Meet Minor Edits, a Wiki contributor and Patroller! To learn even more about them, visit their userpage.

What's your role around UESP?
- Typo-fixing, patrolling, and generally fleshing out articles, mostly in the lore section. I offer my unsolicited opinion to people who don't want it or like it. Your shirt makes me sad.
How long have you been involved?
- About three years of editing, though I've been using UESP since Morrowind.
What's your favorite part of the site?
- The dedication members exhibit for such a highly pointless endeavor.
Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?
- God, that's hard. I have to say that I've enjoyed my Skyrim gameplay experience the most, but Morrowind had the best lore.
- The Dark Brotherhood always has the best quests. I have my philosophical disagreements with them, but I'll sacrifice my character's virtue for my own enjoyment any day.
- The Greybeards can change the world with a burp. 'Nuff said.
You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?
- The Sithis-shaped hole of the world, of course.
Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.
- The uncultivated land of monsters is the rule.
Tell us one thing that you've learned while being a member of UESP.
- Learning and contributing to the UESP are often mutually exclusive.
What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?
- Sorry for the inconvenience.