Slaughterfish Egg
22. Honeycomb + Slaughterfish Scales + Thistle Branch
23. Abecean Longfin + Deathbell + Small Antlers
24. Creep Cluster + Large Antlers + Torchbug Thorax
25. Giant Lichen + Red Mountain Flower + Void Salts
26. Bee + Bone Meal + Fly Amanita
27. Butterfly Wing + Charred Skeever Hide + Mudcrab Chitin
28. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Namira's Rot + Spider Egg
29. Histcarp + Honeycomb + Skeever Tail
30. Moon Sugar + Powdered Mammoth Tusk + Small Perl
31. Bee + Giant Lichen + Sabre Cat Tooth
32. Bleeding Crown + Briar Heart + Tundra Cotton
33. Blisterwort + Blue Butterfly Wing + Spriggan Sap
34. Blisterwort + Bone Meal + Hagraven Feathers
35. Chicken's Egg + Namira's Rot + Nordic Barnacle
36. Deathbell + Giant's Toe + River Betty
37. Dragon's Tongue + Hagraven Claw + Snowberries
38. Elves Ear + Juniper Berries + Vampire Dust
39. Eye of Sabre Cat + Imp Stool + Skeever Tail
40. Frost Mirriam + Frost Salts + Lavender
41. Abecean Longfin + Hawk Feathers + Small Pearl
42. Bleeding Crown + Daedra Heart + Juniper Berries
43. Blue Dartwing + Hawk Beak + Snowberries
44. Blue Mountain Flower + Glowing Mushroom + Sabre Cat Tooth
45. Grass Pod + Pearl + River Betty
46. Hagraven Claw + Lavender + Torchbug Thorax
47. Abecean Longfin + Chaurus Eggs + Ice Wraith Teeth
48. Beehive Husk + Ectoplasm + Garlic
49. Bear Claws + Canis Root + Spider Egg
50. Dragon's Tongue + Imp Stool + Mora Tapinella
51. Falmer Ear + Glow Dust + Pine Thrush Egg
52. Garlic + Histcarp + Jazbay Grapes
53. Eye of Sabre Cat + Giant Lichen + Hagraven Feathers
54. Blue Dartwing + Human Flesh + Powdered Mammoth Tusk
55. Large Antlers + Orange Dartwing + Salt Pile
56. Hawk Feathers + Luna Moth Wing + Vampire Dust
57. Red Mountain Flower + Sabre Cat Tooth + White Cap
58. Nightshade + Small Antlers
59. Beehive Husk + Deathbell + Thistle Branch
60. Dragon's Tongue + Fly Amanita + Human Heart
61. Bone Meal + Giant's Toe + Mudcrab Chitin
62. Chicken's Egg + Histcarp + Wisp Wrappings
63. Blue Dartwing + Purple Mountain Flower + Swamp Fungal Pod
64. Jazbay Grapes + Rock Warbler Egg + Silverside Perch
65. Chaurus Eggs + Slaughterfish Egg + Slaughterfish Scales
66. Grass Pod + Spriggan Sap
67. Briar Heart + Swamp Fungal Pod

-- 19:55, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

This is pretty sweet. I was going to write a similar program to generate this sort of output; I just haven't had the time. --Fluff 17:18, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

Here's a slightly shorter list. This assumes that you can get most ingredients pretty easily and eat one to discover the first effect, with exceptions made for Pearl, Small Pearl, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, and Wisp Wrappings. Crimson Nirnroot is excluded because you just mix it with a Nirnroot once you've reached that quest stage.

