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Tamriel Rebuilt:Rarasare Rindo

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Rarasare Rindo (TR_m1_Rarasare_Rindo)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
Location Rarasare Rindo's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 63 Magicka 88
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Rarasare Rindo

Rarasare Rindo is a Dark Elf commoner who can be found in her house in Gah Sadrith. She is the descendant of a bygone Ashlander tribe, specifically a wise woman. Apparently, before her disappearance, Melie visited her with questions about Ashlanders.

She wears a common robe, a pair of common pants, a Feather Belt, and an Amulet of Mark.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

In her house on the second floor, there are 5 Cruel Flamestars and a Fine Black Dart on the bookshelf next to Rarasare. There are 3 diamonds nestled in the roots hanging over the first floor, which can only be seen by jumping or levitating on top of the balcony railing right next to hammock.

Related QuestsEdit



  • Background:
"I am %Name. My full background remains hidden, even from me. I cannot see deep enough into the past to understand all that I am."
  • Gah Sadrith:
"This is a place my family have lived in for generations. I do not remember which of my ancestors moved here, or from where, but I do not pine for stars over my head or the singing winds of the ashlands."
  • latest rumors:
"Rumors are just covers for ignorance. And yet, they may contain a grain of truth as well."
  • little secret:
"I know many secrets, and perhaps I will reveal them to you once the time comes."
"As wise and benevolent as she may have been before, becoming a Telvanni master spoils one's soul with delusions of importance and bestows an arrogant dismay towards other people. Such a sorry state of being."
  • my trade:
"I am an Ashlander wisewoman. Yes, you might well ask what an Ashlander is doing in a housepod in a Telvanni wizard settlement. Well, I can tell you I have to do nothing with Ashlanders anymore as my tribe died out centuries ago. Their wisewoman, my great ancestor, survived, however, and to keep the tradition she taught all she knew to her daughter. And so her skill has been passed on through the generations. I am just the last link of this chain of wisdom, which leads deep behind the horizon of the past."

Fiancee LostEdit

  • Melie:
"I saw her on the first day she came here, a few days before that unfortunate night when she disappeared. She asked me a lot about duties and ways of an Ashlander wise woman. I couldn't tell her much. My tribe has been gone for a long time now, and dwells among the ancestors."