This template creates an infobox for use on all NPC pages. It includes the appropriate bread crumb trails and categories. It can be used on all Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim pages.
The main template handles information common to all games, as well as the categories and trail. A variety of subtables (generated by subtemplates) handle game-specific information. An infobox can have up to four subtables:
- Header: extra information added to the first row of the table (containing the NPC name)
- Main: extra table rows added at the end of the "main" section of the table, i.e., after the NPC's race, gender, level, and class. In particular, this is where the IDs are typically done (since Morrowind IDs are different from Oblivion and Skyrim IDs)
- Services: extra table rows added near the start of the "Services" section of the table; used for services that are only offered in certain games. In addition to those listed below, there is also a User Services page as a kludge for users who had passed non-standard text to older versions of this template. To force this to be used, override ns_base back to userspace with
. - Other: extra table rows added near the end of the table; used for all other game-specific information.
(Check the list of subpages to verify that this list is up to date.)
Parameter | Scope | Description |
titlename | optional | NPC's name as displayed at the top of the infobox. Generally not needed; will default to use PAGENAME. Only needed when pagename contains extra information (i.e., disambiguation). |
notrail | optional | If set to "yes", the breadcrumb trail normally created by the template is suppressed (for cases where multiple templates are used on one page or when used for a generic NPC. |
width | optional | Width to use for the table. Default value is 33%. This parameter only needs to be set in cases when the default value needs to be altered, for example when putting the infobox inside a table for better layout. |
pron | optional | Pronunciation of NPC's name. |
mod | see note | Name of mod/DLC/addon that adds NPC (if not in baseline version of game). |
image | required | The name of an image file for this NPC, just the file name. If this parameter is missing, a NeedsImage banner will automatically be added to the quest article. In cases where an image is truly never needed, set image to "none". |
imgdesc | see note | Description of image (only needed if image is provided). |
lorepage | optional | Will default to linking to a lore page of the same name if one exists. Can be specified to link elsewhere, or can be set to blank or "none" to remove the link. |
essential | optional | Is NPC essential? Always, until a certain quest is complete, or sometimes. Should not be used if the NPC is never essential. |
protected | optional | Is NPC protected? Yes, or a description under which conditions. Should not be used if the NPC is never protected. |
respawn | optional | Does NPC respawn? Yes or blank. |
follower | optional | Is NPC a follower? Provide follower=yes if the NPC is a standard follower; otherwise, provide link to relevant quests/circumstances during which follower accompanies you. |
permacorpse | optional | Does NPC leave a corpse around permanently if they're killed? Yes or blank. |
voicetype | optional | Voice type of the NPC. |
nocat | optional | Override most categorization (trail and improper image categories are still included). |
nosave | optional | If specified, the NPC information will not be saved. This is most useful on pages with multiple summaries where the information conflicts but one NPC Summary is considered the primary one to use. |
city | optional | NPC's "Home City" (formatted as a link to appropriate page). |
town | optional | NPC's "Home Town" (formatted as a link to appropriate page), if NPC lives in a town instead of a city. |
stronghold | optional | NPC's "Stronghold" (formatted as a link to appropriate page), if NPC lives in a stronghold instead of a city. |
store | optional | Name of the "Store" store where this NPC is a merchant (if a merchant). |
house | optional | Name of the "House" where this NPC lives (if not a merchant). |
loc | optional | "Location" where NPC can be found (if NPC does not live in a city/town/stronghold or in a house/store). N.B. generally an NPC will have city+store, city+house, or just loc set. All four of city, store, house and loc are not intended to be used together, but they are provided as options so that an appropriate place-related box can be created for any NPC (delete the irrelevant ones). |
race | see note | Race. If racecat is not provided Race should be a plain word, i.e., not a link. If racecat is provided, race can be a plain word or a link to the appropriate race page. |
racecat | optional | Race to be used for page's category: not as a link, singular. Generally not needed: will default to use race. Only needed when NPC is a non-standard race that does not have a category. |
gender | required | Male or Female. For Skyrim, use Radiant if either gender is possible. |