56 Potions

Easy - Vendor Ingredients Only

1. Creep Cluster + Dwarven Oil + Taproot
2. Elves Ear + Fire Salts + White Cap
3. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Jazbay Grapes + Salt Pile
4. Dragon's Tongue + Fly Amanita + Scaly Pholiota
5. Slaughterfish Egg + Slaughterfish Scales + Thistle Branch
6. Abecean Longfin + Bleeding Crown + Ice Wraith Teeth
7. Bee + Giant Lichen + Mora Tapinella
8. Bleeding Crown + Tundra Cotton + Void Salts
9. Blisterwort + Blue Mountain Flower + Hagraven Feathers
10. Blue Butterfly Wing + Bone Meal + Snowberries
11. Daedra Heart + Giant's Toe + Wheat
12. Falmer Ear + Fly Amanita + Troll Fat
13. Juniper Berries + Moon Sugar + Vampire Dust
14. Canis Root + Falmer Ear + Spider Egg
15. Chaurus Eggs + Lavender + Nirnroot
16. Blisterwort + Hagraven Claw + Spriggan Sap
17. Butterfly Wing + Hagraven Claw + Wheat
18. Giant's Toe + River Betty + Salt Pile
19. Bone Meal + Deathbell + Giant Lichen
20. Canis Root + Imp Stool + Mora Tapinella
21. Daedra Heart + Rock Warbler Egg + Scaly Pholiota
22. Hagraven Claw + Lavender + White Cap
23. Histcarp + Nordic Barnacle + Red Mountain Flower
24. Ice Wraith Teeth + Luna Moth Wing + Vampire Dust
25. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Daedra Heart + Nirnroot
26. Dwarven Oil + Garlic + Slaughterfish Egg
27. Canis Root + Juniper Berries + Rock Warbler Egg
28. Beehive Husk + Ectoplasm
29. Falmer Ear + Namira's Rot

Medium - Some Hunting Required

30. Charred Skeever Hide + Eye of Sabre Cat + Mudcrab Chitin
31. Glowing Mushroom + Pine Thrush Egg + Sabre Cat Tooth
32. Blue Dartwing + Imp Stool + Swamp Fungal Pod
33. Frost Mirriam + Orange Dartwing + Purple Mountain Flower
34. Honeycomb + Silverside Perch + Skeever Tail
35. Beehive Husk + Canis Root + Hawk Feathers
36. Beehive Husk + Grass Pod + Red Mountain Flower
37. Chaurus Eggs + Deathbell + Large Antlers
38. Blue Dartwing + Namira's Rot + Nordic Barnacle
39. Blue Mountain Flower + Glow Dust + Glowing Mushroom
40. Abecean Longfin + Butterfly Wing + Small Antlers
41. Chicken's Egg + Histcarp + Large Antlers
42. Beehive Husk + Garlic + Luna Moth Wing
43. Eye of Sabre Cat + Moon Sugar + Sivlerside Perch
44. Honeycomb + Pearl + Thistle Branch
45. Hawk Beak + Mudcrab Chitin + Snowberries
46. Orange Dartwing + Slaughterfish Scales + Small Pearl

Hard - Possible Effort Required

47. Bear Claws + Small Pearl + Hanging Moss
48. Frost Salts + Hawk Beak + Pearl
49. Briar Heart + Ectoplasm + Human Flesh
50. Chicken's Egg + Nightshade + Wisp Wrappings
51. Creep Cluster + Torchbug Thorax + Wisp Wrappings
52. Abecean Longfin + Bee + Powdered Mammoth Tusk
53. Cyrodilic Spadetail + Frost Salts + Powdered Mammoth Tusk
54. Hagraven Feathers + Human Heart + Void Salts
55. Human Flesh + Purple Mountain Flower + Torchbug Thorax
56. Human Heart + River Betty + Spriggan Sap

Is Useful Potions a good place for this sort of information? --Samiamthelaw 18:32, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

Divines bless your kind heart, guys!!! <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much for this wonderful information, oh if only I would have seen it before :') but doesn't matter, it's still amazing and i love you all!! and yes, I vote for this information to be in the useful potions main page (that would have helped me a lot, but I'm still new and learning how to navigate here XP). Audrey Gally talk 07:07, 28 October 2012 (GMT)
I have copied the 56 Potion list to the Alchemy page. Nice work, on these. --JR (talk) 17:37, 3 November 2012 (GMT)

Practical Alchemy

Healing potion: the alchemist in whiterun almost always has at least 4 of blisterwort and wheat which make a restore health potion. Better yet, if you have collected blue mountain flower (one of the most common things to harvest in the game), you can produce 8 healing potions per trip to town more often than not.

Chorus eggs are found in bulk. I had over 100 the last time I sacked a ruin. Any other ingredient that has invisibility should be saved/stockpiled to use with these, perhaps, if making money or leveling rapidly is a goal.

While fortify 2h is not found on many different things, it is not "rare" ... dragons tongue is very common, as is fly amaita, so the effect is easy to get, and the extra resist fire is fine by me. Compare this to the other "rare" effects, those both use ingredients that are much harder to find in large quantities.

I guess I would like to see more focus on the practical (making use of the 6-10 ingredients that can be found in the hundreds) than so much focus on how to make exotic brews from the ingredients that can only be found in ones and tens. 14:57, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

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