The Nebet Peninsula is the promontory east of Llothanis and Nebet Bay. It lies between the Ouadavohr area of Sunad Mora and the Sea of Ghosts, and is part of the mainland closest to Vahn Isle - the largest of the Telvanni Isles.
- Adadpaliki — A den of vampires dedicated to Molag Bal.
- Astius Claenia's Hideout — A cave hidden in the Sunad Mora northeast of Llothanis.
- Maelasi Cavern — A small cave high in Sunad Mora on the coast of the Sea of Ghosts.
- Mansutarmus — A conjurer's cavern abode in Sunad Mora.
- Relvenim Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in Sunad Mora containing undead.