level | required | NPC's level. |
leveled | optional | Treat NPC as leveled (any non-blank value) or not (passed, but blank). Defaults to treating NPC as leveled if level contains the letters "PC". |
class | required | NPC's class. |
health | required | NPC's health. |
magicka | required | NPC's magicka. |
faction | optional | Factions to which NPC belongs, and their rank in the faction, if it is known. Preferably, this should use the {{Faction}} template, which has a parameter for giving and displaying faction rank title, e.g. |faction={{Faction|Dark Brotherhood|7}} . |
spell | optional | Icons summarizing spells sold by NPC. |
repair | optional | For NPCs who provide repair services, provide repair=yes . |
train | optional | Training provided by NPC. Format it like <skill trained>, <training level> (ex: Alteration, Master ). |
merc | optional | Mercantile skill of NPC (only needed for merchants). |
gold | optional | Merchants' gold (only needed for merchants). |
goldnote | optional | Note to display in parentheses after gold value. |
sells | optional | List of items sold by merchant. |
buys | optional | List of types of items bought by merchant, corresponding to CS categories. |
rent | optional | Price to rent a bed (only needed for publicans). |
other | optional | Other services provided by NPC (optional) (most other services are covered by one of the above parameters. This should only be used for unique special cases). |
id | required | NPC's editor ID. This parameter may be omitted if the ID is the same as the titlename or PAGENAME, but in lower-case. |
spellmaker | optional | For NPCs who provide spell-making services, provide spellmaker=yes . |
enchanter | optional | For NPCs who provide enchanting services, provide enchanter=yes . |
transport | optional | Transportation provided by NPC (optional, should be one of "Silt Strider", "Boat", "Gondola", or "Guild Guide"). |
dest | required* | Destinations to which NPC provides transportation (required if transport parameter is set, should be a formatted list of the destinations). |
alarm | optional | NPC's alarm level for Morrowind NPCs (optional if fight also omitted). |
fight | optional | NPC's fight level for Morrowind NPCs (optional if alarm also omitted). |
refid | required | NPC's reference FormID in Oblivion. |
baseid | required | NPC's base FormID in Oblivion. |
avail | optional | Times/days when available for services. |
recharge | optional | For NPCs who provide recharging services, provide recharge=yes . |
horse | optional | Horses sold by NPC. |
resp | optional | NPC's responsibility for Oblivion NPCs (optional if aggress also omitted). |
aggress | optional | NPC's aggression for Oblivion NPCs (optional if resp also omitted). |
refid | optional | NPC's reference FormID in Skyrim. |
baseid | optional | NPC's base FormID in Skyrim. |
avail | optional | Times/days when available for services. |
goldinv | optional | Additional gold available after investing in store. |
goldmt | optional | Additional gold available through Master Trader perk. |
horse | optional | Horses sold by NPC. |
class_details | optional | This is the class name as it appears to the game engine, which is more specific than the general class. |
marry | optional | For NPCs whom you can marry, provide marry=yes . |
steward | optional | For NPCs who can become your personal steward, provide steward=yes . |
perks | optional | Perks known to this NPC. |
skills | optional | The primary skills of this NPC. |
stamina | optional | NPC's stamina. |
aggress | optional | NPC's aggression (optional if moral also omitted). |
moral | optional | NPC's morality (optional if aggress also omitted). |
adopt | optional | Whether or not the NPC can be adopted. Cannot be used simultaneously with marry , understandably. |
child | optional | Provide child=1 if NPC is a child; adds information to the "Race Details" row. |
undead | optional | Provide undead=1 if NPC is undead; adds information to the "Race Details" row. |
vampire | optional | Provide vampire=1 if NPC is a vampire; adds information to the "Race Details" row. |
{{NPC Summary |refid=0002D06A |baseid=0002CD1E |city=[[Oblivion:Anvil|Anvil]] |loc=[[Oblivion:Anvil Mages Guild|Anvil Mages Guild]] |race=Altmer |gender=Female |class=Spellsword |level=20 |avail=7am-9pm every day |train=Illusion, Advanced |health=147 |magicka=252 |resp=50 |aggress=5 |essential=Always |faction={{Faction|Mages Guild|Wizard}}; {{Faction|Anvil Citizen}} |image=OB-npc-Carahil.jpg |imgdesc=Carahil behind her desk in the [[Oblivion:Anvil|Anvil]] Mages Guild }}
Doc (RefID: 0002D06A) |
Home City | Anvil | ||
Location | Anvil Mages Guild | ||
Race | Altmer | Gender | Female |
Level | 20 | Class | Spellsword |
RefID | 0002D06A | BaseID | 0002CD1E |
Services | |||
Available | 7am-9pm every day | ||
Training | Illusion, Advanced | ||
Other Information | |||
Health | 147 | Magicka | 252 |
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Always | ||
Faction(s) | Mages Guild (Wizard); Anvil Citizen |
Carahil behind her desk in the Anvil Mages Guild