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Seris Athyon (TR_m2_Seris Athyon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Tel Mothrivra
Store Seris Athyon: Magic Supplies
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 9 Class Enchanter Service
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker, Enchanting Enchanter
Gold 1100 Mercantile Novice (6)
Other Information
Health 68 Magicka 144
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Seris Athyon

Seris Athyon is a Dark Elf enchantress residing in her shop in Tel Mothrivra. She has a selection of everything magic related, and offers spellmaking services as well. She can provide a cure potion for Hlavesa Llenim's sick guar.

She wears a common shirt, a common skirt, a pair of common shoes, a Ring of Restore Constitution, a Ring of Restore Sorcery, and an Amulet of Silence. She wields a Wooden Staff of Shaming, and carries a fair amount of the wares she keeps stocked for her shop.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Absorb Health (Ranged), Almsivi Intervention, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Divine Intervention, and Temple Song.

Related QuestsEdit

East Empire CompanyEdit


  • local shops:
"Llothis Dralor sells some restoration potions and has a shrine where you can be cured of poisons or afflictions. Gadave Sethan sells food and rent beds at The Glass Goblet, but he has a tribunal shrine too."
  • Services:
"Llothis Dralor has a Tribunal shrine where you can be cured. Gadave Sethan sells food and rents beds at The Glass Goblet, and he has a Tribunal shrine too."
  • someone in particular:
"Lord Dralothas Omothran is the patron of this town and lives in the old monastery. Llothis Dralor, a retired priest, offers some healing services. Gadave Sethan offers beds, booze and food in The Glass Goblet. Kammus Uvayn is the inhabitant of the southern Telvanni tower, and the apprentice of Lord Dralothas Omothran."

East Empire Company: Business as UsualEdit

  • Greetings:
"Welcome, %PCRace. What could I help you with? A potion for a sick guar, you say?"

If you convinced her that Hlavesa Llenim would give her a discount on his wares for the cure potion:

"You liar! Hlavesa never knew anything about a discount! I should never have believed you! And to think I gave you that potion for free!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 75)
  • potion for a sick guar:
"I do have that item."
  • I would like one for Hlavesa Llenim's guar.: "You're working for that slanderer? I don't know how he talks to you, but he disrespected both me and my business! Cheapskate, indeed! I'm a hardworking woman who treats her customers with respect, and I've got far too much pride to serve anyone who talks to me like that. I'd say that man was raised by guar -- though I fear that might be unfair to the beasts."
  • It's holding up my delivery.: "I see. I can certainly understand the pressure of trying to make a living in this world. My grudge is with Hlavesa, not you. I'll give you a slight discount on the potion: 15 gold, instead of 22." (Disposition up by 12)
  • Thank you.: "Wonderful. I'm glad we can put this behind us. Though I still find it odd that Hlavesa felt he needed you as an intermediary. But people can be shy about admitting fault." (Removed 15 gold from your inventory, and you receive a Potion of Cure Common Disease)
If you don't have the gold:
"I'm afraid you don't even have enough for the discounted rate. You can't expect me to just give these away."
"Do you have enough gold now? 15 gold, please."
  • Yes.: (See 'Wonderful. I'm glad...' reponse above)
  • Nevermind.: "Look around at your pleasure."
  • [Lie] To make it up to you, Hlavesa Llenim will give you a discount on all of his wares.: "That is remarkably generous of Sera Llenim! Perhaps I misjudged him. You know what? I'll give you a potion, free of charge. Just make sure it gets to that guar in time." (You receive a Potion of Cure Common Disease)
  • Nevermind.: "Right. Don't bother wasting your time on that ruffian. I certainly won't."
  • I'm just browsing.: "Look around at your pleasure."
"That matter is behind us now."


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Cruel Flamestar 3
Steel Flameblade 1
Steel Flameslayer 1
Steel Shardscythe 1
Wooden Staff of Shaming 1
random_iron_weapon 1
random_loot_special_marksman 20
Boots of the Crabwalker 1
Chest of Fire 1
Shield of Light 1
Amulet of Light 1
Amulet of Mighty Blows 1
Amulet of Silence 1
Bonebiter Charm 1
Chameleon Ring 1
Common Shirt 1
Common Skirt 1
Common Shoes 2
First Barrier Belt 1
Frostguard Robe 1
Heartbite Ring 1
Hoptoad Ring 1
Poisonguard Robe 1
Ring of Fleabite 1
Ring of Poisonblooms 1
Ring of Restore Constitution 1
Ring of Restore Sorcery 1
Ring of Tears 1
Ring of Transfiguring Wisdom 1
random_common_de_fclothes_01 3
Bargain Fortify Agility 1
Bargain Potion of Feather 1
Bargain Potion of Reflection 1
Bargain Restore Speed 1
Bargain Rising Force Potion 1
Item Qty
Potions (Cont.)
Cheap Fortify Willpower 1
Cheap Potion of Burden 1
Cheap Potion of Fortify Health 1
Potion of Cure Common Disease -2
Standard Lightning Shield 1
Emeralds 1
paper -4
Scroll of Elemental Burst:Fire -1
Scroll of Elemental Burst:Frost -1
Scroll of Elemental Burst:Shock -1
Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder -3
Scroll of Insight -1
Scroll of Invisibility 1
Scroll of Mageweal -2
Scroll of Mark 1
Scroll of The Argent Glow -2
Scroll of The Blood Thief 1
Scroll of The First Barrier -1
Scroll of The Gambler's Prayer 1
Scroll of The Third Barrier 1, -2
Scroll of Uth's Hand of Heaven -1
random_book_imperial_dunmer 1
random_scroll_all 5
Common Soul Gem -4
Inkwell -2
Lesser Soul Gem -3
Petty Soul Gem -4
Quill Pen -2
random_de_pos_01 6
random_loot_special 2
Apprentice's Alembic 1
Apprentice's Calcinator 1
Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle 1
Apprentice's Retort 1