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Tamriel Rebuilt:Alana Crenset

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Merchants
It has been proposed that Tamriel Rebuilt:Alana Crenset be renamed and moved to Tamriel Rebuilt:Miaren Drothan.
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Miaren Drothan (TR_m1_Miaren_Drothan)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Llothanis [33, 10]
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 7 Class Pawnbroker
Gold 150 Mercantile Journeyman (44)
Other Information
Health 66 Magicka 120
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Miaren Drothan

Miaren Drothan is a Dark Elf pawnbroker located in the outdoor market in Llothanis.

She wears a common shirt, a common skirt, a netch leather helm, and a pair of netch leather boots. She carries 20 gold and a goblet.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Chitin Arrow -500
random_iron_weapon -3
random_loot_special_marksman 30
Netch Leather Boots 1
Netch Leather Helm 1
random_armor_iron -2
random_armor_netch_leather -3
random_armor_steel -1
Common Shirt 1
Common Skirt 1
random_de_pants -3
random_de_shirt -3
random_de_shoes_common -4
Bargain Disease Resistance -3
Bargain Potion of Light 1
Bargain Restore Fatigue -2
Bargain Restore Health -2
Cheap Restore Health 3
Quality Potion of Swift Swim 1
Quality Restore Fatigue 1
Quality Restore Health 1
Potion of Cure Common Disease -2
Potion of Cure Paralyzation -1
Potion of Cure Poison -1
Potion of Water Breathing 3
Potion of Water Walking 2
Spoiled Cure Disease Potion 2
Standard Disease Resistance -3
Standard Fortify Fatigue Potion 1
Standard Fortify Health Potion 1
Standard Fortify Magicka Potion 1
Standard Lightning Shield 1
Standard Poison Resistance -3
Standard Potion of Fire Shield 1
Standard Potion of Invisibility 1
Standard Potion of Night-Eye -3
Standard Potion of Reflection 2
Standard Potion of Restore Luck 1
Standard Restore Agility 1
Item Qty
Potions (Cont.)
Standard Restore Endurance 1
Standard Restore Fatigue -3
Standard Restore Intelligence 1
Standard Restore Magicka Potion 1
Standard Restore Personality 1
Standard Restore Speed 1
Standard Restore Strength 1
Standard Restore Willpower 1
Standard Rising Force Potion 1
l_m_potion_h 12
random_potion_bad 3
Ash Salts 1
Black Anther 1
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 4
random_ingredient 7
T_Mw_Random_CheapfoodDunmerM1/2 4
T_Mw_Random_Ingredient 45
Glass Lantern 1
Torch -3
Basket 2
Bowl 3
Clay Pot 1
Cup 1
Folded Cloth 2
Goblet 1
Large Redware Bowl 2
Redware Bowl 1
Tankard 1
Yellow Glass 1
random_com_kitchenware -4
random_de_pos_01_nc 6
random_loot_special 1
Apprentice's Alembic 1
Apprentice's Calcinator 1
Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle 1
Journeyman's Calcinator 1
Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle 1